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London coursing lads

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No better feeling than bringing a dog on from a pup...giving them a spin at 10/11 month old and  watching it take it's first rabbit/fox/deer etc...no drug comes close Neck😔

A pic of a few dogs owned by London lads in the past. The white bitch was the litter sister to the great grand dam to lucky the dark destroyer i believe. The brindle bitch was a fx saluki greyhound. 

Mate my Wheaton x bitch is 27 tts and 80/90 lb fighting weight...had her out ferreting from first jabs with longnets etc,around the harris/gos hawks, she's done everything you would use a whippet/smal

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39 minutes ago, tatsblisters said:

I can remember watching videos mate in the late 80s of the Lancashire lad's a few names spring to mind John Lennon and remember some one called boozer and bolio on them and they had competitions between themselves. I would say back then most of their dogs were mostly just greyhound saluki hybrids with not much else in them and I believe it's when other hybrids got crossed into the saluki hybrids that better hare killing dogs were produced. Another chap i remember on them old videos was i believe an ex Liverpool player and had a pub around Manchester way. 

one minute mate i’ll get what the manc lads put were dogs come from 

first bit i put up was geoff ogden massive influence in coursing one the early ones telling you were the single handed dogs come from 

Edited by mC HULL
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7 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

when you’ve been dead 40 year 1986 and men from all over the country mention you in books thats better than a statue mate and the blood is still killing hares today is even better lol 

here’s another snippet another man other side a country to last 60now and a teenager at school at the time bit be for the year 2000 that lol 

the dog luke here was off his pure luke the best he ever IMG_0796.png.5b6d4f329fe660557a82143baa09155a.png

Your dad invented the coursing dogs of today some man for one man and then there's people on here trying to tell ya you don't know what your talking about 

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2 minutes ago, scotty12 said:

Your dad invented the coursing dogs of today some man for one man and then there's people on here trying to tell ya you don't know what your talking about 

i dont me dogs aint a patch on what he had men mentioned in the book i can go out with now 60s has birds knows plenty and whats about now aint best he seen 

Edited by mC HULL
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2 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

i dont me dogs aint a patch on what he had men mentioned in the book i can go out with now 60s has birds knows plenty and whats about now aint best he seen 

Something must be wrong if the dogs were better then, that would mean the modern breeders don't have a clue what they're doing?

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Just now, Goly said:

Something must be wrong if the dogs were better then, that would mean the modern breeders don't have a clue what they're doing?

differnet styles of dog now maybe more pleasing in the eye but not better for numbers 

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here’s what russ rowley put he had prince a pure late 70s thats eves sire thats saluki bloods in merlin aswell 

russ had seen the pures and had a half cross of me old man called blue that smith ended up with a famous dog smiths blue 

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15 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

i dont me dogs aint a patch on what he had men mentioned in the book i can go out with now 60s has birds knows plenty and whats about now aint best he seen 

In only messing mate on a serious note soemthing to be proud of men speaking highly of your father especially when it comes to coursing something your passionate about yourself 

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19 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

i dont me dogs aint a patch on what he had men mentioned in the book i can go out with now 60s has birds knows plenty and whats about now aint best he seen 

think you have to remember all these old dogs 70,s and 80,s has been very very  diluted  ,i do smile when i see folk saying ,oh yes  its down from  melin and eve   or  laddie  the street acident 

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5 minutes ago, scotty12 said:

In only messing mate on a serious note soemthing to be proud of men speaking highly of your father especially when it comes to coursing something your passionate about yourself 

that’s it mate only craic scotty

 they were at it a lot more then now we are mate and dogs shot  and fines everyday were a lot more common you didn’t need to be caught on the land just seen and you’d get a summons 

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4 minutes ago, riohog said:

think you have to remember all these old dogs 70,s and 80,s has been very very  diluted  ,i do smile when i see folk saying ,oh yes  its down from  melin and eve   or  laddie  the street acident 

it’s differnet lines of the same blood though mate and some have it tight still 

and all the traits of russ eve stuff is still shining bright today so is the bulldozer line with the original plough on style of them salukis 

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2 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

it’s differnet lines of the same blood though mate and some have it tight still 

and all the traits of russ eve stuff is still shining bright today so is the bulldozer line with the original plough on style of them salukis 

you know as well as i do  unless you seen matings they tell you anything  , my cousinand alwin pugh  were at it with salukis .they were regestered  but the peds were shall we say  a bit iffy  ,there wasnt really enough sal blood to outcross so well  shall we say they were abit crative with the peds  ,


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