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London coursing lads

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3 hours ago, green lurchers said:

Basically fireman heart poppers. ? Or do you mean running them till ther heart explodes ? 

gl can your whippet bend one 11 times in a minute now ? truthfully and there fast types 

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No better feeling than bringing a dog on from a pup...giving them a spin at 10/11 month old and  watching it take it's first rabbit/fox/deer etc...no drug comes close Neck😔

A pic of a few dogs owned by London lads in the past. The white bitch was the litter sister to the great grand dam to lucky the dark destroyer i believe. The brindle bitch was a fx saluki greyhound. 

I run probably the worst two lurchers in Essex lol saluki bull grey I posted a pick few pages back then got deerhound greyhound x collie greyhound  they do what keeps me happy   

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6 hours ago, scotty12 said:

Right here goes brace yourselfs lol 

I sent mc clips over to nuttal this morning  for his honest opinion without telling him any details. 

reply's .  

" that's a Romeo bred dog  can tell by its steadiness " 

" doesn't want the hare killed quick enough would be no good to me as a match dog " 


" on the whole if it's killing and giving the owner good sport that's all the matters period " 


answer from Craig himself ^^^

ill run him best of 5 tell him lol 

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3 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

me bitch is out of a pure to a coursing bred joe that fh bred nithing to do with romeo lol 

ive been running with the last match bitch nuttal owned 

Craig's asked if you to put the pedigree up if you can ? 

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1 hour ago, green lurchers said:

 100 yrds a Non ped beats a saluki ooops we’ve been down that track lol 

lets do it then non ped little red plodder 100 yd slips ill put the land on gl ?lol 

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Get him out on stud you spoiled sport, it's all about putting the best dogs on the ground ain't it, if you're not matching what difference does it make, don't the mC Hull line sound appealing, you'll be in a book come Christmas time. 

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5 minutes ago, scotty12 said:

Craig's asked if you to put the pedigree up if you can ? 

ill put it up soon pure siister to snickers x joe fh bred off his old match dog bulldozer her grandad 

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2 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

How do matches work? Best of three, best of five etc. I've never been around matches. 

be 3-4 this time a year scarce want it seed really i wouldnt match meself mate just hassle but against someone like nuttal i would becuase from what lads say hes as fair as can be will let go 

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5 hours ago, Bangersanmash said:

Who the f**k is paz paz. It's like f***ing kindergarten talk. Delete the c**t 

@mC HULLsince bangers is now denying knowing Paz Paz and only knows him from watching him on dvd. 

you've been out running with Paz Paz what breed did he want to use his lucky straws over ? 

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5 minutes ago, scotty12 said:



herders and master lol only one person lol 

i dont know ill ask him when i speak to him mate didnt know any worked or he still had any 

Edited by mC HULL
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he metioned breeding that bitch he got off cn but nothing about lucky good hardy bitch that and i seen kill hares it was struggling to control good bitch 

his lucas bred is young hes happy but i aint seen her yet

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Just now, scotty12 said:

@mC HULLsince bangers is now denying knowing Paz Paz and only knows him from watching him on dvd. 

you've been out running with Paz Paz what breed did he want to use his lucky straws over ? 

f***ing sad c**t grow the f**k up. You sound like a right c**t. Lol. We've seen you've been talking or someone has sent you a message. Of shit talk about coursing dogs. It's like it was on years back about Irish an English dogs. Ffs. Back an forth its getting boring guys. Right murder suspect no 1 is back on. See you all in an hour nodoubt you'll be still on 🤣🤣🤣

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