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I think Inheritance Tax is one of the most egregious taxes there is. If someone works and pays Income Tax, invests wisely and pays tax on their dividends, pays tax on the interest their money in

You would have enjoyed it @DIDO.1 we saw a couple of upper class countrywear tweed type shops and ended up in a pub where we were offered pink lemonades by some friendly gentlemen I thought were a bik

Well I did get an answer from the nearest Labour MP.  This generic load of shit.   Thank you for your message.   Yesterday, I voted with the Government to convert the Winter Fuel Paym

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46 minutes ago, .357shooter said:

as i see it labour are doing a smash and grab whilst they are in power.take as much money from everbody and give it to their mates before the county implodes.it will be not our fault too much damage was done allready and goodnight.

Though he did claim in the run up to the election that he had a fully costed plan which would mean he had seen the books he,s just blatantly breaking every pledge he made in the first month knowing the saps will still vote for him as has just been proved, the public are so dumbed down now they just don’t give a f**k how they treat the people that elected them, it’s almost comical looking at all the silly old feckers saying I’ve been a labour voter all my life but now he’s took my heating allowance no more, sadly we need 5 years of hell to finally wake the sleeping public 

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Starmer had to reassure the real power brokers...the press barons and the billionaires that he was harmless and wasn't going to do a Truss or worse. He cut the state pension to demonstrate right away that he was their stooge.

Tony Blair became a multi millionaire on the back of being a fixer and gopher for the establishent and our supreme masters , the yanks. Starmer is fixing to do the same. He will wallow in the pig pen accepting bribes and inducements and emerge a very,  very rich man. He's planning a record deal. It goes" The working class/ can kiss my arse etc etc.

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6 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

Starmer had to reassure the real power brokers...the press barons and the billionaires that he was harmless and wasn't going to do a Truss or worse. He cut the state pension to demonstrate right away that he was their stooge.

Tony Blair became a multi millionaire on the back of being a fixer and gopher for the establishent and our supreme masters , the yanks. Starmer is fixing to do the same. He will wallow in the pig pen accepting bribes and inducements and emerge a very,  very rich man. He's planning a record deal. It goes" The working class/ can kiss my arse etc etc.

We will make a reform voter out of you yet 👌

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6 minutes ago, DIDO.1 said:

We will make a reform voter out of you yet 👌

Tell you what. If they adopt the world view of people like Mick Lynch or the late Bob Crowe. I will not only vote for them but campaign for them. Wages, conditions, social housing, properly funding the NHS and education, increasing pensions, flexible working, proper sick pay holiday pay.zzzzzzzzz. You've heard it all before. Never gonna happen in this country.

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1 hour ago, jukel123 said:

Its been proven, beyond all doubt, that people who follow Owen Jones  on social media are gay, vegan and have sex with animals.

And deluded and do not live in the real world like most of us do. I know one thing he doesn't appeal to the real working class i know and am around every day. 

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5 hours ago, DIDO.1 said:


You'd be crying though if an anti-immigration protester received the same treatment for shouting "All migrants out!" Lol

The right on Twitter have been sucking off Jones because he's been giving Stamer stick, you couldn't write it.

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