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“Well, it’s better than……”

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  On 30/12/2024 at 18:02, Goly said:

Great post and agree, but, I'd like to give Farage the benefit of the doubt and at least see if he would attempt to get us out of this mess.


Lets get one thing straight, what was once great Britain, is now Britain, just about, ok so farage gets the job, and like tuther two parties, gimme time folks, labour have left.us we a big hole, this country can only get worse,  Britain is a sick country, I wonder how many more boat loads have entered our shores whilst typing this eh

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Everything that's been mentioned above,is the Main Factor,in why I'm doing my damnedest to sell off everything and move us onto a boat to live full-time...it's a step away from the Control and Restric

Poverty caused by tory austerity. A deliberate assault on UK citizens. The UK spends a fifth less on health when compared to similar countries like Germany ,Spain and France. That adds up to

Was there ever a more ridiculous statement than: ”Well, it’s better than (insert place here)” when speaking about decimated towns and communities in the U.K. ? I just had a flying visit back

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  On 30/12/2024 at 17:28, jukel123 said:

Poverty caused by tory austerity. A deliberate assault on UK citizens.

The UK spends a fifth less on health when compared to similar countries like Germany ,Spain and France.

That adds up to a sicker, population who die earlier and whose babies weigh less and have a shorter life expectancy than other comparative countries.

The average UK citizen spends around 32% of their income on housing . It's 20% in the rest of the EU.

UK Workers have f**k all in the way off sickness benefits and employment protection.

Our economic model..rampant, f**k the weak  and damn the poor capitalism is modelled on  that of the USA's. The media constantly report on news from America and curiously ignore what's happening in Europe.

In fact we have become a vassal state of uncle Sam.

The unions have been castrated by constant attacks from big money interests. Stats show the stronger the unions ( 90%) membership in some European countries) the richer citizens are.

No matter who we vote we are only voting for  another beating. Policies are decided by big business and the media which is exclusively owned by the rich.

Starmer met with Rupert Murdoch numerous times before the election. Why? To ask what policies he could put in his manifesto. That's why the manifesto is so shit.

Add in family break up, drugs, alcoholism, mental ill health, crumbling infrastructure, a rigid class system, a f****d up transport system, a piss poor pension and social care system, feral teenagers and you have modern Britain.

People focus on immigration as the cause of failing Britain. But that's a distraction encouraged by the money men.

Yes there are black and brown ghettos in mostly the old industrial cities and I feel sorry for anybody caught up in failed multiculturalism. I've lived in Rochdale!

 But the tensions that exist were caused decades ago by immigration from former British territories. The ghettos don't impact on most people.

Some say Reform is the answer. But I don't agree. Farage and Tice are very shady characters,  the same and maybe worse than the rest of them.

Whoever we vote for we get a bunch of lying self seeking b*****ds.

Modern Britain. A home for heroes?

No, a home for brow beaten, exhausted, fundamentally decent people who are led by the nose by big business and globalists.

Before I'm attacked as a commie and a rich man's car scratcher, let me say this. I just want what people have in the rest of developed Europe and in particular the nordic countries: a fairer slice of the cake,  and not this constant feeling that we are having the piss ripped out of us.



Oddly enough my daughter said something sort of similar when we was chatting about it, she said blame the people to blame…..in other words the traitors that have done this to us in politics and their bosses in the corporate world.

She also said, people should just vote with their feet….go where things feel comfortable to you because you won’t  stop these people if there is money involved for them.

I don’t really agree about the unions, I think they are as culpable as any other big organisation or political party…..they back this decimation of Britain.

But the rest of your post I think has a lot of valid points mate. 

Edited by WILF
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  On 30/12/2024 at 15:45, chartpolski said:

What I can’t understand is everyone knows that lots of these shops are used for money laundering and employing illegals but nothing is done about it.



The Councils don't give a f**k....if they paying the rent and the rates on time Charts🙄... explains why you can Rent a Bank/weather spoons pub/Social Club etc and ram it to the hilt with plants ....Everyone from councillors to private landlords only care about the coin ....the police ain't interested so long as you ain't rocking the boat...easier to give a few kids on their electric bikes shit,than sort out the blatant countylines drug gangs in every f***ing town and village....never seen them, unless you went to the big smoke....now abduls your friend ,local folks line up for a  haircut and 3 bags for £100,they need these fried chicken places to keep the cnuts fed.... because there's never no white folk buying from them😉👍

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  On 30/12/2024 at 19:20, Daniel cain said:

The Councils don't give a f**k....if they paying the rent and the rates on time Charts🙄... explains why you can Rent a Bank/weather spoons pub/Social Club etc and ram it to the hilt with plants ....Everyone from councillors to private landlords only care about the coin ....the police ain't interested so long as you ain't rocking the boat...easier to give a few kids on their electric bikes shit,than sort out the blatant countylines drug gangs in every f***ing town and village....never seen them, unless you went to the big smoke....now abduls your friend ,local folks line up for a  haircut and 3 bags for £100,they need these fried chicken places to keep the cnuts fed.... because there's never no white folk buying from them😉👍


Eh, so if I call at McDonald's , I will get a bag of summat , lol, [BANNED TEXT] shall I ask for, I'm up.for it 

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My old town has turned in to a complete shit hole full of foreigners the place has has become unrecognisable as a nice market town crime is up tenfold and drugs are rife the place is full of bag heads and poverty the town looked scruffy as f**k. Towards Christmas I had my yearly visit in to the town to do a bit of Xmas shopping I said to her indoors that’s me done I won’t come back here again it’s not a nice place to be 

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Everything that's been mentioned above,is the Main Factor,in why I'm doing my damnedest to sell off everything and move us onto a boat to live full-time...it's a step away from the Control and Restrictions of living in a house,in a town/village and being surrounded by people you absolutely detest...

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Won't be long boys and these filthy fcukers will be getting deported on a mass scale. Even for the people struggling mentally and financially just now hang on in there you've come this far through all their bull shit there's light at the end of tunnel and we ain't far off getting to that destination. 



who's been ill over the last few weeks ? 

how many people you know catching pneumonia? 

that murky mist covering the uk keeping the sun hidden to lower the immune systems 




I did mention previously that there would be more lockdowns and it's looking like this is there next move ....most likely bird flu as mentioned previously. 





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  On 30/12/2024 at 19:55, Daniel cain said:

Everything that's been mentioned above,is the Main Factor,in why I'm doing my damnedest to sell off everything and move us onto a boat to live full-time...it's a step away from the Control and Restrictions of living in a house,in a town/village and being surrounded by people you absolutely detest...


My brother wants to do the exact same mate

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  On 30/12/2024 at 22:04, steve66 said:

Ithink Farage is just along for the ride until something else comes along 


I don’t think so; I reckon Prime Minister would be his ultimate dream.

I prefer him to all the other lying b*****ds, agree or disagree with him, at least he gives an answer not a swerve… and he supports hunting , shooting and fishing….he gets my vote !


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