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I think Inheritance Tax is one of the most egregious taxes there is. If someone works and pays Income Tax, invests wisely and pays tax on their dividends, pays tax on the interest their money in

You would have enjoyed it @DIDO.1 we saw a couple of upper class countrywear tweed type shops and ended up in a pub where we were offered pink lemonades by some friendly gentlemen I thought were a bik

Well I did get an answer from the nearest Labour MP.  This generic load of shit.   Thank you for your message.   Yesterday, I voted with the Government to convert the Winter Fuel Paym

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19 hours ago, Arry said:

The motion was put forward by the trade union Unite, which has accused the government of embarking on "austerity mark two". 

Cheers Arry


If that was reported on the BBC the headline would be “Every member of union filmed giving Facist salute at meeting” ! Lol 

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3 minutes ago, Bakerboy said:

Wouldnt believe the cnts if they said it was Thursday

I can't see how people could afford such a thing mate..1000 mile commute a week = £160 a week..


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8 minutes ago, big feet said:

They said they wouldn't cut the winter payment.

Can you honestly see a 16p a mile car tax being implemented..

Imagine royal mails weekly bill..a first class stamp would cost a fiver lol

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8 minutes ago, king said:

Can you honestly see a 16p a mile car tax being implemented..

Imagine royal mails weekly bill..a first class stamp would cost a fiver lol

No, but if the rumours are 16p a mile they can bring in 6p per mile and we would accept it, they are playing us.

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