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I think Inheritance Tax is one of the most egregious taxes there is. If someone works and pays Income Tax, invests wisely and pays tax on their dividends, pays tax on the interest their money in

You would have enjoyed it @DIDO.1 we saw a couple of upper class countrywear tweed type shops and ended up in a pub where we were offered pink lemonades by some friendly gentlemen I thought were a bik

Well I did get an answer from the nearest Labour MP.  This generic load of shit.   Thank you for your message.   Yesterday, I voted with the Government to convert the Winter Fuel Paym

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2 minutes ago, big feet said:

Hahahaha, come on then, what's your suggestions?

Mate come on let's be serious a minute watch that video I just posted above and you're the only person I know that wants to pay more tax .... your tapped in the head 

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8 minutes ago, big feet said:

Hahahaha, come on then, what's your suggestions?

Who you going to vote in ?? It's corrupt from head to toe 

politicians,army,police ,  judges, solicitors, social services, you could go  on and on and on let's just say you did vote some one in what are they gonna change when the rest of the system is as bent as when you and your bf going dogging ???   f**k all absolutely f**k all 

Edited by scotty12
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Just now, scotty12 said:

Who you going to vote in ?? It's corrupt from head to toe 

politicians,army,police ,  judges, solicitors services, you could go  on and on and on let's just say you did vote some one in what are they gonna change when the rest of the system is as bent as when you and your bf going dogging ???   f**k all absolutely f**k all 

The only thing you can do is to vote for party that has policies that align with your views. If you don't think we should, what else do you suggest we do? 

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17 minutes ago, big feet said:

The only thing you can do is to vote for party that has policies that align with your views. If you don't think we should, what else do you suggest we do? 

So who you going to vote for ? 

incase you've never realised or no ones ever told you politicians lie to get your votes how do you think they get in on the first place by praying on the "gullible" wink wink 

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20 minutes ago, big feet said:

The only thing you can do is to vote for party that has policies that align with your views. If you don't think we should, what else do you suggest we do? 

There's only 1 thing you can do...

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3 minutes ago, scotty12 said:

So who you going to vote for ? 

incase you've never realised or no ones ever told you politicians lie to get your votes how do you think they get in on the first place by praying on the "gullible" wink wink 

You didn't answer the question, what's the solution? Are you a politician mate? Lol

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I don’t know the answer, but a start would be not to vote for the LibLabCon Uniparty.

Would Reform UK do a better job ? Again, I don’t know, but they could hardly do a worse job than the legacy parties who now think they have a god given right to rule.

If you can’t vote for Reform, then vote for an independent who’s views most align with yours.

If nothing else, vote for The Monster Raving Loony Party , if only to show your disgust with the legacy parties !


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1 minute ago, scotty12 said:

Now did someone mention that there would be compulsory constripton ...... maybe just maybe it might just be the straw that breaks the camels back 



Have the US and the UK said they will allow their missiles to be used against Russia? Is it breaking news?

As of the latest meeting between Lammy and Blinken they didn’t mention it.


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3 minutes ago, big feet said:

You didn't answer the question, what's the solution? Are you a politician mate? Lol

You'll get your solution in the next coming months it goes along the lines of 2 million Indictments for the uk alone international military courts some say there quick and effective and the outcome will be hung shot or jailed. This place is getting a make over form head to toe 



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Just now, scotty12 said:

3rd one Down

Yeah I read that, but has there been an official announcement ?

Ive been out lamping and not long in, I’ve just switched on the news but they aren’t mentioning it.

At lunchtime they said Zelensky asked Blinken and Lammy to allow the missiles to be used but they didn’t give him an answer.


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