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Exploding Pagers .

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Big business in exploding pagers, apparently prophets are booming! Yokel 

Genius really....taken out a thousand and crippled their communications  , Mossad are playing 3D chess while Hezbollah are playing connect 4 😆 

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Exploding pagers and walkie talkies. People killed, 200 critical and 3000 injured. If China,Iran,North Korea or Russia did something like this . The west would be outraged and calling for sanctions. If you look at Israel actions this passed six months ,it looks like they are trying to drag the west into a war with Iran .

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29 minutes ago, paul sr said:

Exploding pagers and walkie talkies. People killed, 200 critical and 3000 injured. If China,Iran,North Korea or Russia did something like this . The west would be outraged and calling for sanctions. If you look at Israel actions this passed six months ,it looks like they are trying to drag the west into a war with Iran .

Dont agree with children getting mixed up in war, but muzzies poked a sleeping Israeli bear thatr was sleeping then cry foul when it woke up and attacked them. They have tried all different ways to have peace out there was a proper war between them so sort it out where the strongest , smartest wins, for we all know islam wants total domination and have been kicked out of europe before too, maybe its the jews turn to send them packing again, who knows? The muslims are tribal and constantly fight amongst themselves too over whos version is better, like us here in northern ireland just these days the weapons are no longer swords and crossbows ( unless its in englandistan) its smart weapons. Where this all ends God knows. But lets pray that a miracle can be found and they negotiate a peace deal

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3 hours ago, scotty12 said:

allah 'akbar amirti alsaghira

Yep, as I suspected. Some kind of goat shagging neanderthal. 

If you are educated British you should be ashamed of typing such shit.

That maybe why us English would be happy if you get independence and we can rebuild the wall with boobytraps and send back all your dole claimers. Then you can pay for tuition fees and prescriptions instead of us giving you charity. 🤣

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6 hours ago, Timmy H said:

Yep, as I suspected. Some kind of goat shagging neanderthal. 

If you are educated British you should be ashamed of typing such shit.

That maybe why us English would be happy if you get independence and we can rebuild the wall with boobytraps and send back all your dole claimers. Then you can pay for tuition fees and prescriptions instead of us giving you charity. 🤣


edecute us all then St George ? 




Yous English are the palestines of the western world no one wants anything to do with yous. 

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1 hour ago, scotty12 said:


edecute us all then St George ? 




Yous English are the palestines of the western world no one wants anything to do with yous. 

What with you pict/Scandinavian mongrels & us Celt/Franco/Saxon mongrels and those odd ones in the middle who are a mixture of all of that combined…..we are are a right old mob ! Lol 

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