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They walk among us lads……our job is to not forget who they are.

Anyone who votes for them, anyone who represents them, anyone who supports them……these people are everyone’s enemy ! 

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1 hour ago, WILF said:

They walk among us lads……our job is to not forget who they are.

Anyone who votes for them, anyone who represents them, anyone who supports them……these people are everyone’s enemy ! 

I emailed my Labour MP asking a very simple question; “ how do you intend to vote in the upcoming debate on the removal of the pensioners winter fuel allowance ? “.

She didn’t afford me the courtesy of a personal reply. 
One of her “team” replied saying before the MP can put my request to the relevant Minister she would need my full name and address, date of birth and my National Insurance number !

I replied saying I wasn’t putting a question or request to a Minister . As one of her constituents I was asking how MY MP intended to vote and that I found the request for my personal details slightly sinister, and all I wanted to know was how she intended to vote.

Ive had no reply but have found that she voted for the motion to remove the winter heating allowance.


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41 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

I emailed my Labour MP asking a very simple question; “ how do you intend to vote in the upcoming debate on the removal of the pensioners winter fuel allowance ? “.

She didn’t afford me the courtesy of a personal reply. 
One of her “team” replied saying before the MP can put my request to the relevant Minister she would need my full name and address, date of birth and my National Insurance number !

I replied saying I wasn’t putting a question or request to a Minister . As one of her constituents I was asking how MY MP intended to vote and that I found the request for my personal details slightly sinister, and all I wanted to know was how she intended to vote.

Ive had no reply but have found that she voted for the motion to remove the winter heating allowance.


I email my nearest Labour MP (Exeter) asking him if he was cosy as he can claim his fuel bill. If he can sleep at night. 

If he minded 4000 pensioners dying (Labours own figures)

I got the same answer asking for my name address and post code.

Cheers Arry



Edited by Arry
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16 minutes ago, Arry said:

I email my nearest Labour MP (Exeter) asking him if he was cosy as he can claim his fuel bill. If he can sleep at night. 

If he minded 4000 pensioners dying (Labours own figures)

I got the same answer asking for my name address and post code.

Cheers Arry



     its hard to digest is that Arry, this day n age people dying fer sake of £ 300 , im not disputing you, we should never ever come to this 

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16 minutes ago, Borr said:

Didn't catch who said it (MP) but basically pensioners aren't viewed as labour supporters, the money will go to train drivers , teachers and NHS workers ....

Plus the 11 billon + that Ed Miliband announced for over seas aid.

They can find money for over seas but not for old folk.


13 minutes ago, iworkwhippets said:

     its hard to digest is that Arry, this day n age people dying fer sake of £ 300 , im not disputing you, we should never ever come to this 

Out of likes lads.

Cheers Arry

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54 minutes ago, Arry said:

Plus the 11 billon + that Ed Miliband announced for over seas aid.

They can find money for over seas but not for old folk.


Out of likes lads.

Cheers Arry

That’s on top of the “normal” overseas aid; it’s for eco projects in Africa. 
Why not use it for eco projects here , like loft insulation, cavity wall insulation, updated boilers and radiation’s etc for the people who will lose the winter heating allowance ?

It stinks …. 

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6 hours ago, big feet said:

To be fair mate they didn't pledge to keep it in their manifesto. Let's hope for everyone's sake there is long term gain from their treacherous act.

Yes but people thought that a benefit brought in by Labour was part of our social wage. A right which reflected the problems that people face particularly in the colder North of the country.

You are correct that it wasn't in the manifesto but it should have  been. That way we would have known what we were voting for. They will have  planned this way back but kept it quiet from us. I'm still scratching my head that a measure, which will cause so much worry and hardship to people, was the very first act of a Labour government. 

As for foreign aid, alot of it is designed with the donor country's own interests at heart. It comes with strings... contracts, influence and high interest loans. They are as much sweeteners or bungs as they are charity. The  very poor countries get very little. Countries which are worth trading with or are important geopolitically get more than their fair share. But I agree with what's  being said on here. Let's get our own house in order first. Can you imagine the people of Spain or France  accepting a cut to their  generous pensions? I can't.  And it ain't as bloody cold as it is here.

Edited by jukel123
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My younger brother, now retired, spent his entire working life with the local council.

Starting as an apprentice painter and decorator, finishing as Health & Safety Manager.

He was also the union conveyer and spent more time on union business but fully paid by the council.

He was known as “Red Pete” for his left wing views.

Since Starmer and Co have hijacked the Labour Party, my brother has been changing his view, and now with the Labour Party pushing through this iniquitous law removing the winter fuel allowance he is incandescent with anger. 
He vows never to support or vote for them again.

This is a dyed in the wool , left wing Labour man……Do Labour even realise what a whirlwind of anger they have unleashed ?


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41 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

My younger brother, now retired, spent his entire working life with the local council.

Starting as an apprentice painter and decorator, finishing as Health & Safety Manager.

He was also the union conveyer and spent more time on union business but fully paid by the council.

He was known as “Red Pete” for his left wing views.

Since Starmer and Co have hijacked the Labour Party, my brother has been changing his view, and now with the Labour Party pushing through this iniquitous law removing the winter fuel allowance he is incandescent with anger. 
He vows never to support or vote for them again.

This is a dyed in the wool , left wing Labour man……Do Labour even realise what a whirlwind of anger they have unleashed ?


I don't think  they do realise . They are so way 'out there' on a  mission which apparently has no aims other than their own advancements. Reeves has already said further cuts are coming in the October budget. f**k's sake. There is nothing left to cut. I know, the roads budget, there's not enough pot holes.

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15 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

I don't think  they do realise . They are so way 'out there' on a  mission which apparently has no aims other than their own advancements. Reeves has already said further cuts are coming in the October budget. f**k's sake. There is nothing left to cut. I know, the roads budget, there's not enough pot holes.

Starmer was asked this morning if he would impose the inheritance tax on farms and family businesses; he refused to answer. 
A three generation farmer was interviewed and said farmers are asset rich but cash poor and if inheritance tax is put on farms his son would have to sell up and the big buyers of farmland are multi national companies who leave the land to “wilding “ and use it as “carbon offsetting “ for their businesses. Less local food grown, more imported food, more carbon produced by transporting food from abroad and higher prices for the consumer !

But hey, Labour can bask in the knowledge they are taxing “rich land owners “ …..


Edited by chartpolski
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