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Tiny House Build

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12 minutes ago, WILF said:


I was going to sheet over the roof joists with OSB and then sheet over the top of that with steel.

What do you reckon lads ?

My pal boarded the roof of his kennels and then put tin on top and still ended up with condensation rotting the ply just from the bit of heat from the dogs .As soon as any warmth hits the underneath of the tin it gets soaked.

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11 minutes ago, NEWKID said:

If it was me.. I'd keep the joists exposed as a feature, ply over the top and then insulate above the ply, either with a hard celotrx type insulation or use small roof zeds (metal) and insulate between with cladding roll... (That would be cheaper)...

When your closer I'll send you typical details mate, send me your email address again and I'll send you some info so it works... If not a busman's holiday is on the cards! Lol

that’s how loads of flat roofs are ain’t it mate boarded kingspan then felted on top of the insulation 

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8 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

Wilfy, get me, mC , Newkid, and Greyman over there. We could be the new Auf Wiedersehen Pet, we could film it . 
I know nothing about building but Jimmy Nail was my pal and I’ve got a great Geordie accent so I could probably bluff it ! LOL !


Geddon then!! Lol

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1 hour ago, WILF said:

Going to put the solid boards (cellotex ?) in the floors but use the bats on rolls for walls and ceiling mate, saves her about €700 that way ?

Still leave 25mm gap in the walls do you advise ? 

Similar principle to this...150 mm rock wool in the walls, reflective breathable membrane,then batten and plasterboard...the gap aids airflow and you use it to run your electric/telecoms cables,where ever you want power...start with a 150 mm batten off the floor,100mm gap for sockets,then batten up to your switch height,batten to ceiling, plasterboard overDSC_2267.JPG.17ac1b68291d6555ca6811940ef7121a.JPGDSC_2310.JPG.3d6f59b91dae0a069ca5b29246fbf856.JPGDSC_2314.JPG.15d6d3e48a7c63d94b219e25419a9c9a.JPG👍

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7 minutes ago, NEWKID said:

Geddon is Devon but as you're in charge of this crew we'll go Geordie! lol

So I’m Dennis then ?

Wilf is obviously Wayne. 
mC is Barry the know it all.

Greyman is Bomber.

You have the choice of Moxey the Scouser ,Oz the Geordie or Neville the sensible one ! LOL !


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1 hour ago, chartpolski said:

So I’m Dennis then ?

Wilf is obviously Wayne. 
mC is Barry the know it all.

Greyman is Bomber.

You have the choice of Moxey the Scouser ,Oz the Geordie or Neville the sensible one ! LOL !


Just spat my drink out at Barry🤣🤣🤣…. Probably my second best program growing up … after benny hill show …especially as my nan who I lived with was born in Germany and moved over to England after the war with my grandad who was serving there , what was the nail like ?  …. Thought he was a legend on the show ….. quite liked his crocs tune as well … 

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4 minutes ago, Franks dad said:

Just spat my drink out at Barry🤣🤣🤣…. Probably my second best program growing up … after benny hill show …especially as my nan who I lived with was born in Germany and moved over to England after the war with my grandad who was serving there , what was the nail like ?  …. Thought he was a legend on the show ….. quite liked his crocs tune as well … 

I knew him quite well when we were teenage mods, and we once swapped Lambrettas. We lived very close but drifted apart in our 20’s, he went to London to find both fame and fortune, I went to live and work in the Middle East , not finding fame, but made a decent life for my family and myself.

He often mentioned his early pals in his various programs and he mentions my mother and my late brother in law in his autobiography, and his tv shows.


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3 hours ago, chartpolski said:

Wilfy, get me, mC , Newkid, and Greyman over there. We could be the new Auf Wiedersehen Pet, we could film it . 
I know nothing about building but Jimmy Nail was my pal and I’ve got a great Geordie accent so I could probably bluff it ! LOL !


I could make the tea and be the cabaret act.

You'd all look forward to hearing  my political lectures and tales of Salford poverty ......with special reference to the fifties. That would be great for morale. Stenna line from Stranraer here I come. Kettle slung over my shoulder.

Two eggs in the morning Wilfie lad. Soft boiled.

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