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General agreement dawning.

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I've noticed there's more agreement on here than bitter political disputes. I've had my moments on here and received plenty and dished it out myself. But I think everybody is realising we are all in the same boat. We are all screwed with a common political enemy.. the political system in the UK. It is so ingenious that whoever you vote for, you end up with the same outcome: policies intended to screw us even more. So as Taffy used to say in Dad's Army :_ We're doomed! We're doomed! But it ain't funny.

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Some people have been wise to it.....for a  long,long time...I think In the last 5 years the masses are starting to open their eyes and realise...the government are not your friends...we are just cattle to them,a host that the parasitic cnuts ,milk and feed off..no more,no less...once you can except that....you can get on with living some sort of life...you don't have to play the game...there are always options 👍

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16 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

I've noticed there's more agreement on here than bitter political disputes. I've had my moments on here and received plenty and dished it out myself. But I think everybody is realising we are all in the same boat. We are all screwed with a common political enemy.. the political system in the UK. It is so ingenious that whoever you vote for, you end up with the same outcome: policies intended to screw us even more. So as Taffy used to say in Dad's Army :_ We're doomed! We're doomed! But it ain't funny.

Sorry to be pedantic , but it was the Scotsman Frazer who’s catchphrase was “we’re doomed”.


But maybe you were just casting a fly to see who’d be the first to bite ! LOL 

Cheers !

Edited by chartpolski
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9 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

Sorry to be pedantic , but it was the Scotsman Frazer who’s catchphrase was “we’re doomed”.


But maybe you were just casting a fly to see who’d be the first to bite ! LOL 

Cheers !

Yes but Private Walker used to call him Taffy to wind him up. I used to identify with Walker but now I'm more similar to Godfrey...needing a pee every hour.

 Not guilty on casting flies. I'm too stupid to cast flies. What you see is what you get. My Mrs casts flies all the time and I always bite.

Frazer had been a serious Shakepearean actor all his days and thought his role really beneath him. Silly man he gave us a lot of pleasure.

Far from being a gentle old man, Godfrey was a terrible bully to his wife and had her at his  beck and call on set.

Brilliant, brilliant series. Must have been great fun writing it.






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The Neoliberal shit weasels are now running the show,  we no longer have representatives of the people as politicians,  they are representatives of Banks,corporations,Big pharma and the military industrial complex,we are being played against each other and made to think our neighbour is the enemy , all distraction to stop us seeing the real enemy,  the Neolib elites now running the shitshow. We are nothing but useful idiots unfortunately.


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