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2 hours ago, mC HULL said:

i ain’t clued you mate like you what would you have to do keep 1 millions worth to borrow against out the rest in a trust until a better government get in 

Buy precious metal and tell your kids were it is stashed 

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I think Inheritance Tax is one of the most egregious taxes there is. If someone works and pays Income Tax, invests wisely and pays tax on their dividends, pays tax on the interest their money in

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3 hours ago, mC HULL said:

i ain’t clued you mate like you what would you have to do keep 1 millions worth to borrow against out the rest in a trust until a better government get in 

Put it back in the monopoly box .....

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I'm at a loss that we have let governments get the power they have,when in fact we should be calling the shots,it's madness that we let them get away with all this bullshit.

We're f****d because we let it happen.

WERE f****d

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  • 2 weeks later...

4 million quid donation made to the labour party from a hedge fund at a time when it wouldnt be made public before the election


Quadrature’s donation is noteworthy not just for being Labour’s largest-ever, but for its timing ahead of election


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5 minutes ago, tatsblisters said:

Council tax bills going up and the national insurance rise for employers especially small businesses is going to do more harm than good and imho will see a rise in self employment job's that some who work for middle men will be a lot worse off. 

Just following the news in general but there seems to be a fair few buisnesses going into administration 

surely a sign of a declineing economy 

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33 minutes ago, tatsblisters said:

Council tax bills going up and the national insurance rise for employers especially small businesses is going to do more harm than good and imho will see a rise in self employment job's that some who work for middle men will be a lot worse off. 

Lads on the railway and other jobs paying employee and employer NI plus a cut for the recruiting firm + tax over 50% of their wages gone after stoppages

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19 hours ago, Bakerboy said:

Lads on the railway and other jobs paying employee and employer NI plus a cut for the recruiting firm + tax over 50% of their wages gone after stoppages

It's disgusting mate. With the recent rise on my meagre pit pension I will be paying more tax tax i begrudge paying when you see how the government spend it and if I had the opportunity with only a few years left to state pension age I would take a regular cash in hand job rather than getting rinsed with tax stoppages every month. 

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21 hours ago, Bakerboy said:

Lads on the railway and other jobs paying employee and employer NI plus a cut for the recruiting firm + tax over 50% of their wages gone after stoppages

First time in my adult working life,I had to use an agency /umbrella company to find and get paid, for some recent work I was doing... working 6 days a week,the tax, NI and other stoppages took the piss.. not worth the hrs/money tbh...If your looking for work these days,you have no choice but to go through these middle/recruitment/umbrella companies,where some greedy cnut is creaming off the top of you,and splitting the drink with some other slimy cnut,It's been going on for yrs,and one of the reasons the construction and other industries in this country are f****d,can't even walk on a building site these days and ask for work.. government have made it this way...they don't give 2 fucks... if you was earning 60/100 k a yr,paying into the system and now suddenly, you can't afford to pay the mortgage on 600k ,car collection on the drive,and keep your Mrs in collagen jabs🙄

Lots of folks will start to lose everything next few years,we will hear the horror stories 🙄...a part of me says,f**k em,for living beyond their means,but at the end of the day,they are friends/family members to us all...and only a proper cnut takes pleasure,from others misfortune 👍

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This is all intentional, simple as that. Council tax to go up, NI, and the cold weather allowance for pensioner to name but a few. Now I might be niave, but here's how to address things.  Cop out of net zero, stop the boats, return illegals. Job done, is it just me?, or is it really that simple?, and if it is, why is it not being done?. As I said, got to be intentional.

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41 minutes ago, Daniel cain said:

First time in my adult working life,I had to use an agency /umbrella company to find and get paid, for some recent work I was doing... working 6 days a week,the tax, NI and other stoppages took the piss.. not worth the hrs/money tbh...If your looking for work these days,you have no choice but to go through these middle/recruitment/umbrella companies,where some greedy cnut is creaming off the top of you,and splitting the drink with some other slimy cnut,It's been going on for yrs,and one of the reasons the construction and other industries in this country are f****d,can't even walk on a building site these days and ask for work.. government have made it this way...they don't give 2 fucks... if you was earning 60/100 k a yr,paying into the system and now suddenly, you can't afford to pay the mortgage on 600k ,car collection on the drive,and keep your Mrs in collagen jabs🙄

Lots of folks will start to lose everything next few years,we will hear the horror stories 🙄...a part of me says,f**k em,for living beyond their means,but at the end of the day,they are friends/family members to us all...and only a proper cnut takes pleasure,from others misfortune 👍

Mate there's lads in work with me at my pay grade pushing 90+ grand haven't got a pot to piss in and working every possible hour overtime

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1 hour ago, Daniel cain said:

First time in my adult working life,I had to use an agency /umbrella company to find and get paid, for some recent work I was doing... working 6 days a week,the tax, NI and other stoppages took the piss.. not worth the hrs/money tbh...If your looking for work these days,you have no choice but to go through these middle/recruitment/umbrella companies,where some greedy cnut is creaming off the top of you,and splitting the drink with some other slimy cnut,It's been going on for yrs,and one of the reasons the construction and other industries in this country are f****d,can't even walk on a building site these days and ask for work.. government have made it this way...they don't give 2 fucks... if you was earning 60/100 k a yr,paying into the system and now suddenly, you can't afford to pay the mortgage on 600k ,car collection on the drive,and keep your Mrs in collagen jabs🙄

Lots of folks will start to lose everything next few years,we will hear the horror stories 🙄...a part of me says,f**k em,for living beyond their means,but at the end of the day,they are friends/family members to us all...and only a proper cnut takes pleasure,from others misfortune 👍

Thats how belfast is being run at the min, saves the construction companies paying pensions, sickness etc, zero hr contracts and replaced the next day, 

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