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2 hours ago, NEWKID said:

I really think there will be loads of working people getting out, the richer can do it quicker as they'll sale some assets, be debt free and making money on day one, lads will cash in and be mortgage free and the UK will lose the benefit of that tax stream.. it will be the "richer" and those.are the ones the country depends on...by that I mean working people with an asset behind them, the people on social care, benefits etc will be even poorer as where will the money come from?

I've talked to at least half a dozen people in the last few months all saying they are seriously considering getting out...I include myself in that, I live in a beautiful part of the world but it's getting harder and harder, times are changing fast

I’d hate to think what it costs you every year just to tick boxes, comply with legislation, make sure all the paper work is order, double check product specs so that you ain’t on the end of a Grenfell witch-hunt at some point in the future, show waste streams and chains of custody and blah blah blah……I know that’s a fortune, and for what ? And to who ? 
Some pointy nosed government official sitting on his arse for 40 year for a gold watch and a gold plated pension ? 
That’s before you take £1 for yourself and then some other c**t is having that off you !! 
It’s just not right mate, I’ve always said, if you just left British people alone and got off their back the country would thrive…..there’s a reason we built the world, it’s because that’s who we are.

Things like “can’t have a fire” is a microcosm of a wider disease. 

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1 hour ago, TRUEBRIT66 said:


Out of interest where would everyone move on to, It appears most of Europe, Canada and America is as buggered as us ?

There are some seriously nice properties in the African nations, I took a look and you can by a mansion in Rwanda for £250k and their economy is thriving. The irony of mass migration from here to Africa would be something for the history books thats for sure.       

Anywhere !……that’s not a flippant comment by the way, take somewhere like Lithuania, flat tax rate of 15% no matter what you earn, low corporation tax and a reduced corporation tax of 5% for small business……you can get anywhere in Europe from anywhere else in Europe.

I worked on jobs in Paris and the partitioning lads were commuting from Holland for a week at a time, same in Frankfurt, project manager was driving across because he lived in The Hague.

Hungary ??…..Hungarian families come out of the tax system altogether on the birth of their 3rd or 4th child ?

A country believing in its own and investing in them. 

There’s plenty of places would take white British people who were a bit up together at the drop of a hat. 

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