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I think Inheritance Tax is one of the most egregious taxes there is. If someone works and pays Income Tax, invests wisely and pays tax on their dividends, pays tax on the interest their money in

You would have enjoyed it @DIDO.1 we saw a couple of upper class countrywear tweed type shops and ended up in a pub where we were offered pink lemonades by some friendly gentlemen I thought were a bik

Well I did get an answer from the nearest Labour MP.  This generic load of shit.   Thank you for your message.   Yesterday, I voted with the Government to convert the Winter Fuel Paym

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5 hours ago, mackem said:

Many a true word said in jest. 

Some of the pensioners I talk to think the free bus passes are the next in line to get stopped and every one of them I talk to are fuming over the WFP being stopped especially when they read about about our money being given to the Ukraine and climate change cons in foreign countries. 

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4 hours ago, Borr said:

Refusing to allow taxpayer to know cost of furnishing flats for illegals

It's not just that borrowing,its everything they spend our money on,we ain't got a say on any of it ffs.

Were are the biggest ejits for letting them control us.

Like what could they do say if 2million landed to westminster an refused to budge until serious changes are implemented,like being able to get rid of an mp pronto if he doesnt please his voters,or have a say in were are moneys going,drastically reducing there wages an expenses,f**k sake they couldn't do a thing.

They are not accountable for anything they do,at all.

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1 hour ago, Francie, said:

It's not just that borrowing,its everything they spend our money on,we ain't got a say on any of it ffs.

Were are the biggest ejits for letting them control us.

Like what could they do say if 2million landed to westminster an refused to budge until serious changes are implemented,like being able to get rid of an mp pronto if he doesnt please his voters,or have a say in were are moneys going,drastically reducing there wages an expenses,f**k sake they couldn't do a thing.

They are not accountable for anything they do,at all.

Blair is living proof and still he pulls strings from the sidelines... The UK obamas

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1 hour ago, Francie, said:

It's not just that borrowing,its everything they spend our money on,we ain't got a say on any of it ffs.

Were are the biggest ejits for letting them control us.

Like what could they do say if 2million landed to westminster an refused to budge until serious changes are implemented,like being able to get rid of an mp pronto if he doesnt please his voters,or have a say in were are moneys going,drastically reducing there wages an expenses,f**k sake they couldn't do a thing.

They are not accountable for anything they do,at all.

We are accountable though and a starter would be for folk to get off their arse and vote.

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1 hour ago, big feet said:

We are accountable though and a starter would be for folk to get off their arse and vote.

Voting will do nothing,the power needs to be taken away from the mps,to much power they have,there only puppets anyway,controlled by there "lobby" groups

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Well I did get an answer from the nearest Labour MP. 

This generic load of shit.


Thank you for your message.
Yesterday, I voted with the Government to convert the Winter Fuel Payment into a means-tested benefit that reaches people who need it most. This was a very difficult decision, and not one any Labour MP wanted to take.
After a lot of consideration, and listening to ministerial colleagues and residents who have been in touch, I decided to support the government because of the significant £22bn black hole in the public finances that has been left to us by the previous government. This is £22 billion worth of unfunded spending this year that was covered up by the Conservative party. The independent Office for Budget Responsibility confirmed that they had not been given the information needed by the previous Government, and has since launched an investigation.
Not taking action on this overspend would imperil the economy, and have a real-life negative impact on every household. The last time a government indicated it would spend vastly more money than it had access to, was under Liz Truss. Her disastrous mini-budget meant inflation skyrocketed, increasing rents and mortgages, driving up the price of food, and adding more to energy bills on top of the impact of the war on Ukraine. We have still not recovered from the impact of that mini-budget.
This Labour government was elected on a mandate to deliver economic stability, in order to grow the economy and keep taxes, inflation, and mortgages as low as possible. A Labour government will not play fast and loose with the economy in the way the previous government did.  And so we have to narrow the £22bn black hole in public spending that has been identified in this year.
The further financial irresponsibility of the previous Conservative Government, which committed to spending and projects on the never-never in order to win the general election, leaves us with a real mess. It has made the task to repair our hospitals and lower waiting lists, to improve dentistry and pharmacy services, and to properly fund other public services even more difficult.
Despite this, the new Labour Government has already taken action to support pensioners. This includes:

  • Winter Fuel payments to pensioners who are in receipt of the Pension Credit;
  • Maintaining the triple lock, meaning the state pension will rise from April, equating to a £460 rise for those on the new state pension – this is on top of the £900 increase to the state pension last April, far outstripping the level of the winter fuel payment;
  • Extending the Household Support Fund to allow access to support for those who are just over the pension credit threshold;
  • Beginning a mass campaign to increase take-up of pension credit among the over 800,000 pensioners who currently do not claim it – a damning indictment of the last 14 years of Tory government
  • Details of further support is included at the end of this email

In addition, this government is beginning the work needed to bring down energy bills – which are lower this Winter than last. By setting up GB Energy and investing in new energy generation, we will ensure the UK delivers lower-cost and sustainable energy which will provide us with certainty in the face of global instability. We will also invest in upgrading millions of homes with insulation and low-carbon heating, helping people to cut down on the amount of energy needed to heat their homes. 
While many pensioners will be disappointed that they will not get the winter fuel payment this year, I know that many pensioners want to be able to see a doctor when they need to; to have an operation at our hospital sooner rather than having to wait months or years; and to have access to an NHS dentist, and not to pay up to £70 a month for a private dental plan. The difficult decisions we are taking now will mean we can begin the work of fixing our public services for everyone.    
I know that I hope that this email has been helpful, if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to get back in touch.   

Best wishes,

Steve Race 
Labour Member of Parliament for Exeter

I then replied this. Of course I didn't vote Labour but he don't know that and he's not my MP and if he knew that he would not even answer.



I hope that generic rubbish makes you feel better because nobody believe it.
Firstly 22bn black hole, well 9bn is what the Labour Party have given in over inflation pay rises to the likes of Train drivers.
By striping pensioner of the winter fuel allowance you save just £1.3bn costing 4000 lives “your own party figures”. Was there a risk assessment done?? If there was it will never see the light of day.
Still just think you won’t just save £1.3bn but you won’t have to pay 4000 dead pensioners pension. 
How many dead to fill £22bn black hole sound a bit like the holocaust.
But the Labour Party can find an extra £11.6bn for Ed Miliband to give away on over seas climate aid. That on top of £7.19bn in Foreign Economic Aid.
The new Chancellor Rachel Reeves claimed £4400 energy support bit rich that after taking just £200/£300 off pensioners. I suppose you put in a claim as well for your energy support.
Once your old and have no use any more you're an easy target, pensioners cant go on strike. The Labour Party used to be for the common man. Well the common man has woke up now that they have been betrayed.
Never again will I waste my vote on such a bunch of hypocrites.
Yours Sincerely 

Cheers Arry

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1 hour ago, Francie, said:

Voting will do nothing,the power needs to be taken away from the mps,to much power they have,there only puppets anyway,controlled by there "lobby" groups

How do you suggest we do that mate? No, the only thing that will make a change is in the ballot box, it's as simple as that.

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