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I think Inheritance Tax is one of the most egregious taxes there is. If someone works and pays Income Tax, invests wisely and pays tax on their dividends, pays tax on the interest their money in

You would have enjoyed it @DIDO.1 we saw a couple of upper class countrywear tweed type shops and ended up in a pub where we were offered pink lemonades by some friendly gentlemen I thought were a bik

Well I did get an answer from the nearest Labour MP.  This generic load of shit.   Thank you for your message.   Yesterday, I voted with the Government to convert the Winter Fuel Paym

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21 minutes ago, Francie, said:

Well we could st least join together an have a big f***ing protest st Westminster?

I'm there if there is one organised. I'll put my Wolfie parka on just for the occasion. I've just been reading what the pensions minister has to say. I thought she would be saying something like" difficult decisions, last thing we really wanted to do but..." Actually she said " there are plenty of wealthy pensioners who don't need it ". Which is akin to saying 'let them eat cake'.

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10 minutes ago, Francie, said:

Dirty bastsrds these politicians,they've got us were they want us,both parties the same,globalist pigs in a big "secret" gang an we ain't part of it,were mere cattle to make them wealthy,not one f**k do they care for us.

You f****n leftie, Marxist, agitator and malcontent. Be grateful for what you've got and start doffing that cap!

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10% hike on electric and gas from the start of October and no winter fuel payment for the elderly.


UK to give £600 million to a dictator and fund a non existent war in the Ukraine. No problem.


The UK has given a staggering total of £8.4 Billion to the Ukraine from the start of the war.


Stop funding these terrorists and cancel your TV license, electric and Gas, council tax and water payments. No point in sitting on here and crying and doing nothing about it 

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3 hours ago, chartpolski said:

Starmer was asked this morning if he would impose the inheritance tax on farms and family businesses; he refused to answer. 
A three generation farmer was interviewed and said farmers are asset rich but cash poor and if inheritance tax is put on farms his son would have to sell up and the big buyers of farmland are multi national companies who leave the land to “wilding “ and use it as “carbon offsetting “ for their businesses. Less local food grown, more imported food, more carbon produced by transporting food from abroad and higher prices for the consumer !

But hey, Labour can bask in the knowledge they are taxing “rich land owners “ …..


Carbon offsetting is a con. Agreed. But re_ wilding is vital imo. The problem of smaller farmers being bought up by huge factory farmers is immense.  Dairy farmers in particular are all being bought up by the big boys. Pig and chicken farming is the same. The goal is always cheap food for the consumer and lower welfare for the animals. Pile em high, fill em full of antibiotics and sell em cheap. The supermarkets are our enemy as well as our friend. One thing is certain. There's going to be more Covid like epidemics coming from birds, pigs and cattle which are intensively reared. And more livestock shit appearing in our rivers and water supply.

On that cheerful note of doom and gloom. I bid thee all good evening.

Edited by jukel123
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9 minutes ago, scotty12 said:

10% hike on electric and gas from the start of October and no winter fuel payment for the elderly.


UK to give £600 million to a dictator and fund a non existent war in the Ukraine. No problem.


The UK has given a staggering total of £8.4 Billion to the Ukraine from the start of the war.


Stop funding these terrorists and cancel your TV license, electric and Gas, council tax and water payments. No point in sitting on here and crying and doing nothing about it 

True mate. But we are all political eunuchs.Trained to comply.

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18 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

I'm there if there is one organised. I'll put my Wolfie parka on just for the occasion. I've just been reading what the pensions minister has to say. I thought she would be saying something like" difficult decisions, last thing we really wanted to do but..." Actually she said " there are plenty of wealthy pensioners who don't need it ". Which is akin to saying 'let them eat cake'.

And she's right , loads of pensioners out there f****n loaded, it's supposed to be a means tested benefit,    load of crap 

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2 minutes ago, iworkwhippets said:

And she's right , loads of pensioners out there f****n loaded, it's supposed to be a means tested benefit,    load of crap 

It wasnt means tested it was available to ALL pensioners, labour have just made it means tested

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1 minute ago, iworkwhippets said:

And she's right , loads of pensioners out there f****n loaded, it's supposed to be a means tested benefit,    load of crap 

Hark at you. I'm all right Jack!

Not the attitude to take young man. Its not supposed to be a means tested benefit. The more money circulating from the 'grey' pound the better for everybody.. Disappointing response. You must undergo training to correct your right wing tendencies.

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13 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

Hark at you. I'm all right Jack!

Not the attitude to take young man. Its not supposed to be a means tested benefit. The more money circulating from the 'grey' pound the better for everybody.. Disappointing response. You must undergo training to correct your right wing tendencies.

Yes I'm.alright thank you,   and again I say , there thousands of pensioners out there rolling in it,  the powers that be, need to sort out the poor souls that need the money, there's one pensioner that I know of, I have more money in my back.pocket than the person has in the bank, but for some reason not entitled to to cash,    that's me done on the subject, as the prime minister says, more gloom n doom to come,  and don't i.know it,  

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1 hour ago, jukel123 said:

Carbon offsetting is a con. Agreed. But re_ wilding is vital imo. The problem of smaller farmers being bought up by huge factory farmers is immense.  Dairy farmers in particular are all being bought up by the big boys. Pig and chicken farming is the same. The goal is always cheap food for the consumer and lower welfare for the animals. Pile em high, fill em full of antibiotics and sell em cheap. The supermarkets are our enemy as well as our friend. One thing is certain. There's going to be more Covid like epidemics coming from birds, pigs and cattle which are intensively reared. And more shit appearing in our rivers and water supply.

On that cheerful note of doom and gloom. I bid thee all good evening.

Most little farms around me are being rented out to the big dairy farmers. Or even worse to produce crops for ad plants. Makes even renting land for someone like me completely unaffordable. And not quite so simple as pumping stuff full of antibiotics. They get trace of that in bulk tank sample or in the slaughter house you don’t get paid 😂

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29 minutes ago, Gypsydog94 said:

Most little farms around me are being rented out to the big dairy farmers. Or even worse to produce crops for ad plants. Makes even renting land for someone like me completely unaffordable. And not quite so simple as pumping stuff full of antibiotics. They get trace of that in bulk tank sample or in the slaughter house you don’t get paid 😂

I was thinking of hens more. They routinely have antibiotics in drinking water, otherwise they infect each other with coccidodis. Pigs are also  routinely dosed. Traces of antibiotic coming from livestock have been found in human tissue, including breast milk. It's part of the problem of antibiotic resistance. In the States growth hormone is allowed to be administered to cattle and there is talk of a trade deal which would allow American beef and chlorinated chicken to be sold here.

I have a mate who's foreman on a dairy farm. He's told me there's lots of dodgy milk which get into the bulk tank sample. The tests are not sensitive enough to decide if every single  cows milk is 'clean'. Small amounts do get through the system. He says he doesn't drink the stuff and he is disgusted that  cows he's worked with since they were conceived by AI are slaughtered after 3 or 4 lactations. They are milked 3 times a day and never see grass. It's not right. We are gambling with the laws of nature imo, asking for trouble.

Edited by jukel123
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Preaching to the choir here but no British government is going to attempt to fix that which we know is broken, but worse, this lot are going to fix things that are not broken. The political elite, and fair play to them they did the graft to get into positions of power, just regard us as ignorant children that lack the intellect to know what is good for us and so they make the decisions for the betterment of us all. I think that is the basic ethos of the EU, and we are once again under the control of that political elite now more so than ever. Hey ho, off to France/Spain/Italy/Canada we go 🙂

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33 minutes ago, jukel123 said:


I have a mate who's foreman on a dairy farm. He's told me there's lots of dodgy milk which get into the bulk tank sample. The tests are not sensitive enough to decide if every single  cows milk is 'clean'. Small amounts do get through the system. He says he doesn't drink the stuff and he is disgusted that  cows he's worked with since they were conceived by AI are slaughtered after 3 or 4 lactations. They are milked 3 times a day and never see grass. It's not right. We are gambling with the laws of nature imo, asking for trouble.

I can see that with large dairy’s milk being in massive volume you could get away with chucking 50 liters into a tank of 28000 liters. The farm I work on was milking 110 cows before the gave up you couldn’t get away with putting anti biotic milk in the tank would be picked up straight away. And our cows lasted until over 10 years old. But that’s what happens when people want cheap milk it’s got to be produced as cheaply as possible unfortunately. Who’s to blame the farmer or the consumer 🤷‍♂️

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