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London coursing lads

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No better feeling than bringing a dog on from a pup...giving them a spin at 10/11 month old and  watching it take it's first rabbit/fox/deer etc...no drug comes close Neck😔

A pic of a few dogs owned by London lads in the past. The white bitch was the litter sister to the great grand dam to lucky the dark destroyer i believe. The brindle bitch was a fx saluki greyhound. 

Mate my Wheaton x bitch is 27 tts and 80/90 lb fighting weight...had her out ferreting from first jabs with longnets etc,around the harris/gos hawks, she's done everything you would use a whippet/smal

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1 minute ago, Bangersanmash said:

You talk sense you run that same land day in day out. That's why most of the hares there are straight lining dogs because your dogs have been on the back of them a wised up. 

 there lads about all types running it roadsiding it etc but you lamp there your dog get straight lined on the lamp mate

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40 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

gets the job done quick lol sorry mate i had to come back your going out to run 3-4 hares. a time  thats dozens a times a season out. a fast type whizz banger will catch f**k all you will blank all winter mate be better taking a catapult 

You talk some bollocks. 

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1 minute ago, chartpolski said:

Get a beagle !

They’ll run a hare for an hour before the hares heart bursts ! LOL !


your not understanding what your watching mate the dogs brain is something else when it’s sitting 5 yards off not doing out the hare won’t try for a hole or pipe or wood it cant and the dog is doing its best just to keep it there it’s as simple as if it can’t do this you cant kill the best on wet land one tiny mistake that hare open a little gap it’s gone why the saluki is what it is the brain thousand a years hunting they know more than us 


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2 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

 there lads about all types running it roadsiding it etc but you lamp there your dog get straight lined on the lamp mate

You've changed to lamping now. Cause the f***ing hares going to have an advantage at night. The c**ts out at night an it depends on the guy with the lamp too. Ffs get gone.  Always sumat to pull out of the hat mate. 

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Just now, Bangersanmash said:

You've changed to lamping now. Cause the f***ing hares going to have an advantage at night. The c**ts out at night an it depends on the guy with the lamp too. Ffs get gone.  Always sumat to pull out of the hat mate. 

? i’ll lamp one two runs most nights bunnys and bigger things but not often hares unless me mates whip there loads a lads here lamp mate road side 

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1 minute ago, mC HULL said:

your not understanding what your watching mate the dogs brain is something else when it’s sitting 5 yards off not doing out the hare won’t try for a hole or pipe or wood it cant and the dog is doing its best just to keep it there it’s as simple as if it can’t do this you cant kill the best on wet land one tiny mistake that hare open a little gap it’s gone why the saluki is what it is the brain thousand a years hunting they know more than us 


When you've run the land week in week out know the f***ing lay out an the dog does too. An some f****r comes with his dog never run it before. You've got the f***ing advantage. Because your dog knows the lay out. Knowing where the hares will run to on that land your dog runs most weeks. That's a fact. 

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20 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

no you will hit a few a season but there the ones you have waited for what you do it for 

december 2mins kid jan feb be 3 plus most 

Your some man for one man that's what I've said all along most good hares will be 3-4 minute runs and you'll get the off daddy's that will take your dog on even further. But yous are coming across like yous are running those daddy hares every run week in week out lol 

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Just now, Bangersanmash said:

When you've run the land week in week out know the f***ing lay out a the dog does too. A some f****r comes with his dog never run it before. You've got the f***ing advantage. Because your dog knows the lay out. Knowing where the hares will run to on that land your dog runs most weeks. That's a fact. 

he lads running it lamping etc aint many poachers mate it’s men allowed with keepers aswell lads from farms they walk it like they own it out left by winter takes a half descent dog 


i don’t give a fack mate lol me dog knows to try keep it in the open when to box when to sit it im not looking for excuses lol

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2 minutes ago, scotty12 said:

Your some man for one man that's what I've said all along most good hares will be 3-4 minute runs and you'll get the off daddy's that will take your dog on even further. But yous are coming across like yous are running those daddy hares every run week in week out lol 

no you can  kill  a few a month jan and fen though if you know were to look and there the ones you wait all year for 

Edited by mC HULL
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That bitch Marcus saw run for a few seasons and said it's one of the best he had seen which that lad from Manchester owns i seen the dvds and  to my knowledge never seen any runs over 6 minute plus so does that make all them hares poor ?? lol 

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8 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

your not understanding what your watching mate the dogs brain is something else when it’s sitting 5 yards off not doing out the hare won’t try for a hole or pipe or wood it cant and the dog is doing its best just to keep it there it’s as simple as if it can’t do this you cant kill the best on wet land one tiny mistake that hare open a little gap it’s gone why the saluki is what it is the brain thousand a years hunting they know more than us 


You’re not understanding I’m having a laugh !

Ive had running dogs for almost 60 years mate, and have run them all over the world.

Im still running hares now .

You really need to stop taking the bait ! LOL !



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11 minutes ago, scotty12 said:

That bitch Marcus saw run for a few seasons and said it's one of the best he had seen which that lad from Manchester owns i seen the dvds and  to my knowledge never seen any runs over 6 minute plus so does that make all them hares poor ?? lol 

just cos it aint got one on film doesnt mean it hasn’t hit any if it aint had a dozen or so 5min plus then ye it’s a top of the ground dog 

no not poor hares but he aint running wet wet land 

Edited by mC HULL
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