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The king James is  written in Old English the newer versions are wrote in current English,if you put each bible side by side an checked each verse they'd be the same only in different English's,iv no

I think it’s worth saying that (imho) there is a massive difference between a belief/faith in something more & organised religion (a club). Let’s not forget that long before the written word

The Bible is basically all common sense, don’t kill people, don’t be a f***ing arsehole in word, deed, thought. Give a small (small !!) proportion of what you are lucky enough to have to help out

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Just now, kanny said:

Naturalistic pantheism is about as close as I can get to something spiritual, everything is God 

It's weird that people find peace in the natural world and yet flock to cities. The opposite of peace is found in cities. Hate them. Make me feel ill.

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28 minutes ago, Francie, said:

Not evil,righteously judging his creation




So, if we are all created equally, another pile of absolute shite, what gives God the right to judge anyone?!

Absolute pile of f****n GARBAGE!!!

Stick your religion where the sun doesn't shine!!

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1 minute ago, shaaark said:

So, if we are all created equally, another pile of absolute shite, what gives God the right to judge anyone?!

Absolute pile of f****n GARBAGE!!!

Stick your religion where the sun doesn't shine!!

When a couple of pints turn in to a gallon mate, patience has ran out? Lol

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1 minute ago, Goly said:

No, I'm not, I'm not having it mate. Lol

Lol so your saying that all animals an life on earth came into existence from nothing,no atoms nothing just poof lol here we are.

But come on you can't seriously beleive that all life evolved from a rock,yep it rained on the rocks for billions of years an a soup formed,an by magic it came alive an everything living creature evolved from that soup lolol,bollocks,not one shred of evidence for it,am not buying it haha

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5 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

It's weird that people find peace in the natural world and yet flock to cities. The opposite of peace is found in cities. Hate them. Make me feel ill.

humans are the universe experiencing itself....and I fkin hate cites!

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Francie are you Roman Catholic? 

1 minute ago, Francie, said:

Lol so your saying that all animals an life on earth came into existence from nothing,no atoms nothing just poof lol here we are.

But come on you can't seriously beleive that all life evolved from a rock,yep it rained on the rocks for billions of years an a soup formed,an by magic it came alive an everything living creature evolved from that soup lolol,bollocks,not one shred of evidence for it,am not buying it haha

Which religion do you follow Francie?

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6 minutes ago, Francie, said:

I'm surprised that you quoted this man,one of the head honchos of communism/socialism who was an evil man,who got a hand maiden pregnant an rejected the waine,a son,disowned him,who literally starved his children to near death an two out of three of his children committed suicide,what a guy to quote

Also why is half of marx work not published,he definitely was religious but hid it,but it was evident in his life an his writings,they were very dark an stunk of worship of lucifer

I’ve always had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge Francie.

Ive read the bible, the Koran, The Communist Manifesto, War and peace, Mien Kamf, Kafka’s The Trial, Crime and Punishment and many other books.

I don’t have to like or agree with the author to be interested in their writings and form an opinion on them .


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2 minutes ago, shaaark said:

So, if we are all created equally, another pile of absolute shite, what gives God the right to judge anyone?!

Absolute pile of f****n GARBAGE!!!

Stick your religion where the sun doesn't shine!!

Bit rude sharky,not a problem bud,as I said everyone can beleive what they want mate.

Am just answering a few questions being asked,I won't be a prick about it tho.

God created us so he can judge,just like you do with your creation,your children.

We are all the same,were humans,different skin colour that's it,an different ideologies that determine how we behave

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12 minutes ago, Francie, said:

I'm surprised that you quoted this man,one of the head honchos of communism/socialism who was an evil man,who got a hand maiden pregnant an rejected the waine,a son,disowned him,who literally starved his children to near death an two out of three of his children committed suicide,what a guy to quote

Also why is half of marx work not published,he definitely was religious but hid it,but it was evident in his life an his writings,they were very dark an stunk of worship of lucifer

Was lucifer, an angel, not created by God?!

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3 minutes ago, Francie, said:

Lol so your saying that all animals an life on earth came into existence from nothing,no atoms nothing just poof lol here we are.

But come on you can't seriously beleive that all life evolved from a rock,yep it rained on the rocks for billions of years an a soup formed,an by magic it came alive an everything living creature evolved from that soup lolol,bollocks,not one shred of evidence for it,am not buying it haha

No, nobody says life evolved from a rock. What they suggest is under the right conditions, simple molecules could combine to form more complex molecules and eventually leading to self-replicating organisms.

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2 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

Francie are you Roman Catholic? 

Which religion do you follow Francie?

I was baptised a Catholic,but never engaged it at all,then a few years ago I encountered the dark side an that led me to jesus,I follow jesus,no religion at all,iv a personal relationship with jesus,I do not follow religious dogma juke

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1 minute ago, Francie, said:

Bit rude sharky,not a problem bud,as I said everyone can beleive what they want mate.


God created us so he can judge,just like you do with your creation,your children.


I'm not being a prick, Francie, but why should God, who doesn't judge anyone  be allowed to judge people?!!!

f***ing NONENSE!!!

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