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In a momentary lapse of faith whilst  battling the worst case of TB the world has ever seen, I decided to give the bible a read, the new testament to be precise. I think I'm right in reading Matthew first? Well, got around 10 chapters in. Up to press it's all Jesus healing people, from lepers, to the blind, he even supposedly raised people from the dead. Conveniently it doesn't go in to much detail, it's all, he asked Jesus to make him see, so Jesus made him see, and then jesus asked Joe to follow him and so Joe followed him. I'm going to put more effort in at some point, but so far, I find it hard to understand why people would listen to the bible over science.

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The king James is  written in Old English the newer versions are wrote in current English,if you put each bible side by side an checked each verse they'd be the same only in different English's,iv no

I think it’s worth saying that (imho) there is a massive difference between a belief/faith in something more & organised religion (a club). Let’s not forget that long before the written word

The Bible is basically all common sense, don’t kill people, don’t be a f***ing arsehole in word, deed, thought. Give a small (small !!) proportion of what you are lucky enough to have to help out

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12 minutes ago, Goly said:

In a momentary lapse of faith whilst  battling the worst case of TB the world has ever seen, I decided to give the bible a read, the new testament to be precise. I think I'm right in reading Matthew first? Well, got around 10 chapters in. Up to press it's all Jesus healing people, from lepers, to the blind, he even supposedly raised people from the dead. Conveniently it doesn't go in to much detail, it's all, he asked Jesus to make him see, so Jesus made him see, and then jesus asked Joe to follow him and so Joe followed him. I'm going to put more effort in at some point, but so far, I find it hard to understand why people would listen to the bible over science.

Heathen!! 🤓

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18 minutes ago, Goly said:

In a momentary lapse of faith whilst  battling the worst case of TB the world has ever seen, I decided to give the bible a read, the new testament to be precise. I think I'm right in reading Matthew first? Well, got around 10 chapters in. Up to press it's all Jesus healing people, from lepers, to the blind, he even supposedly raised people from the dead. Conveniently it doesn't go in to much detail, it's all, he asked Jesus to make him see, so Jesus made him see, and then jesus asked Joe to follow him and so Joe followed him. I'm going to put more effort in at some point, but so far, I find it hard to understand why people would listen to the bible over science.

Because they're f**king idiots

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Honestly feel the bible is one of those deal ( and I say this as a feral Christian) that ....there's some....well you gotta come at it with the view of both parables aannnd also the understanding that there's simply stuff that's outside the realms of human understanding. At least currently.  And honestly I feel the thought process of science has the answers to everything, or. If x it true we could have y by now is honestly pretty small / closed minded ... And no I don't mean that as a personal whatever to anyone ( but hay if anyone wants to take it as one fine I guess)

Like gotta be able to just say " man I just don't know " and that's where the faith component comes in. But also back in the gap with the bible alot of stuff was written in parables for easier understanding for people of the time . 

That and you also have to be able to look at stuff thought the lense of that time period. 

And even then if you take all the woo woo fairy dust and magic out of it ( yeah I know a Christian saying that about the bible ..ahhh heracy and all that lol) the Bible does make a pretty decent guide on how you should live your life ....it helps if you have more then two brain cells and don't need everything explained to you in a 3rd grade level though .

A decent selection of the book of Leviticus is a prime example, mainly the dietary constraints and what not.

....but then you also have parts like king Solomon summoning and enslaving demons to build a temple sooo yeaahhh 

I mean personally I feel if it helps you be a legitimately better person though some kinda act higher power or even if it's just some kinda placebo effect... I mean not much bad there....but also feel if your only being a good person because your worried sky daddy will punish you for eternity....well at that point your just a bad dog on a leash.  I mean yeah I guess it's good your not doin whatever due to that but at the same time ...

Long story short it's a complicated deal that doesn't just make sense at the snap of a finger 

Edited by Wolfdog91
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5 minutes ago, Wolfdog91 said:

Honestly feel the bible is one of those deal ( and I say this as a feral Christian) that ....there's some....well you gotta come at it with the view of both parables aannnd also the understanding that there's simply stuff that's outside the realms of human understanding. At least currently.  And honestly I feel the thought process of science has the answers to everything, or. If x it true we could have y by now is honestly pretty small / closed minded ... And no I don't mean that as a personal whatever to anyone ( but hay if anyone wants to take it as one fine I guess)

Like gotta be able to just say " man I just don't know " and that's where the faith component comes in. But also back in the gap with the bible alot of stuff was written in parables for easier understanding for people of the time . 

That and you also have to be able to look at stuff thought the lense of that time period. 

And even then if you take all the woo woo fairy dust and magic out of it ( yeah I know a Christian saying that about the bible ..ahhh heracy and all that lol) the Bible does make a pretty decent guide on how you should live your life ....it helps if you have more then two brain cells and don't need everything explained to you in a 3rd grade level though .

A decent selection of the book of Leviticus is a prime example, mainly the dietary constraints and what not.

....but then you also have parts like king Solomon summoning and enslaving demons to build a temple sooo yeaahhh 

I mean personally I feel if it helps you be a legitimately better person though some kinda act higher power or even if it's just some kinda placebo effect... I mean not much bad there....but also feel if your only being a good person because your worried sky daddy will punish you for eternity....well at that point your just a bad dog on a leash.  I mean yeah I guess it's good your not doin whatever due to that but at the same time ...

Long story short it's a complicated deal that doesn't just make sense at the snap of a finger 

Great post fella, I have gone in there with an open mind, I'm only Matthew, I've barely made a dent.

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The Bible is basically all common sense, don’t kill people, don’t be a f***ing arsehole in word, deed, thought.

Give a small (small !!) proportion of what you are lucky enough to have to help out those less fortunate.

Its better to let communities of people help each other.

One person can do great things  for his wider community (loaves & fishes) 

The imprint you leave in life lives on (resurrection) 

Don’t leave stuff to other people, somebody has to stand up for what’s right (isaiha 6:8) 

If I had a better knowledge I could go on and on…..

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44 minutes ago, Goly said:

In a momentary lapse of faith whilst  battling the worst case of TB the world has ever seen, I decided to give the bible a read, the new testament to be precise. I think I'm right in reading Matthew first? Well, got around 10 chapters in. Up to press it's all Jesus healing people, from lepers, to the blind, he even supposedly raised people from the dead. Conveniently it doesn't go in to much detail, it's all, he asked Jesus to make him see, so Jesus made him see, and then jesus asked Joe to follow him and so Joe followed him. I'm going to put more effort in at some point, but so far, I find it hard to understand why people would listen to the bible over science.

What one you reading ? 

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Just now, mC HULL said:

the bible was basically to stop us been barbarians lol 


I think it’s more than that mate, I think it’s a manual in how to not f**k everything up…..unfortunately human beings get hold of these things and then twist them for their own gain.


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1 minute ago, scotty12 said:

What one you reading ? 

I guess it depends on which bible you read and follow.

The Old Testament with its vengeful, angry God who tormented Job just for a bet with the devil, who turned Lots wife to stone, who believed in a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, who destroyed the whole of man kind apart from one chosen family.

Or the New Testament with its kind and loving God who gave his only begotten son to save mankind, who said love thy neighbour, turn the other cheek, forgave those who crucified his son.

A lot of contradictions between the two books of the bible.


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28 minutes ago, Goly said:

Great post fella, I have gone in there with an open mind, I'm only Matthew, I've barely made a dent.

Honestly I've yet to read though the whole thing. ADHD is a son of a bitch. I'll legit just be wondering something and I'll just Google " bible verses on healthy masculinity" or something and just go from there.

You figure my dad being a Deacon and big I tk the church id read the thing front to back a few pages but nope. 🤣  But same guy had a bunch of books on occult what nots ,other religions, scientific religion theory and encouraged use reading it so 🤷 also ended up marrying a wiccan so ....idk what I'm doin half the time as far a religion I think 🤣

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1 hour ago, Goly said:

In a momentary lapse of faith whilst  battling the worst case of TB the world has ever seen, I decided to give the bible a read, the new testament to be precise. I think I'm right in reading Matthew first? Well, got around 10 chapters in. Up to press it's all Jesus healing people, from lepers, to the blind, he even supposedly raised people from the dead. Conveniently it doesn't go in to much detail, it's all, he asked Jesus to make him see, so Jesus made him see, and then jesus asked Joe to follow him and so Joe followed him. I'm going to put more effort in at some point, but so far, I find it hard to understand why people would listen to the bible over science.

How many things were written in it,and are now coming to fruition?

It's just a guide,Don't have to be to the exact word...you don't have to go to church every day lol to be a Christian 😉

My Mrs found the lord 10 yrs ago...tells me everyday to let him into my heart....so that I'm saved😉👍

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13 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

I guess it depends on which bible you read and follow.

The Old Testament with its vengeful, angry God who tormented Job just for a bet with the devil, who turned Lots wife to stone, who believed in a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, who destroyed the whole of man kind apart from one chosen family.

Or the New Testament with its kind and loving God who gave his only begotten son to save mankind, who said love thy neighbour, turn the other cheek, forgave those who crucified his son.

A lot of contradictions between the two books of the bible.


From my understanding the new testament is more supposed to be the jam for Christians.

Old testament is more like your grandad telling you how bad shit can be / how bad it was back in the day.

One of my favorite thoughts on some old testament stuff was a guy talking about the Jews in Egypt..... Like God goes though allll the shit to free them and then they start bitching and moaning trying. To worship false gods and and stuff.... So Gods like....mkay...think it's bad ? I can really show you...so then they had to wander around for 40 years till they got their shit straight.

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