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Kennel ideas

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🤣 always pisses me off to see other people's nice kennels set ups lol

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These are the kennels I built in spring/early summer this year. The first proper block I've built. Did everything bar the render myself. Took probably 6 weeks of evenings and weekends doing a bit when I got 5 minutes spare to get the bulk of it done and then I've just added to it as and when I've needed things.

I only originally planned to build enough kennels for 3 dogs and I'd use the rest as a shed. 6 months on I'm up to 6 and out of room so looking to move🙄😂

From memory it's 4850 x 3250, sloping concrete floors in two directions to run to the L shaped channel drain at the back and side, mains connected.

 I opted for single skin block as a cavity would have taken up too much room as im restricted On space in a terraced house. 

 EPDM rubber roof, one window one door. Power, running water hot and cold. Double stainless sink, with a sprinkler head like they have in commercial kitchens (currently snapped), handy for washing bowls, defrosting food and washing terriers/lurchers And a hose pipe for washing down.

I've got CCTV outside on the yard and back gate for obvious reasons but just bought another ring camera to put inside the kennel, inside theres a large chest freezer, small fridge and numerous shelves for storage and a rack above the sink unit to keep my fishing gear. It's all a bit tight in there now but it's just about functional.


In hindsight, it would have been nice to have put 6" drains in as I've had one blockage that was due to a stupid vizsla eating a rope toy and bed and shitting it out, easily fixed though as theres a manhole, trap and rodding eyes everywhere necessary but ultimately everything goes into a 4" main anyway. 


I painted the floor with milking parlour epoxy floor paint, it wasn't cheap, I used the primer, left it dry plenty and used enough coats but ultimately it's shite. The dogs have scratched though it already. I should have spent the money and paid for the proper epoxy that is laid in parlours, I have a number for someone if anyone needs it. He quoted me roughly £600 for the above size. Not cheap but I spent probably £300 quid on paint anyway so with that in mind, it doesn't sound so bad to me. 


I also planned on battening, insulating and cladding the exterior to help with heat and noise but didn't have time to do it and whilst the house was being rendered this summer I had the kennel done at the same time. Probably should have chose a darker colour as the b*****ds jump all over it and I'm forever washing it down. The split stable door was new surplus stock. I've insulated the roof and Osb boarded  inside over the top and with two heat lamps in there it's warm enough. 


In the summer it was getting hot inside so I fitted a 6" fan to pull  air from the soffit outside, that helped A LOT!! I leave it on 90% of the time now as it keeps the place smelling better. I wash down morning and night and use weak blacks fluid roughly every other day. Channel drains block with the grids on so I just cut the grids down, 150mm strips to put in underneath the kennel panels to stop the terrier pups crawling under.


I probably spent a small fortune even doing everything myself but just did it bit by bit over a month or so. I'm happy enough with it, would like something bigger like I said but it's clean tidy, warm dry and secure. When I build my next kennel block I will definitely include a system that empties a tank of water onto the floors on a timer to wash down throughout the day whilst I'm in work. I think that would save a lot of washing down. You'd only have to swill the drains and scrub the floors then. 


Bedding is a pain in the arse. Shavings are too messy and end up in the drains. Both cheap and expensive beds get eaten and there's only so many old T shirts blankets and towels you can give them. I'm open to suggestions there? I'll attach some photos below. Cheers

Edited by lampingboy
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My thoughts exactly mate. I toyed with the idea of open kennels but decided against it because of the noise and also wanting to store a few valuables inside like tools, collars and the kids bikes etc. Not to mention the dogs 😂. I know anything can be broken in to but it's definitely more difficult with an enclosed Kennel and the cctv that alerts your phone can only help.

I also find the fan running helps the terriers stop being so reactive to people walking by etc. As they can't hear everything that goes by. 

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