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Hi I would like to introduce myself. I am John living in Bath, South West U.K. I am seventy now and have been interested and involved in hunting, fishing and shooting all my life. I was introduced to it as a way of life by my father who was an old school poacher purely hunting for the pot. I have been brought up with ferreting, shooting and lamping. I am seeking advice from the group regarding working dogs. I consider myself reasonably knowledgeable about working dogs but given my last two dogs a border terrier and a first cross Bedlington/Whippet both lived to 14 yrs I don’t have an extensive experience of working with a multitude of working dogs. Sadly my latest Bedlington/whippet cross who was only 12 months recently set off in pursuit of something (I suspect a deer) and I have lost her. It’s been 5 days now without word so I fear the worst. I put in a huge amount of effort with her regarding training especially recall to whistle and it was working well in all scenarios accept when she was in active pursuit which has led to her going missing. I love the prey drive this breed of dog provide but I wonder if I am out of my depth training wise. Does anybody have a view on whether perhaps selecting a breed of Bedlington/Whippet with part Collie would retain the prey drive but would be a more biddable dog that would help with an amateur dog trainer like me develop a more reliant recall. Also is 12 months considered too young for a dog to be exposed to a wildlife environment ie rabbits, hares, deer, pheasants etc which are prevalent in my area. Any advice greatly received. Thanks for listening John

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