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Im not a religious man but you have a individual who defended a know paedophile and necrophiliac, has risen to be the most powerful man in the UK and within weeks has opened the country to even more potential invaders from countrys that hate us and our values and welcomed them with open arms.

He’s allowed convicted criminals to leave prisons and replaced them with grandmothers who have written hurty words on social media.

He has removed a benefit from our most vulnerable who have contributed all their lives to this country which will by their own stats potentially kill 4000. Talks of a “chimney tax” and removing the bus pass and single occupancy on the council tax means a widow/widower who lives on their own in the country with a wood burner to keep them warm and needs public transport has probably had a death sentence handed to them.

He’s funding a war in Europe and is now upping the stakes by providing missiles we shouldn’t be and is provoking rather than pushing for peace talks, walking us into WW3.

Adding a tax that will make it almost impossible for a farmer to hand down his land to his family when he dies meaning land will not be worth growing crops on taking away our country’s ability to feed itself.        

Its like a script from the latest Omen movie.

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I don’t know anything about Blinkden, but let’s just consider this:

The man who potentially holds war in Europe in the palm of his hand is……David Lammy !!!

A very ordinary solicitor who was the progeny of Bernie Grant and who’s sole credentials for the job is a life crying “racist” and throwing verbal rocks at the police about the plight of the “poor black man”

Its him against an ex KGB colonel playing with catastrophe !……..brilliant !……what better man for the job huh ??!!!

f***ing hell like, what f***ing morons are voting for these people !!! 

Edited by WILF
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40 minutes ago, TRUEBRIT66 said:

Im not a religious man but you have a individual who defended a know paedophile and necrophiliac, has risen to be the most powerful man in the UK and within weeks has opened the country to even more potential invaders from countrys that hate us and our values and welcomed them with open arms.

He’s allowed convicted criminals to leave prisons and replaced them with grandmothers who have written hurty words on social media.

He has removed a benefit from our most vulnerable who have contributed all their lives to this country which will by their own stats potentially kill 4000. Talks of a “chimney tax” and removing the bus pass and single occupancy on the council tax means a widow/widower who lives on their own in the country with a wood burner to keep them warm and needs public transport has probably had a death sentence handed to them.

He’s funding a war in Europe and is now upping the stakes by providing missiles we shouldn’t be and is provoking rather than pushing for peace talks, walking us into WW3.

Adding a tax that will make it almost impossible for a farmer to hand down his land to his family when he dies meaning land will not be worth growing crops on taking away our country’s ability to feed itself.        

Its like a script from the latest Omen movie.

Spot on mate

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I’ve been reading up, (again), about “The Great Game”; the political and military manoeuvring between Russia and the UK in the 19th century.

Russia was afraid that Britain was going to invade the Central Asian Khanates to secure a trade route from India to Europe, and Britain was worried about Russia invading British India.

The French were encouraging Russia and supplying them.

The Persians , (Iran), we’re worried the Russians would invade Persia on their way to India, so the British guaranteed they would help Persia in any war with Russia .

All this lead to the Crimean War and the redrawing of boundaries in Central Asia and Afghanistan. 
All sound a bit familiar ? Spheres of influence, expansion of territory, suzerainty of neighbouring countries ?

Same players , albeit on different sides and the addition of the US.

”The Great Game” never ended, Chess pieces being moved around , bluff and counter bluff……..and ending in a war , but this time with no winner .


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39 minutes ago, WILF said:

I don’t know anything about Blinkden, but let’s just consider this:

The man who potentially holds war in Europe in the palm of his hand is……David Lammy !!!

A very ordinary solicitor who was the progeny of Bernie Grant and who’s sole credentials for the job is a life crying “racist” and throwing verbal rocks at the police about the plight of the “poor black man”

Its him against an ex KGB colonel playing with catastrophe !……..brilliant !……what better man for the job huh ??!!!

f***ing hell like, what f***ing morons are voting for these people !!! 

He's a fckn imbecile




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Something is definitely in the air boys……there’s too many things going boss eyed in too many areas, people are murmuring…..it’s all going to go wrong !

I don’t suppose we should be surprised because the only cure for insanity is a massive helping of even more insanity !……..

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With the next Euros due to be hosted by the UK and Ireland, a letter to the culture secretary...

You couldn’t make this sh#t up not only is he screwing pensioners over, about to screw the pubs over, putting us on the brink of war now he’s gonna get us banned from the next euros which we’re hosting ffs.

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24 minutes ago, Treeplanter said:

With the next Euros due to be hosted by the UK and Ireland, a letter to the culture secretary...

You couldn’t make this sh#t up not only is he screwing pensioners over, about to screw the pubs over, putting us on the brink of war now he’s gonna get us banned from the next euros which we’re hosting ffs.

In a letter to Culture Secretary Lisa Nandy, European football's governing body said there should be "no government interference in the running of football...

But the same governing body was OK with footballers taking the knee...load of nonsense.. 

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24 minutes ago, Treeplanter said:

With the next Euros due to be hosted by the UK and Ireland, a letter to the culture secretary...

You couldn’t make this sh#t up not only is he screwing pensioners over, about to screw the pubs over, putting us on the brink of war now he’s gonna get us banned from the next euros which we’re hosting ffs.

It’s all about control and taxation with Labour/Socialist/Marxist/Communists.

They see all the money sloshing about in football and think “we’ll have a piece of that “ !

Whats the betting they put a tax on club takeovers , transfers etc ?


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so the poor pm can not afford to buy his own suits now ffs.donations from a certain person who will have his interests looked after ie two tier from the police .this pm has a net worth of over 7miilion apparently yet still has his nose buried deep in the pockets of the tax payer.i call bullshit that a lawer did not know he had to declare the gifts.

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34 minutes ago, Bakerboy said:

It's worse than that mate he's got another bloke buying his Mrs her clothes, I'd be fckn embarrassed to take the money

Starmer demanded Boris resign when he had a rich supporter pay for the new wallpaper in 10 Downing Street.

Boris gained nothing from this, in fact it meant the tax payer didn’t pay for it.

Now Starmer has a Lord paying for his suits and glasses and his wife’s dresses, something the Starmers have benefited from directly.

Starmer didn’t declare these “gifts” as he should have, but tried to do it after the time allowed and after the story was about to break.

Will he do the honourable thing, the thing he demanded Boris do, and resign ?

Will he f**k, the hypocritical c**t ….  

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9 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

Starmer demanded Boris resign when he had a rich supporter pay for the new wallpaper in 10 Downing Street.

Boris gained nothing from this, in fact it meant the tax payer didn’t pay for it.

Now Starmer has a Lord paying for his suits and glasses and his wife’s dresses, something the Starmers have benefited from directly.

Starmer didn’t declare these “gifts” as he should have, but tried to do it after the time allowed and after the story was about to break.

Will he do the honourable thing, the thing he demanded Boris do, and resign ?

Will he f**k, the hypocritical c**t ….  



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