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London coursing lads

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No better feeling than bringing a dog on from a pup...giving them a spin at 10/11 month old and  watching it take it's first rabbit/fox/deer etc...no drug comes close Neck😔

A pic of a few dogs owned by London lads in the past. The white bitch was the litter sister to the great grand dam to lucky the dark destroyer i believe. The brindle bitch was a fx saluki greyhound. 

Mate my Wheaton x bitch is 27 tts and 80/90 lb fighting weight...had her out ferreting from first jabs with longnets etc,around the harris/gos hawks, she's done everything you would use a whippet/smal

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20 minutes ago, Reg478728 said:

Knowing what I’ve heard now I did feel sorry for these fellas from London area they was happily running the black for years 

Till one day they bumped into lads who look like they just burgled Sherlock holmes wardrobe 

in strong northern accents telling these men who some did live up on the black “ that we are the forley coursing club “ 

London boys reaction was “ well coursing was good while it lasted “

it’s when matching started lol the 90s 2000s mate as if by magic lol 

but  the london fellas had already been up north 25 year before and grabbed there stock mate lol 

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22 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

it’s when matching started lol the 90s 2000s mate as if by magic lol 

but  the london fellas had already been up north 25 year before and grabbed there stock mate lol 

Hmmmmmm I really don’t remember much stock coming from up north 


 I think wattawalloper will agree on this aswell slightly different dogs and different species 

when people came from down north to run there jaws dropped when they see what the blokes expected from theses mens dogs 

and as a famous man who wrote books and come down to see these mens lamping dogs said after a nights lamping

“ back to the drawing board “ 

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9 minutes ago, Reg478728 said:

Hmmmmmm I really don’t remember much stock coming from up north 


 I think wattawalloper will agree on this aswell slightly different dogs and different species 

when people came from down north to run there jaws dropped when they see what the blokes expected from theses mens dogs 

and as a famous man who wrote books and come down to see these mens lamping dogs said after a nights lamping

“ back to the drawing board “ 

im not talking lamping mate im talking hare coursing and dogs 

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54 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

it’s when matching started lol the 90s 2000s mate as if by magic lol 

but  the london fellas had already been up north 25 year before and grabbed there stock mate lol 

I have to agree with Reg mate it went from South to North not the other way round .

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1 minute ago, tatsblisters said:

I have to agree with Reg mate it went from South to North not the other way round .

Not having that, Hull is definitely the epicentre mate. Lol

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5 minutes ago, tatsblisters said:

I have to agree with Reg mate it went from South to North not the other way round .

Look im not saying the boys didn’t have good dogs up north 

London lads was matching well before the 80s

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6 minutes ago, tatsblisters said:

I have to agree with Reg mate it went from South to North not the other way round .

lol ok mate your decades behind lol but ye 

smith blue reggie was that early ? 

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6 minutes ago, Goly said:

Not having that, Hull is definitely the epicentre mate. Lol

i dont need to tell anyone mate all the old timers will tell you but there over eighty  now 

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them lot had massive influence some the biggest without a doubt im not saying otherwise but ask any the old uns were the saluki blood is from they same the same weather it’s bottom country or any were in it l

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Just now, mC HULL said:


runs like a saluki stayer trace him back see were all the  saluki in  him is from 60 year ago i know were it’s from lol 

Up the Hull dogs, bout time these boys started showing you some respect, they owe it all to you. Lol

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14 hours ago, The drover said:

Red dog is sire . He's floyd( saluki/whuppet xgrey) x  meg ,a saluki lurcher.to a bitch from Cumbria out of a bitch called one eye , good bit a collie in her . Fawn bitch was mine  romeo x lilly = coursing bitch out of bob same sire as floyd to a hard blood . Romeos  the white dog everyone knows (mchull) lol. And the brindle is old lilly that romeo went to . So double bob . His sire was indian joe .






10 hours ago, mC HULL said:

what dogs had plenty whuppet in them shark ?

Read the top post, Gooey.

Even some collie in there. 


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