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3 minutes ago, Francie, said:

Haha I'm having a bit of craic on here an as I said I have my belief an faith,that's my choice,you choose whatever you want mate,is you want to beleive billions of years ago,nothing exploded an here we are,that's fine by me that's your faith.

If you haven't learned by now that you can't convince no one  but yourself,then I don't know,phone fry up ask him lol

Good for you, but I question what is your faith and what it brings you that you couldn't fathom or do yourself, it's all about your own mentality IMO.

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The king James is  written in Old English the newer versions are wrote in current English,if you put each bible side by side an checked each verse they'd be the same only in different English's,iv no

I think it’s worth saying that (imho) there is a massive difference between a belief/faith in something more & organised religion (a club). Let’s not forget that long before the written word

The Bible is basically all common sense, don’t kill people, don’t be a f***ing arsehole in word, deed, thought. Give a small (small !!) proportion of what you are lucky enough to have to help out

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2 minutes ago, Goly said:

That says it all, having blind faith in god is no different in having faith that Bigfoot is alive, that Elvis didn't die, that Ireland will win the next World Cup. Lol

It's not blind faith its faith,I have my reasons,an I also beleive in creation.

You also have faith in ah nothing,nothing exploded an here we are,so there you go,be happy in your belief.🙂


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4 minutes ago, Goly said:

Good for you, but I question what is your faith and what it brings you that you couldn't fathom or do yourself, it's all about your own mentality IMO.

Lol everyone has faith in something no matter what they say,you have faith in nothing exploding an I have faith in jesus,I'm away a dander with the dog.

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3 minutes ago, Francie, said:

It's not blind faith its faith,I have my reasons,an I also beleive in creation.

You also have faith in ah nothing,nothing exploded an here we are,so there you go,be happy in your belief.🙂


Creationism is based on faith and the interpretation of unknown men while the Big Bang theory relies on observational and experimental evidence.

One conflicts with the fossil record, geological records, and cosmological observations and the other conflicts with the writings of strange man who wrote some scriptures decades & centuries after Jesus died.

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@Goly if your serious mate and not trying to get a bite pm me where your about all get my pastor to recommend another in your area go meet with them read the bible with them have a discussion with someone with greater knowledge than you that’s how you learn …. Do a Exploring Christianity course or Alpha some other good books are Mere Christianity or God meant it for Good R.T Kenndall 

If you open your mind and are willing to dip your toe in a little see how much your life changes in the course of a year 

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5 minutes ago, saluki bouy said:

@Goly if your serious mate and not trying to get a bite pm me where your about all get my pastor to recommend another in your area go meet with them read the bible with them have a discussion with someone with greater knowledge than you that’s how you learn …. Do a Exploring Christianity course or Alpha some other good books are Mere Christianity or God meant it for Good R.T Kenndall 

If you open your mind and are willing to dip your toe in a little see how much your life changes in the course of a year 

I'm not after a bite mate, I have been reading it with an open mind but I can't help find the Bible to be full of contradictions, it's hard to take seriously. How can God be so vengeful in the Old Testament and flip 180 in the New Testament?

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18 minutes ago, Goly said:

I'm not after a bite mate, I have been reading it with an open mind but I can't help find the Bible to be full of contradictions, it's hard to take seriously. How can God be so vengeful in the Old Testament and flip 180 in the New Testament?

Same way most parents are hard on you then are super soft and loving and spoil your grandkids I guess.


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7 minutes ago, Wolfdog91 said:

Same way most parents are hard on you then are super soft and loving and spoil your grandkids I guess.


But we are talking about God here, not flawed humans, I don't know mate, I think it's full of contradictions and I'm finding it hard to embrace it.

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Honestly why it's so hard for science and Christianity to mix for some is beyond me. Honestly didn't take too much to connect some dots. Think it boils down to a lot of people need definites and stuff spelled out . And if it doesn't make sense ina very simple manner ...or doesn't sound ... whatever then it's discarded.

If you get to deep diving a lot of stuff things in the geological records and the Bible get interesting. Same with various vocabulary and what not.  Age of solon great folding geological caps ect.

 About the only person I've seen who takes both science and religion and like ....not sure what the right words would but....not compare....anyhow is Randal Carlson. But the guys information is like 2hr long explanations so.... Where he goes through a lot of really really scientific stuff ,then breaks down the Greeks and Romans , then the geological records from various places around the world ect. And let's be honest if you can explain something in a paragraph or less now days most people don't have the brain powder to try and understand or pay attention...



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5 minutes ago, Goly said:

But we are talking about God here, not flawed humans, I don't know mate, I think it's full of contradictions and I'm finding it hard to embrace it.

Ok best way I heard the old testament kinda described...at least the part with the Jews was it's was kinda a big ass lesson is learning when to just shut the f**k up and look at what you have and what it can be vs what you had and where comfortable with.

God and Moses did all this shit to get them outta slavery Right. Plagues , rivers turning red with bloods parting the sea yadda yadda. After all that shit these lil ass HATES start winning and bitching wanting to go back to there old masters basically and they start worshiping false gods of the rip again.. So God like a old school parent goes...ok cool think it sucks THAT BAD don't worry I gotcha. So now they f**k off in the desert for however long till they get their shit right. Moral of the story...of f***ing thankful because shit can always be a lot worse.

And here's the thing due to how the Bible has been rewritten and tweaked so much yeah it's kinda full of contradictory stuff especially if you look at it from a pretty simplic mindset. But I feel it can make more sense when ya look at it like hay the all knowing thing that created everything.....is probably working on a level that don't make any sense to me as just a person soooo.  It like a 5yr vs there 34yr parent I guess ....

Now not saying just believe whatever without thinking because "ITS THE BIBLE THE BIBLE IS RIGHT" because I felt hats retarded....but idk feel trying to look at it from the view of it should completely and totally make sense right off the bat is....not the right way to look at it...... Anyway I'm just babbling at this point 


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Side note ....never understood how people could just read the whole Bible.... could never . I just think or something look into what the Bible might say about whatever and go from there 

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8 minutes ago, Wolfdog91 said:

Ok best way I heard the old testament kinda described...at least the part with the Jews was it's was kinda a big ass lesson is learning when to just shut the f**k up and look at what you have and what it can be vs what you had and where comfortable with.

God and Moses did all this shit to get them outta slavery Right. Plagues , rivers turning red with bloods parting the sea yadda yadda. After all that shit these lil ass HATES start winning and bitching wanting to go back to there old masters basically and they start worshiping false gods of the rip again.. So God like a old school parent goes...ok cool think it sucks THAT BAD don't worry I gotcha. So now they f**k off in the desert for however long till they get their shit right. Moral of the story...of f***ing thankful because shit can always be a lot worse.

And here's the thing due to how the Bible has been rewritten and tweaked so much yeah it's kinda full of contradictory stuff especially if you look at it from a pretty simplic mindset. But I feel it can make more sense when ya look at it like hay the all knowing thing that created everything.....is probably working on a level that don't make any sense to me as just a person soooo.  It like a 5yr vs there 34yr parent I guess ....

Now not saying just believe whatever without thinking because "ITS THE BIBLE THE BIBLE IS RIGHT" because I felt hats retarded....but idk feel trying to look at it from the view of it should completely and totally make sense right off the bat is....not the right way to look at it...... Anyway I'm just babbling at this point 


Sounds all a bit patronising to me, I mean if God is this all-knowing being, shouldn't he have chosen a better way to communicate than smiting people? A good parent explains and gives guidance and doesn't just dish out punishment and says, you'll thank me later. It hardly feels like the work of the devine and more like a power trip, obey me or suffer.

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15 minutes ago, Wolfdog91 said:


God and Moses did all this shit to get them outta slavery Right. Plagues , rivers turning red with bloods parting the sea yadda yadda. After all that shit these lil ass HATES start winning and bitching wanting to go back to there old masters basically and they start worshiping false gods of the rip again.. So God like an old school parent goes...ok cool think it sucks THAT BAD don't worry I gotcha. So now they f**k off in the desert for however long till they get their shit right. Moral of the story...of f***ing thankful because shit can always be a lot worse.



A valid description of the situation we discuss every single day on here…..who here could read that and not find parallels with modern Britain/Europe/the world ?

We say it every single day ! 
And, you will find it’s the case with every major historical social upheaval more or less…..

Good post 

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7 minutes ago, Goly said:

Sounds all a bit patronising to me, I mean if God is this all-knowing being, shouldn't he have chosen a better way to communicate than smiting people? A good parent explains and gives guidance and doesn't just dish out punishment and says, you'll thank me later. It hardly feels like the work of the devine and more like a power trip, obey me or suffer.

So what you want is for some unknown infinite being to wave a wand and make everything hunky dory without you having to do a thing? You just get to do what you always do ?……and then we expand that out to humanity….hows that work ?

They can just crack on and some “entity” comes along behind and just keeps cleaning up their shit in order to prove to folks who don’t give a shit its own existence? 

“God don’t exist because something terrible happened…..something terrible that all humanity’s stupid little micro decisions lead up to as they ploughed through life heedless of anything except what benefitted them…but it’s “Gods” fault “ ! 


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