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Mc I think with the droplet its to do with surface tension. The droplet has to get big enough and heavy enough tor break the surface tension thats helping it to hold on to the gutter.

Cheers Arry

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At least you're pissed...some of us have ti read this shit sober lol

The whole universe is a hologram in a jar on Bill Gates desk. Planes don’t fly upside down , the earth is flat . You’ve finally defeated me, I know when I’m beat , please tell me where you buy

Mother Nature is all I need on my journey through life and when she’s done with me she will take what’s left to sustain the next mans journey very simple 

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  On 27/11/2024 at 14:15, chartpolski said:

Of course gravity has been proven ! 
It’s measurable and predictable.

The other three forces are also proven.

GUT, ( the Grand Unifying Theory) , unifying Electromagnetic, Weak Nuclear and Strong Nuclear has also been proven.

TOE (the Theory of Everything), unifying GUT with gravity is the one that scientists are trying to prove, but gravity has certainly been proven.

If you don’t believe in gravity it’s pointless me trying to convince you.



is it a theory ? 

or proven it can’t be both mate lol

i try to stay away from hearsay and things that can’t be proven someone said after watching an apple fall from a tree 400 years ago mate 

there’s more proof of jesus lol

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  On 27/11/2024 at 14:18, Arry said:

Mc I think with the droplet its to do with surface tension. The droplet has to get big enough and heavy enough tor break the surface tension thats helping it to hold on to the gutter.

Cheers Arry


so a abit like me holding on to the gutter before my arms tire and i fall off mate  ? 

got it lol 

Edited by mC HULL
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  On 27/11/2024 at 14:40, mC HULL said:

is it a theory ? 

or proven it can’t be both mate lol

i try to stay away from hearsay and things that can’t be proven someone said after watching an apple fall from a tree 400 years ago mate 

there’s more proof of jesus lol


It’s proven.


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  On 27/11/2024 at 14:55, .357shooter said:

And I thought this was a thread about drones so my guess would be china.


yes mate because i can see our enemy’s sending drones from china to fly over our bases and we didn’t even try blowing them out the sky mate aye lol and surely the can see anything with there satellites can’t they ? 

ld say chance more lying propaganda from he ones known to lie none stop wouldn’t you 

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  On 27/11/2024 at 14:49, mC HULL said:

i know mate it’s just helped chart with gravity lol


Google also tells me this ;


So this tells us that gravity not only exists, but is measurable.

If you don’t believe gravity exists, that’s fine, but I find it a sad indictment of the British educational system !LOL !


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  On 27/11/2024 at 14:40, mC HULL said:

is it a theory ? 

or proven it can’t be both mate lol

i try to stay away from hearsay and things that can’t be proven someone said after watching an apple fall from a tree 400 years ago mate 

there’s more proof of jesus lol


With that mindset nothing is real, air, magnetism, electricity, love, you could go on and on.

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