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Did you have a good Upbringing?

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  On 07/09/2024 at 19:56, jukel123 said:

They f**k you up your mum and dad

They may not mean to but they do

They give you all the faults they had

And add some more just for you

Poem by Philip Larkin


I'm a parent to 2 lovely children, i bet they will say later on in adulthood that i did not push them enough, although so far so good they have both done well academically, and i have been really laid back about school work! 

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I enjoyed growing up  on one of the most deprived (apparently)council estates in the UK🙄...was taught what was right from wrong,never to raise a hand to a women,respect my elders,never bully or take o

Depends how you judge things I had shit parents grew up on a bad council estate was pretty feral from my early teens, but I,ve learnt from the negatives looked after my own kids to well and am doing a

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Lived in a mobile for 5 yrs as a young child, then moved to were I am now, parents had very little back then but worked hard, good times and some utter shit ones .dad liked a drink as was a pain when pissed, felt sorry for my mum at times. Lots of failed businesses, but got a decent  business that ran 25 yrs before being sold to a very large outfit. Swimming down the local river, to motorbikes, cars around the fields as kids, shooting , air guns etc all great memories. Lost my mum early which was hell.

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  On 07/09/2024 at 20:03, Aled said:

I'm a parent to 2 lovely children, i bet they will say later on in adulthood that i did not push them enough, although so far so good they have both done well academically, and i have been really laid back about school work! 


Somebody said to me that the best way to bring up kids is to adopt a policy of benign neglect. Pressure is a terrible thing to place upon a kid.

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  On 07/09/2024 at 18:18, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

I don’t understand the hated and eagerness for bannning Greb / pewitt \ dog fox etc 

it’s f***ing bollocks and I think he adds massive value here , what’s the alternative ? 


Well said chief.. this place needs people, characters, input. It's a f***ing empty void otherwise!

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  On 07/09/2024 at 18:18, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

I don’t understand the hated and eagerness for bannning Greb / pewitt \ dog fox etc 

it’s f***ing bollocks and I think he adds massive value here , what’s the alternative ? 


I think his reinventions are also quite funny so I,m all for keep banning him lol

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  On 07/09/2024 at 12:26, tank34 said:

Evil bitches thay are , beating I've had as a child would make a grown man cry , l learned not to cry from a young age dick head 🖕


I went to a school for a while that was run by Nuns and they were nasty b*****ds. Thrash you for next to nothing punch you tell you you would not amount to any thing (well proved them wrong had my own groundworks business for years). There was a big old Walnut tree at the side of the playground and when it had the walnuts on it we would kick the football to knock them down. Now walnut have a green outer coat bit like a conker when first off the tree only harder to get off. This outer coat on the nut would leave a yellow stain on you fingers so the Nuns would know what you had been doing. They would line us up in the playground with our hand held out infront if you had stain on your hands they would cane the shit out of you. FFS for eating a natural nut never did understand that one.

Cheers Arry

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  On 07/09/2024 at 08:36, gnipper said:

Teachers for you most of them are horrible b*****ds who seem to take pleasure in making kids feel shite.


These tales of our youth bring memories flooding back.

This one is about a Teacher that lived in the same culture-de-sack as us.

I fell off one of them scooters you put one foot on and push with the other going down a steep hill, hit my head on the kerb. The result was a cracked scull and a lumber puncher to remove pressure off my brain a bit worry to my parents. After spending some time in hospital I went back to school and after dinner time while in line back to the class room a teacher hit me over the head with a book for talking. That evening I was having tea (bread and jam) I said I had head ache and after some questioning said the (named)teacher hit me over the head. With that my father who wasn't that tall but built like a brick shit house grabed me by the wrist I left the chair like a rocket on the way to the moon. Before I knew it we was outside the teachers house as the the old man bang the shit out of his door. As the teacher answered  old man grab him walk him through the house and had him bent backward over the sink I though he was going kill him. Was nice to see that teacher snivelling and apologising Lol.

Cheers Arry


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  On 08/09/2024 at 07:27, Arry said:

I went to a school for a while that was run by Nuns and they were nasty b*****ds. Thrash you for next to nothing punch you tell you you would not amount to any thing (well proved them wrong had my own groundworks business for years). There was a big old Walnut tree at the side of the playground and when it had the walnuts on it we would kick the football to knock them down. Now walnut have a green outer coat bit like a conker when first off the tree only harder to get off. This outer coat on the nut would leave a yellow stain on you fingers so the Nuns would know what you had been doing. They would line us up in the playground with our hand held out infront if you had stain on your hands they would cain the shit out of you. FFS for eating a natural nut never did understand that one.

Cheers Arry


We was frog marched to church every Sunday morning even farther of church picked on us , say one of us messed about , soon as got back you get beats , school was same we was called them kids from care home , no matter who you told you was a lier Nuns are lovely people when really there the devil 

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Funny how different people have different experiences, I went to a school with some  nuns as teachers and head teacher when I was about 9, they were the loveliest, nice, normal respectful ladies.

Then as an adult I was on a school governor board and worked with a nun who was also one of the loveliest, down to earth, No woke nonsense ladies you could wish to meet.

However, living where I live I am well aware of the atrocities carried out by these orders and that is unforgivable. 

I always struggled with church because half the people wouldn’t piss on you if you was on fire but like to make a big show of going.

Before I left England I was mates with our local priest, a lovely man now sadly passed.

He hadn't become a priest until later in life after his wife died of cancer, had grown up kids and grandchildren and had spent a career in senior roles in the NHS…..an academic, a friend and a lovely human being.

He used to pop round my house for a cup of tea and we’d sit and chat, he would say “Not seen you in church lately?” and I’d say “Well, the trouble with most of your Christian’s is that they ain’t very Christian” and he would smile and we would carry on chatting. 
Fr Paul Dynan, if only they made them all like that man the world would be a much better place. 

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  On 07/09/2024 at 12:20, tatsblisters said:

Another thing that comes to mind for those of a certain age all our little gang nearly all our Fathers had done National Service in the armed forces and obviously Fathers would have their kids on what they did and some of us thought they had fought in the war. 😆 


Haha , yes it a good thing, if you got fook all in your life, no money. Can't get decent  job, with  no bad money, nit talking about  the.minum  wage either . My son who 37, got degree   went passed out ad sports  physio  therapy  after  3 course good English,  OK maths, very good amateur  footballer, fit,  very strong bloke. Now don't know if N/S would  have been wasted on him , he pissed the training  no prob, unless they could give good job out of it. Instead  of just cannon  fodder,  it be a waste to him I think, oknhenlojedca drink and liked the girls, but never was any trouble. Not like his fookin thick dad, I walked very thin line, could have, ended  in trouble easy  , glad I stopped drinking 14 years ago. The N/S might helped me lot more than it would have helped my son.98

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  On 08/09/2024 at 11:31, bird said:

Haha , yes it a good thing, if you got fook all in your life, no money. Can't get decent  job, with  no bad money, nit talking about  the.minum  wage either . My son who 37, got degree   went passed out ad sports  physio  therapy  after  3 course good English,  OK maths, very good amateur  footballer, fit,  very strong bloke. Now don't know if N/S would  have been wasted on him , he pissed the training  no prob, unless they could give good job out of it. Instead  of just cannon  fodder,  it be a waste to him I think, oknhenlojedca drink and liked the girls, but never was any trouble. Not like his fookin thick dad, I walked very thin line, could have, ended  in trouble easy  , glad I stopped drinking 14 years ago. The N/S might helped me lot more than it would have helped my son.98


Fook knows why that 98 for 😆 

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