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I think Inheritance Tax is one of the most egregious taxes there is. If someone works and pays Income Tax, invests wisely and pays tax on their dividends, pays tax on the interest their money in

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Well I did get an answer from the nearest Labour MP.  This generic load of shit.   Thank you for your message.   Yesterday, I voted with the Government to convert the Winter Fuel Paym

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On 05/09/2024 at 18:42, jukel123 said:

I would stay stum mate. If they query it, plead ignorance. They will surely believe you.

over many years my friend, its been nowt but labour , conservatives , labour conservatives, each making a complete  mess of things for the very people they are supposed to look after, US, and now starmer is making the excuse all governments make once in power, we are in a reet old mess cos of the recent government,  so they want money put things right, eh, bollocks this country will never be right, so they want money,  for they have just given certain folks pay increases,    i know lets tackle the pensioners, how feckin low is that eh, all because previous governments over the years have thought about no one but themselves, about my attendance allowance, do you honestly think by me acting stum, not a chance, i have this very morning received a letter, 3 pages want answering, fcuk it i give up ,    i want nowt that isnt rightfully mine,  folks coming over here in droves getting housed medical treatment,  commiting atrocitities      wtf 


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1 hour ago, chartpolski said:

Contact Age U K, Age Concern, Citizens Advice, and they will help. Or even call them, you can claim by phone or


Pension Credit is extra money for pensioners to bring your weekly income up to a minimum amount - what you'll...


   sorry Ritch, im not with you , pension credit, and attendance allowance ,two different benefits

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Just now, iworkwhippets said:

   sorry Ritch, im not with you , pension credit, and attendance allowance ,two different benefits

Sorry mate, my mistake, but the same advice applies to Attendance Allowance. Speak to Age UK and they will do a benefit check for you and if you qualify they will arrange for the relevant government department to do the application on the ‘phone. It takes about 20-30 minutes and they will make a decision then and there.

Some years ago when the job centres were closing down and going on line, I did three month pro bono work teaching claimants how to create a c.v. and an email address and write things like covering letters.

I was both amazed and saddened at how many people were missing out on benefits and didn’t know help was available.

Labour have just prevailed in the vote to take away the Winter Heating Allowance.

I thought immediately of the biblical prophesy about the End Of Days; Day will become night, black will become white”.

Labour voting to have old British people die of cold and hunger, while the Tories voted to help the pensioners !

It’s not the world I was born into ….  

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1 hour ago, Bakerboy said:

MPs have voted 348 to 228 to allow approx 4000 pensioners to die this coming winter ( labours figures not mine ) shame on them

If the tories had done it first Starmer would have been " furious" . He would have described it as  a "moral outrage", and a " scandal". Źzzzzzzzzzzzzźzzz.

All the major parties serve big business. Their aim is to maximise profit and minimise pay and public services. It's rich v poor and always has been. It's just more obvious to some of us now.


Cutting pensions was an easy option because many of us will be dead come the next election and we have no power. 

Politicians in the UK have it easy because the rich own the media and continually and successfully divert attention away from the major issues.

Edited by jukel123
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How an why the fook have we given this bunch of wankers power to control our lives,ffs there supposed to do exactly what we tell them,but no they serve themselves an the rich,with our money,they tax the f**k out of us an are not held accountable only by vote,I mean come on are we f***ing stupid or what,they dont own us,nor our money but they take it cause they say so,were royally getting screwed f**k the whole lot of them.

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30 minutes ago, Francie, said:

How an why the fook have we given this bunch of wankers power to control our lives,ffs there supposed to do exactly what we tell them,but no they serve themselves an the rich,with our money,they tax the f**k out of us an are not held accountable only by vote,I mean come on are we f***ing stupid or what,they dont own us,nor our money but they take it cause they say so,were royally getting screwed f**k the whole lot of them.

There's no party to vote for. And if there were it would be crushed by 'dark forces". We end up voting for what we think is the lesser evil. And then we realise we've been fooled.

It will be interesting to see if any progress has been made in improving public services at the end of this Parliament.

Blair and Brown did restore health and education spending to the level of other European nations. As a result outcomes for patients were as good as France and Germany.The same was true of Education spending.( Doubters check the figures)

Let's see if Starmer and Reeves can match that. And also restore NHS dentistry and fix the Social Care system. Affordable housing for the young is also a priority.

Let's see if they can avoid engagement in another dodgy war like Bliar, avoid upsetting the balance of power in the Middle East and slaughtering  hundreds of thousands of civilians. That would be good. Not too much to ask. I'm not holding  my breath.

Edited by jukel123
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48 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

If the tories had done it first Starmer would have been " furious" . He would have described it as  a "moral outrage", and a " scandal". Źzzzzzzzzzzzzźzzz.

All the major parties serve big business. Their aim is to maximise profit and minimise pay and public services. It's rich v poor and always has been. It's just more obvious to some of us now.


Cutting pensions was an easy option because many of us will be dead come the next election and we have no power. 

Politicians in the UK have it easy because the rich own the media and continually and successfully divert attention away from the major issues.

Ed Milliband is pledging to honour a £11.6 billion foreign climate crisis aid package, the cuts to the pensioners cold weather payments will save £1.5 billion, cut/scrap the climate aid package and look after our own

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