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Did you have a good Upbringing?

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I enjoyed growing up  on one of the most deprived (apparently)council estates in the UK🙄...was taught what was right from wrong,never to raise a hand to a women,respect my elders,never bully or take o

Depends how you judge things I had shit parents grew up on a bad council estate was pretty feral from my early teens, but I,ve learnt from the negatives looked after my own kids to well and am doing a

I grew up on an estate in East London it was what it was, my mother remarried when I was relatively young and my stepfather didn’t like me or my brother in fact he was an absolute arsehole I don’t rea

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I suppose it’s an old man thing to say but I genuinely think anyone born in the last 15 years will have it harder than anyone……the poor fuckers are open to so much shit information that we just didn’t have to deal with growing up.

They will be out front and centre in a culture war, probably a real war, they will just be working for the state in a home they can’t afford in a 3rd world shit house area.

The things they struggle to buy will be robbed, they will be sexualised and mentally brutalised.

They will never know the innocent time and things we knew, it will be constant  noise from cradle to grave…..get the hair, the teeth, the house, the car, the black dad, the tan, the divorce, the 2 bottles of wine every night to help you cope, the pills from the doctor to help you cope, be regulated, observed, recorded, validated, denounced, legislated, credit scored……f***ing hell like, makes eating bread and jam and playing on a shitty playing field seem like a dream in comparison.

As they reach adulthood they will never know being able to go out in a van and just tickle along with a few readies looking after them and theirs and just minding their own business…..it just pressure, pressure, pressure.

We never had to deal with that shit. 

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  On 07/09/2024 at 08:45, WILF said:

I suppose it’s an old man thing to say but I genuinely think anyone born in the last 15 years will have it harder than anyone……the poor fuckers are open to so much shit information that we just didn’t have to deal with growing up.

They will be out front and centre in a culture war, probably a real war, they will just be working for the state in a home they can’t afford in a 3rd world shit house area.

The things they struggle to buy will be robbed, they will be sexualised and mentally brutalised.

They will never know the innocent time and things we knew, it will be constant  noise from cradle to grave…..get the hair, the teeth, the house, the car, the black dad, the tan, the divorce, the 2 bottles of wine every night to help you cope, the pills from the doctor to help you cope, be regulated, observed, recorded, validated, denounced, legislated, credit scored……f***ing hell like, makes eating bread and jam and playing on a shitty playing field seem like a dream in comparison.

As they reach adulthood they will never know being able to go out in a van and just tickle along with a few readies looking after them and theirs and just minding their own business…..it just pressure, pressure, pressure.

We never had to deal with that shit. 



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  On 07/09/2024 at 08:50, jukel123 said:



Maybe this isn’t relevant, but under fathers occupation on a birth certificate it said “General Dealer” on my fathers, it said General Dealer on mine and it’s said General Dealer on my boys……I doubt it will ever say that on my grandchildrens because there just won’t be the space to be that thing anymore…….just a thought that I found interesting. 

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Great upbringing, from a household with seven kids, so two elder brothers who helped me and two elder sisters who had great vinyl 45s 😄 I’m still doing most of the things I did when young, hunting, a bit of nesting, walking in the countryside etc. Had lovely parents, a mum who gave her best all the time and a dad who played games on the fields with us even after a hard day at work and later in life enjoyed his company over a pint. Said it often, I’m glad I was young when I was 👍🏻

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  On 07/09/2024 at 08:58, WILF said:

Maybe this isn’t relevant, but under fathers occupation on a birth certificate it said “General Dealer” on my fathers, it said General Dealer on mine and it’s said General Dealer on my boys……I doubt it will ever say that on my grandchildrens because there just won’t be the space to be that thing anymore…….just a thought that I found interesting. 


I come from a line of dockers and Irish navvies. But containerisation and the JCB put an end to those traditions. Put a lot of men out of work but saved a lot  of back breaking work too.Lol.

But I take your point. The march of efficiency and profit doesn't take human beings into account.

Maybe you could shorten it to 'Delboyers'.

Edited by jukel123
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  On 07/09/2024 at 08:58, WILF said:

Maybe this isn’t relevant, but under fathers occupation on a birth certificate it said “General Dealer” on my fathers, it said General Dealer on mine and it’s said General Dealer on my boys……I doubt it will ever say that on my grandchildrens because there just won’t be the space to be that thing anymore…….just a thought that I found interesting. 


Same as coal miner and they won't be meny steel worker now like on mine and the old woman's. 

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  On 07/09/2024 at 05:38, tatsblisters said:

Just a normal upbringing tbh 2 hard working parents and in all honesty I was a bit spoilt in being allowed to get away with certain things unlike my two sisters that the old man was more strict with though they have turned out a lot better than me and have good well paid job's and have made more of their lives than I have. Growing up we never went without and had holidays every year albeit in this country. Only thing I thank them for is installing a strong work ethic in me as I have never been afraid of a bit of graft just a pity I am a thick feker and have never been academically inclined unlike my two sisters who did university and went on to good careers even though it did make them snobs. 


  stop running yourself down pal, you arent thick, your post tells me so,,  As fer me as a childhood i wanted fer nowt, lovely parents, RIP mum n dad ,   thank you 

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  On 07/09/2024 at 09:31, greg64 said:

i don't see why better than sitting on your arse especially if it's the only work available


Same here I have more respect for young uns who work in the local CoOp or morrisons than those hanging around them on an evening stinking of weed and being a fekin nuisance. 

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  On 07/09/2024 at 09:23, jukel123 said:

I hate to see men working on tills. f****n humiliating work imo. But time marches on.


  good morning jukel, bit surprised at that remark coming from a man with your inteligence , perhaps he may be disabled in some way, and that particular jobsuits him, better tha being a dole walla eh,  enjoy your day my friend 

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  On 07/09/2024 at 09:54, jukel123 said:

Im stuck in the thought that it women's work. My age.  My problem.


Tbh mate part of me thinks the same it's got to be an age thing and to me it's same as care as it was always a womans job as I remember as a kid and the only male in that field of work would be your Doctor. 

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  On 07/09/2024 at 06:37, tank34 said:

9 years in kid's home run by nuns age 3 till 12 years old , nuns are the devil , back home not much better , dad never bothered mother more into her boyfriend then me an my brothers 


Can you tell us more about the nuns please iv only ever seen one on TV on the Benny Hill Show

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