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Listening to this shit on the news just breaks me, there ain’t no complicated or clever reasons about any of this……it’s really f***ing simple ! Politicians we elected have turned the country into

Translation. Mr Waltjnr is of the confirmed opinion that the two twelve year old boys who murdered a man using a  machete should serve more than 8 years incarceration. However Mr Waltjnr also believes

Let me give you a first hand experience; Woodga, LDR and myself were walking between rabbiting permission’s and the police stopped us and searched us and issued us with notices”suspected of poach

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49 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

This is a perfect example of what I alluded to; the police couldn’t get him for drink driving so searched his car and found a Swiss Army knife in a pouch in his glove compartment along with a first aid kit and waterproofs so had him for carrying an offensive weapon !

I’d of thought what he had in his glove compartment was what every responsible driver would have, but no, the police wanted a “collar” and got one !

It would be the same if some vindictive farmer or keeper called the police and accused me of poaching, but when I proved I was not they would search me and find my opinel knife and make a case of that.

The gentleman with the Swiss Army knife will go down as a statistic in the “war on knives” but not prevent one stabbing….. 


but if the comment at the bottom of the article is true then all is not as it seems

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13 hours ago, greg64 said:

but if the comment at the bottom of the article is true then all is not as it seems

That bloke should not having pled guilty. He should have sued for malicious prosecution. The Police's only interest is to gain a prosecution. Not in the administration of justice or common sense. The cop who reported the  bloke for being in possession of a knife should have been dismissed for gross misconduct. Complete clown.And  also a bad egg who diminishes the public's trust in the police. 

Edited by jukel123
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1 minute ago, jukel123 said:

That bloke should not having pled guilty. He should have sued for malicious prosecution. The Police's only interest is to gain a prosecution. Not in the administration of justice or common sense. The cop who reported the  bloke for being in possession of a knife should have been dismissed for gross misconduct. Complete clown.

well i cant see that he could if that comment is legit

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This article is FAKE news! The knife in question was NOT a simple 'swiss army' penknife, as claimed here, but actually a BUCK X-Tractor Multi-tool, which has a 3" (LEGAL), serrated LOCKING (ILLEGAL) blade. - Which this article is completely overlooking. The fact he pleaded guilty, meant that certain details pertaining to his behaviour that led to his car being searched, were no presented in court. Namely that the Defendant had made verbal threats that involved the use of a knife, earlier on whilst in the pub. The police searched his car after acting on this information.                                                   that was the comment not my quote

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3 hours ago, big feet said:

No, stop being silky. As I said, there's a difference between carrying a knife with the intention to cause harm and for innocent tasks. Of course nobody should get arrested if they have done nothing wrong. How often do folk innocently carry fcuking knives in city centres, if you do you are in the minority.  Of course everything has to be within reason, arresting everyone isn't going to work, but harsher sentences for knife crime in general is a no brainer. And if you're of the thought that the police have no right to stop & search you, that's fair enough, but don't cry when knife crime rates don't improve, you all can't have it both ways.

What harsher sentences do you suggest ?……we have life for Murder…..and they still don’t give a shit ?

So come on, what harsher things are there ?


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2 hours ago, big feet said:

Yes, I want a blanket ten for people carrying with intent but seeing as that is basically impossible to police then it's just wishful thinking on my part. But here's the thing, if you knew the implications of carrying your precious knife wherever you go, that knife would be kept at home, I know you might get upset, kick the cat and vent on here, but the knife would stay on the barge rather than risk ten year. Lol

But, if you don't think we should have more restrictions, harsher sentences, etc, fine, but stop posting boring news about it when someone is stabbed, that ain't going to change a damn thing is it William Wallace? Lol

What about hammers & garden tools ?

Ten years for those as well ?

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40 minutes ago, big feet said:

Full retracted tools are of no serious threat to anyone, you're safe.

How do you “fully retract” a claw hammer ? Lol 

Your point, whatever it is, is so simplistic and childish as to be frankly hilarious……it’s the type of logic you see old Doris’s spouting everyday.

Talking about how everyone should buy an umbrella and not bothering to look out the window and see it’s a f***ing hurricane ! Lol 

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Just now, big feet said:

Life should mean life, not a minimum term.

They have whole life term, it’s rare but it’s there……sooooo ? Lol 

What part of “these people don’t give a shit” are you not understanding ?

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9 minutes ago, WILF said:

What about hammers & garden tools ?

Ten years for those as well ?

It's still not sinking in is it, we already have knife laws, the law states a blade must not exceed 3 inches and must not be able to lock, if it does and it can you get punished, simple isn't it?

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