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  On 19/01/2025 at 18:09, scotty12 said:


You've answered your own question lol 

they jabs knocked away  the last of your common sense 


Care to explain lugs? It's puddings like you who try to sell the cancer cure after reading bollocks on TikTok or wherever you get your secret info from. The real doctors don't claim to have the cure for cancer, because there currently isn't one.

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The king James is  written in Old English the newer versions are wrote in current English,if you put each bible side by side an checked each verse they'd be the same only in different English's,iv no

I think it’s worth saying that (imho) there is a massive difference between a belief/faith in something more & organised religion (a club). Let’s not forget that long before the written word

The Bible is basically all common sense, don’t kill people, don’t be a f***ing arsehole in word, deed, thought. Give a small (small !!) proportion of what you are lucky enough to have to help out

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  On 19/01/2025 at 18:05, Goly said:

Talk is very cheap on the web, it would be very interesting to see how many people would shun the advice of medical experts and refuse their treatments if they did become seriously ill.


At the end of the day the doctors are doing what they were taught an if they advise outside of that there struck off.

It's the men that control the joint iv a problem with,most things from the doctors do nothing but treat symptoms,not the root cause,its all about profit.

We've no other choice but to go to doctors but iv tried other things too an they've worked.

Alot have definitely cured themselves from cancer,but you won't beleive it so that's my last on the subject mate

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  On 19/01/2025 at 18:14, Goly said:

Care to explain lugs? It's puddings like you who try to sell the cancer cure after reading bollocks on TikTok or wherever you get your secret info from. The real doctors don't claim to have the cure for cancer, because there currently isn't one.


Just worm yourself pal it's not rocket science 



how many jabs did you get again Greb ? 

Edited by scotty12
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  On 19/01/2025 at 18:14, Francie, said:

At the end of the day the doctors are doing what they were taught an if they advise outside of that there struck off.

It's the men that control the joint iv a problem with,most things from the doctors do nothing but treat symptoms,not the root cause,its all about profit.

We've no other choice but to go to doctors but iv tried other things too an they've worked.

Alot have definitely cured themselves from cancer,but you won't beleive it so that's my last on the subject mate


Do you think doctors are just brain-dead robots following a a script? Let's ignore the fact that have spent years training and base their practice on solid, up-to-date science, backed by evidence. You are talking as though they don't think outside the box, utter drivel.

So now it's all a big conspiracy and the doctors on the ground are all in on it? 

If only It was that simple, I mean tens of millions of us should be treated for something they don't know they have yet,  how do you suggest they do that? You can't blame poor lifestyle choices on doctors.

Where's all these thousands and millions that are curing themselves, show me.

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  On 19/01/2025 at 18:25, Goly said:

Do you think doctors are just brain-dead robots following a a script? Let's ignore the fact that have spent years training and base their practice on solid, up-to-date science, backed by evidence. You are talking as though they don't think outside the box, utter drivel.

So now it's all a big conspiracy and the doctors on the ground are all in on it? 

If only It was that simple, I mean tens of millions of us should be treated for something they don't know they have yet,  how do you suggest they do that? You can't blame poor lifestyle choices on doctors.

Where's all these thousands and millions that are curing themselves, show me.


Not once did I say doctors are in on a conspiracy,I said they only doing what there taught its not there fault,an it's a known fact if they recommend anything that's not on there list there sacked,an that was well proved with covid

But here just to wet your whistle,youl probably call him a liar but here it is anyway


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  On 19/01/2025 at 18:28, Francie, said:

Not once did I say doctors are in on a conspiracy,I said they only doing what there taught its not there fault,an it's a known fact if they recommend anything that's not on there list there sacked,an that was well proved with covid

But here just to wet your whistle,youl probably call him a liar but here it is anyway



You are hilarious Francie, "It's not their fault, they are just like mushrooms, fed shit and kept in the dark." Have you heard yourself? 

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Serious question, so, if our doctors are wrong, big pharma are all con artists, our medications duff, where do you get your medical advice off, FB, TikTok, where else? 

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  On 19/01/2025 at 18:32, Goly said:

You are hilarious Francie, "It's not their fault, they are just like mushrooms, fed shit and kept in the dark." Have you heard yourself? 


See this is the part you to scared to accept,as I said before doctors are taught how to treat patients,an if they go outside of there protocol they will be sacked,the doctors are treating us how they were taught at medical schools an that in the most part apart from surgeons is to treat symptoms,not to go after the root cause.

I try an stay away from hospitals as much as I can but if I was in life saving situation of course I would go,my point is the men behind the veil don't want us to be healthy,they want us sick so they keep making very big profits,that's the way I see it.


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  On 19/01/2025 at 18:44, Francie, said:

See this is the part you to scared to accept,as I said before doctors are taught how to treat patients,an if they go outside of there protocol they will be sacked,the doctors are treating us how they were taught at medical schools an that in the most part apart from surgeons is to treat symptoms,not to go after the root cause.

I try an stay away from hospitals as much as I can but if I was in life saving situation of course I would go,my point is the men behind the veil don't want us to be healthy,they want us sick so they keep making very big profits,that's the way I see it.



Well no shit, if they go against all they have been trained on and against the latest medal science what do you think should happen to them? Should they get promoted for quackery? "Right I've seen this video on TikTok where this Chinese man said he cured lung cancer with engine oil, so, engine oil it is!"

Ok, it's all about profit, nothing else, results don't matter, modern medicine doesn't achieve nothing, you're away with the fairies mate in my eyes, but you crack on. Lol

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  On 19/01/2025 at 18:50, Francie, said:

Goly did you ever here of the 1975 study about 8 severely burned patients were given 35 eggs a day?

Yep 35 eggs a day,an guess what,il let you look it up.


You're all over the shop mate, I'm at a loss with you. Lol

Eggs, fantastic, next time I see someone on fire I'll chuck em a box of free range! 😁

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  On 19/01/2025 at 18:37, Goly said:

Serious question, so, if our doctors are wrong, big pharma are all con artists, our medications duff, where do you get your medical advice off, FB, TikTok, where else? 


How did humanity survive for thousands/millions of years?
 without the help of Rockefeller institution in the medical department the last 100 years or so ? 

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  On 19/01/2025 at 18:53, Goly said:

You're all over the shop mate, I'm at a loss with you. Lol

Eggs, fantastic, next time I see someone on fire I'll chuck em a box of free range! 😁


I'm just letting you know there's natural  ways an means out there to help or maybe cure disease in the body,anyway here's the details if you want to look it up.

The 1975 study that gave severely burned patients 35 eggs a day was titled "35 eggs per day in the treatment of severe burns". The study was published in the British Journal of Plastic Surgery. 
Study details:
  • The study was conducted by B. Hirshowitz, J.G. Brook, T. Kaufman, U. Titelman, and D. Mahler 
  • The study involved eight severely burned patients 
  • The patients were given eggs in a variety of forms 
  • The study found that the eggs were well-tolerated and did not cause any adverse effects 
  • The study found that the patients' serum protein levels returned to normal within a short time 
  • The study found that the patients' serum cholesterol levels remained within the normal range 
  • The study concluded that a high egg diet is a safe and effective way to treat severely burned patients
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  On 19/01/2025 at 18:54, scotty12 said:

How did humanity survive for thousands/millions of years?
 without the help of Rockefeller institution in the medical department the last 100 years or so ? 


He's here with that old chestnut, can you tell me the average life expectancy of people just 200 year ago, let alone thousands? Let's just say, it was much lower than today even if you account for infancy death. The marvels of modern medicine hey? Lol

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