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4 hours ago, Leo Sayer said:

Haven’t bought or read an airgun mag for years and years . I remember being about 13 and having a Wembley Vulcan my dad’s old rifle as my first gun and going off down the fields hunting with it and no one battered an eyelid with kids wondering about with airguns . I remember buying airgunner mag in my teens and my dream rifle was the Air Arms Khaminsin a thumbhole stock , also a Wembley Tracker. Never did get my dream gun . But av had all sorts over the years. 



I remember that vulcan,looks like the Mk2?Airgun development has come on a long way,this brocock makes my old springers look medieval.

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Not a mullet,sort of silky and dead straight. Got the cattys.  

Haven’t bought or read an airgun mag for years and years . I remember being about 13 and having a Wembley Vulcan my dad’s old rifle as my first gun and going off down the fields hunting with it and no

10 mm lead …nice that should give them a headache … . It would be easier with a compressor … but it’s honest"y not hard to pump,one up unless you are a geriatric or unfit . You know you’ve done i

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1 hour ago, forest of dean redneck said:

Im the same haven’t bought a airgun/seafishing/countryman’s weekly in years you could buy one in say April then another next year and it would be similar articles so I don’t waste  a fiver or whatever they are now. 

Only bought it to see what the shops are selling.I did however used to buy it all the time,and sporting air rifle back in the days of Rod Lynton,Jim Tyler,John Darling etc.

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