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YouTube.. what are people watching??

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Critical drinker for film reviews  Paul Joseph Watson as im an oasis fan boy , James hargreaves guitars for his in depth oasis analysis  rogan ( obviously)  for podcasts I like his

The outdoor boys is great,the father was a defence attorney before he quit to become a full-time youtuber,very smart guy,speaks fluent Japanese.  

It's his type of input the site is sorely missing, now all we can talk about as UK hunters with dogs is the past or rabbits it makes quite boring reading, at times imo... Why people see the need

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1 hour ago, vfr400boy said:

C90 adventures a lad has been all over the globe on his Honda 90 it's a good watch 

I'm 99% sure it spotted this fella riding red plag 90 in the Peak District back in the summer. No mistaking his face! He was one of the first ones to do the wild camping videos. A bit eccentric but very likable! Lives in Sheffield. I did a bit of digging about and he does ride motor bikes but I couldn't see a mention about the C 90..


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I watch allsorts from astromony , fishing and history . Snagbro make me laugh , apair of idiots but enjoyable lure fishing 

Astrobiscuit for astromony , manly mark lewis and james smith for fitness stuff 

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As strange as it sounds , my kids watch a lot of YouTube these days rather than the actual telly of that makes sense . It often catches my eye with some of the nonsense they watch and it’s honestly fairly entertaining . theres two idiots from California called Justin and Adam who are genuinely funny , they run a channel called lanky box , no one in our houses uses the word milk any more . Its now pronounced “muuuuuulllkkkk” 

another one is the get wild boys , they must be doing something right as their houses are out of this world 

just good wholesome nonsense for the kids 

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2 minutes ago, mackem said:

The outdoor boys is great,the father was a defence attorney before he quit to become a full-time youtuber,very smart guy,speaks fluent Japanese.


Yes.. great channel and a nice likeable fella. I watched the one where he came over to the UK for 4 weeks, think it was summer '23. He squeezed a lot in including some spear fishing and little wild camp with his boys in Scotland. Remember him loving all the Devonshire clotted cream and butter and what not!

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9 minutes ago, mackem said:

The outdoor boys is great,the father was a defence attorney before he quit to become a full-time youtuber,very smart guy,speaks fluent Japanese.


Yeh I've seen some of his he's good...I like the falla that won that tv show called alone i think it is...he's called clay...shoots but is good with a bow...got a YouTube channel 

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Norwegian guy who does alot of practical long range shooting and hunting and traveling all over 


Love the TPH podcast 


This guy does a lot with odd ball vintage firearms


Cap and ballistic a fella from hungry does amazing video with vintage and black powder. Videography is beyond amazing 

Erik Cortina is the literal world champ fclass shooter and has some amazing stuff inclthis black jack challenge 



Got way more but these are some of the top ones

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20 minutes ago, Wolfdog91 said:

Norwegian guy who does alot of practical long range shooting and hunting and traveling all over 


Love the TPH podcast 


This guy does a lot with odd ball vintage firearms


Cap and ballistic a fella from hungry does amazing video with vintage and black powder. Videography is beyond amazing 

Erik Cortina is the literal world champ fclass shooter and has some amazing stuff inclthis black jack challenge 



Got way more but these are some of the top ones

 Cheers Wolfgang.. looks like some good shit. No likes left..👍

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11 minutes ago, fireman said:

Total kaos,far to much shouting and hollering but there having a great time and the dogs are having as much fun..

I used to subscribe to a ferreting channel but the ooooh woooh woooh every time one bolted started to get to me especially when it was in slow motion 

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38 minutes ago, fireman said:

Total kaos,far to much shouting and hollering but there having a great time and the dogs are having as much fun..

They're making more racket than the dogs!! Lol.. Good stuff that though thanks.. no likes left mate but I'll definitely be having look through their other videos.. probably all on mute though!! 

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