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Ratting in the Midlands.

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I sit here asking for HELP!!


In the past I have been able to take the dogs ratting at a stable yard where a friend keeps her Horses, I have also been able to go to a local farm, friends of person who keeps Horses! However, she has moved her Horses and the land owner wont allow it, full stop, in fact he is a miserable git! (but the grazing is good! ;) )


Problem is my pup needs to get out now, he needs to work among other dogs. My older border has a few problems now, so I dont do anything but marking and trailing with him, my bitch still works Rats, Squirrels, Rabbits etc. but will NOT compete for a Rat or a Squirrel. She was attacked as a youngster 4 times doing terrier racing, twice at Chatsworth and since will not get stuck in if another Terrier is there, she works brilliantly by herself, but if another dog tries to grab what she has got, she drops it, she will also hang back if other dogs are piling in. The pup needs to do something now, my "Ratting" access has gone, and wondered if anyone would be willing to take me along with said pup. I cant tell you how he will behave, but at least I will find out!


Many thank yous!


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I sit here asking for HELP!!


In the past I have been able to take the dogs ratting at a stable yard where a friend keeps her Horses, I have also been able to go to a local farm, friends of person who keeps Horses! However, she has moved her Horses and the land owner wont allow it, full stop, in fact he is a miserable git! (but the grazing is good! ;) )


Problem is my pup needs to get out now, he needs to work among other dogs. My older border has a few problems now, so I dont do anything but marking and trailing with him, my bitch still works Rats, Squirrels, Rabbits etc. but will NOT compete for a Rat or a Squirrel. She was attacked as a youngster 4 times doing terrier racing, twice at Chatsworth and since will not get stuck in if another Terrier is there, she works brilliantly by herself, but if another dog tries to grab what she has got, she drops it, she will also hang back if other dogs are piling in. The pup needs to do something now, my "Ratting" access has gone, and wondered if anyone would be willing to take me along with said pup. I cant tell you how he will behave, but at least I will find out!


Many thank yous!


Hi mate if wolvey/leicester is within reasonable distance, a fortnight tomorrow we are mopping up the rats on the shoot, we're expecting some great results.

Whilst ferreting there this season we've bolted dozens of rats along with the rabbits.

We will be letting a pup see its first rats too, so yours wont make any difference, there will be about 8 terriers out which have all worked together and with others at various times, so should be no problems.pm me if interested 2 people allowed.


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