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Did you have a good Upbringing?

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  On 07/09/2024 at 09:59, iworkwhippets said:

  good morning jukel, bit surprised at that remark coming from a man with your inteligence , perhaps he may be disabled in some way, and that particular jobsuits him, better tha being a dole walla eh,  enjoy your day my friend 


Fair comment. There a lot of guys about 60 odd in my local supermarket. They are only on tills because they've been made redundant from ' proper' men's jobs or are too knackered for physical jobs.

I just think they should be given their pension early.  One age for pension does not fit all. I meant no offence to anybody, and top marks to those guys for swallowing their pride and getting on with it rather than doing nothing. I'm  just glad I was spared that.

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  On 07/09/2024 at 09:52, tatsblisters said:

Same here I have more respect for young uns who work in the local CoOp or morrisons than those hanging around them on an evening stinking of weed and being a fekin nuisance. 


Young nephew of mine really wants to work in the film industry but got a job in a big shop to help pay his way whilst at college and is now getting put through manager training in London, he still doesn't want to work there but it's good for his CV and better than sitting at home sponging off his parents.

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  On 07/09/2024 at 10:16, dai dogs said:

Can you tell us more about the nuns please iv only ever seen one on TV on the Benny Hill Show


I can tell you that at 56 yrs old , they still frighten the shit out of me.

As a child , I spent a fair bit of time at my aunts house in Cornwall.  Their was a convent just down the road , and you would see the nuns glide past her front window . They didn't walk , they didn't speak , they would just stare forward and glide. They still freak me out 😁.

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  On 07/09/2024 at 10:45, mel b said:

I can tell you that at 56 yrs old , they still frighten the shit out of me.

As a child , I spent a fair bit of time at my aunts house in Cornwall.  Their was a convent just down the road , and you would see the nuns glide past her front window . They didn't walk , they didn't speak , they would just stare forward and glide. They still freak me out 😁.


Think that might have been penguins mate lol

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  On 07/09/2024 at 10:01, tatsblisters said:

Tbh mate part of me thinks the same it's got to be an age thing and to me it's same as care as it was always a womans job as I remember as a kid and the only male in that field of work would be your Doctor. 


yeah i get that ,i got served by a lad in asda this week on the tills had dyed hair and one of those dangly nose rings that you would have only seen on a bull years ago ,a lad like that wouldn't last two minutes on a building site or any   manual job he struggled scanning my box of lager seemed a bit heavy for him

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  On 07/09/2024 at 10:24, jukel123 said:

Fair comment. There a lot of guys about 60 odd in my local supermarket. They are only on tills because they've been made redundant from ' proper' men's jobs or are too knackered for physical jobs.

I just think they should be given their pension early.  One age for pension does not fit all. I meant no offence to anybody, and top marks to those guys for swallowing their pride and getting on with it rather than doing nothing. I'm  just glad I was spared that.


My old fella was put onto his old age pension early .  He was just over 60 when he was made redundant ( for about the fifth time in his life).  He went to sign on , to be told that he would be put straight onto his pension , when he questioned it , he was told quite bluntly that no employer would give a job to a, diabetic , 60 year old , ex steel worker. He wasn't ready to retire , so he asked for some sort of training , and he did a 12 months training course to become a upholsterer , Then took his pension , and spent the next few years making furniture for friends and family.

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  On 07/09/2024 at 05:38, tatsblisters said:

Just a normal upbringing tbh 2 hard working parents and in all honesty I was a bit spoilt in being allowed to get away with certain things unlike my two sisters that the old man was more strict with though they have turned out a lot better than me and have good well paid job's and have made more of their lives than I have. Growing up we never went without and had holidays every year albeit in this country. Only thing I thank them for is installing a strong work ethic in me as I have never been afraid of a bit of graft just a pity I am a thick feker and have never been academically inclined unlike my two sisters who did university and went on to good careers even though it did make them snobs. 


Wow...I'm literally a mirror image...same two sisters...parents working hard holidays here...honestly exactly the same...

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  On 07/09/2024 at 10:54, greg64 said:

yeah i get that ,i got served by a lad in asda this week on the tills had dyed hair and one of those dangly nose rings that you would have only seen on a bull years ago ,a lad like that wouldn't last two minutes on a building site or any   manual job he struggled scanning my box of lager seemed a bit heavy for him


I think the same and even with some i work with now in a warehouse they would have struggled to last a shift down the pit when i went down at 19.

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Well , mine was ok, born W-ton, in counsel estate.all of us lived there were in same boat no money,.but I will say most dads there done jobs, factory,  and the mom's  if not to many kids got part time jobs to help with money. Regards my upbringing,  was suppose OK, but both my parents  lacked  patience  , and mom would walk us with boiler  stick, and that hurt any 8 year old kid.  I never got on with my old man, I know now I should have left  home much earlier  than what I did  as was prob getting  him down with my.life style on a weekend  pissed,out after the women,  got beat up few times, he wanted me out, but good old mom liked me there. But even so we just didn't  get on with each,  both him and mom had poor patience,  and they hit us as kids alot. But me and him made  it  up just before  he died,   my son had a great upbringing,  my late wife loved ground he walked  on, and  wasvery patient  woman , as long as you give kids the best you can then you know  you  done good job.

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  On 07/09/2024 at 10:16, shaaark said:

Yes, I feel a tad better now.

Lol 👍



  On 07/09/2024 at 07:51, jukel123 said:


She quickly got her act together though and I had a bond with her which the other boys didn't have.

I don"t remember her ever hitting me or criticising me.

 She always had my interests at heart 


She gave me a great start in life. 



You've gone and spoilt the 'feeling better' vibe I had a little earlier, with those points above.

I'm starting to resent you again now!!  🤨

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