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Just now, mackay said:

I understand why a lot of people are pissed off with Tice and therefore reform. But In my humble opinion the only way things will change (other than a full blown revolution, which might be what is required) is by a political party, sqeaky clean , whiter than white taking council seats then councils then having mp's to make changes. Other than that there will be no recognition or respect for our views. I take my hat off to the people that gathered and marched, but lets be brutally honest it will make not a jot of difference. It's people venting their anger and frustration and then going home and the establishment breathing a sigh of relief saying f**k you and carrying on shafting us. 500,000 people marched through London at the countryside march.  It made not one bit of difference.


I disagree with how tice has gone out of his way to attack TR....but for now it's the only political way forward. Tice, like Farage do give a political party an edge and for now I'll suck it up. 

I'm actually considering standing in the local elections for reform, I'm not hundred percent yet but I think a big change in politics is coming and reform are the best chance of that. Labour won a majority with less votes than Corbyn and abbot got.....for the first time in a long while I think it's in reach. 

A party that openly supports fieldsports and is against immigration....I think we have to be in on it and pushing it as much as possible from the beginning. 

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11 minutes ago, low plains drifter said:


Can't disagree with that. 


I've always been an in it to win it type of person.... saying we are going to abandon a really new party because of a few poorly thought out comments? Keep going down that path and we will all be sat in out bedrooms flicking through our old BNP / NF leaflets dreaming of what could of been like gnasher 😜✊

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10 minutes ago, DIDO.1 said:

Can't disagree with that. 


I've always been an in it to win it type of person.... saying we are going to abandon a really new party because of a few poorly thought out comments? Keep going down that path and we will all be sat in out bedrooms flicking through our old BNP / NF leaflets dreaming of what could of been like gnasher 😜✊

I remember Mark the beach warden telling me Farage was just another conservative Circa 2017

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15 minutes ago, low plains drifter said:

I remember Mark the beach warden telling me Farage was just another conservative Circa 2017

More than likely....but if the conservatives had done half they had promised they would still be in power. Indeed I've worked with and met a lot of decent conservatives.

Reform have come up with some really massive policies that they will find it hard to totally back peddle on....but they are a long way off being in power, but remember how the Brexit party forced a referendum without winning much at all. There's a chance for change and if it doesn't work then get ready for 20 years of labour. 

All I can say is every person getting involved at grassroots level with reform are the very same people on the TR march...at some point there's going to have to be a reckoning on that point 

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35 minutes ago, DIDO.1 said:

every person getting involved at grassroots level with reform are the very same people on the TR march.

Tice doesn't think so,but there again I didn't see him at parliament square on Saturday.

It wasn't a Tommy Robinson march,it was more than that,it was brits feeling frustrated and angry enough with Free Gear kier to turn up collectively and support each other (because no one else gives a f**k,including Tice),it was a small show of frustrated unity.

Edited by mackem
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4 minutes ago, mackem said:

Tice doesn't think so,but there again I didn't see him at parliament square on Saturday.

It wasn't a Tommy Robinson march,it was more than that,it was brits feeling frustrated and angry enough with Free Gear kier to turn up collectively and support each other (because no one else gives a f**k,including Tice),it was a small show of frustrated unity.

I wonder how many of those marching, waving union flags etc actually voted.

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6 minutes ago, mackay said:

As I'm sure a lot of people did mate.  My point being a lot of people complaining (and probably marching) don't vote because they think there isn't any point.

I realised a long time ago there was no point,but Tice or rather reform might have been a glimmer of hope but the et tu brute moment "We want nothing to do with them" about people who only a few months ago gave Reform their vote gives an insight into the fact Tice is just yet another back stabbing politico cnut.

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2 minutes ago, mackem said:

I realised a long time ago there was no point,but Tice or rather reform might have been a glimmer of hope but the et tu brute moment "We want nothing to do with them" about people who only a few months ago gave Reform their vote gives an insight into the fact Tice is just yet another back stabbing politico cnut.

So where does that leave us?.   The only way anything is going to happen is by political means, if that's it all over because people can't see the bigger picture then we deserve everything that is coming to us. You can march and wave flags, have speeches until hell freezes over, won't make a blind bit of difference.

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8 minutes ago, mackay said:

 You can march and wave flags, have speeches until hell freezes over, won't make a blind bit of difference.

I know that,I have said many times it's more a frustrated show of unity but when a party leader who months ago begged for your vote then when gets it tells you to f**k off as your no use to him till the next election live on TV then I figure it's time to move on and forget the shit show,Groucho Marx probably had something when he said never join a club that will accept you as a member.

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49 minutes ago, mackem said:

I realised a long time ago there was no point,but Tice or rather reform might have been a glimmer of hope but the et tu brute moment "We want nothing to do with them" about people who only a few months ago gave Reform their vote gives an insight into the fact Tice is just yet another back stabbing politico cnut.

I agree....but I think we have to, for now, be mature enough to realise,  the difficulties that will be forced upon reform with the media trying to frame people as far right. I heard people at that meeting saying things that the media could easily spin and use against them. There's got to be a line and people have to grow up and realise that the political future needs to be different from all the right of politics parties that have come before and ultimately been destroyed. 

I've heard good patriots say they won't vote for reform because Farage is establishment/a Tory..... equally I've heard good patriots say they don't support TR because he's a Jewish supporting establishment plant. We have to have a political party that rises above these issues for now.... because transexual activists are currently uniting with islamists as our opposition. If they can do it we can 

Just my opinion 

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3 minutes ago, DIDO.1 said:

I agree....but I think we have to, for now, be mature enough to realise,  the difficulties that will be forced upon reform with the media trying to frame people as far right. 

He should have distanced himself from TR but Tice wasn't even at the march, yet he himself tarred everyone at the demo as far right with his "we want nothing to do with them" in the exact same way the media try to. 

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14 minutes ago, mackem said:

He should have distanced himself from TR but Tice wasn't even at the march, yet he himself tarred everyone at the demo as far right with his "we want nothing to do with them" in the exact same way the media try to. 

He did, I agree. As said there will be some change or coming to terms with these differences.  Tice was at the meeting the other day and if I'd actually heard that comment before I would of asked him directly. The feeling at the meeting was definitely of uniting everyone and this has to filter through 

Post from the Bolton reform candidate who branch was being launched 


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5 minutes ago, DIDO.1 said:

He did, I agree. 

I stopped reading after that, the rest was superfluous, good job you didn't come to London or you too would have been branded far right by yet another political party leader/ex-leader. 

You should have came actually, there was a guy wandering around in a viking helmet, and another bloke with a patterdale who genuinely wanted a civil war, you would have enjoyed the characters. 

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