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can you imagine grebs missus poor mother when her daughter turned up with an argumentative left wing communist from the uk lol 

Brexit would have been fine had we actually exited but we never did we the politicians didn’t get what they wanted from the referendum so they never delivered it So we will never know how successful i

I will be happy when they finally stop the flow of brown and Eastern European spongers from coming over here unvetted,their own governments need to pull their fingers out,and keep their dregs,we got e

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  On 01/10/2024 at 10:02, big feet said:

Bingo, so this amazing idea of Brexit was a massive failure, people coming over to work have been largely replaced by asylum seekers, fantastic.


would i rather have polish lithuanians etc i’d say yes they intergrate ain’t all that different from us most work me 8 year old daughter has a few polish mate polite well mannered kids there few i know parents drum it into them to work etc 

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  On 01/10/2024 at 10:06, mC HULL said:

would i rather have polish lithuanians etc i’d say yes they intergrate ain’t all that different from us most work me 8 year old daughter has a few polish mate polite well mannered kids there few i know parents drum it into them to work etc 


If I could speak the language fluently and find a job I'd move over there in a heartbeat. If you buy a house or land you can do whatever the hell you like with it, f**k planning permission. Lol

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  On 01/10/2024 at 10:20, mC HULL said:

loads are moving out that way ain’t they 


No idea pal. Every time I've visited I've loved it, walking down the cities and no undesirables in sight, you feel as safe as houses out with the kids. 

Move away from the city and you have land to die for, our lasses cousin has a right good job, he's a building engineer, got a beautiful pad on the outskirts of the city, when we visited I saw all the wild boar on the edge of the woods near him.

The difficult thing is finding work, obviously it can't be all rosy because of just that, there's been a lot of corruption don't kid yourself. As I said, if I could speak the language better and find work I'd move there in a heartbeat.

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  On 01/10/2024 at 10:26, big feet said:

No idea pal. Every time I've visited I've loved it, walking down the cities and no undesirables in sight, you feel as safe as houses out with the kids. 

Move away from the city and you have land to die for, our lasses cousin has a right good job, he's a building engineer, got a beautiful pad on the outskirts of the city, when we visited I saw all the wild boar on the edge of the woods near him.

The difficult thing is finding work, obviously it can't be all rosy because of just that, there's been a lot of corruption don't kid yourself. As I said, if I could speak the language better and find work I'd move there in a heartbeat.


f**k the work with land to grow  food and animals loads to hunt bits a work would be ideal 

i ain’t arsed about corruption etc just been left alone to plod on is all i ask for lol

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  On 01/10/2024 at 10:29, mC HULL said:

f**k the work with land to grow  food and animals loads to hunt bits a work would be ideal 

i ain’t arsed about corruption etc just been left alone to plod on is all i ask for lol


Roe & boar all over, didn't see many hares though but i was always roadside. Put it this way, there ain't no Galileo over there! Lol

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  On 01/10/2024 at 10:29, mC HULL said:

f**k the work with land to grow  food and animals loads to hunt bits a work would be ideal 

i ain’t arsed about corruption etc just been left alone to plod on is all i ask for lol


Get yourself over here,there's really cheap land out in the sticks,I saw 140 acres advertised the other week for next to nowt.


  On 01/10/2024 at 10:26, big feet said:

No idea pal. Every time I've visited I've loved it, walking down the cities and no undesirables in sight, you feel as safe as houses out with the kids.


Your children will always have the option of moving there,,the UK sadly has long since passed the tipping point as a good family environment,ten years,fifteen,twenty years hence I shudder to think.

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