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Johnston accused Starmer of not prosecuting Saville. Johnston's head of policy resigned  as she was disgusted at the accusation. The speaker bollocked Johnston and Johnston apologised . A review found Starmer in the clear of the accusation. The video is from way back.

I'm not defending Starmer. Just clarifying the video.

He just stole £ 300 quid a year or thereabouts from me and my Mrs . He will do so every year until we die.

The first act of a Labour government was to cut the old age pension. Already the second lowest pension in Europe.

He confiscated that payment from everybody in fact. Younger people will never see that money. 

I am glad I did not vote Labour.


Edited by jukel123
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Maybe he holds a grudge against the British public....the stopping of smoking in pub beer gardens seems absolutely absurd in the grand scheme of things. Taking from pensioners, they're pretty much owned by the unions , think optimistically this will be the last left wing government for a while, depending on reform and conservative politics to come.....

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31 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

Johnston accused Starmer of not prosecuting Saville. Johnston's head of policy resigned  as she was disgusted at the accusation. The speaker bollocked Johnston and Johnston apologised . A review found Starmer in the clear of the accusation. The video is from way back.

I'm not defending Starmer. Just clarifying the video.

He just stole £ 600 quid a year from me and my Mrs . He will do so every year until we die.

The first act of a Labour government was to cut the old age pension. Already the second lowest pension in Europe.

He confiscated that payment from everybody in fact. Younger people will never see that money. 

I am glad I did not vote Labour.


A member of THL massive posting half truths, never! Lol

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36 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

Johnston accused Starmer of not prosecuting Saville. Johnston's head of policy resigned  as she was disgusted at the accusation. The speaker bollocked Johnston and Johnston apologised . A review found Starmer in the clear of the accusation. The video is from way back.

I'm not defending Starmer. Just clarifying the video.

He just stole £ 600 quid a year from me and my Mrs . He will do so every year until we die.

The first act of a Labour government was to cut the old age pension. Already the second lowest pension in Europe.

He confiscated that payment from everybody in fact. Younger people will never see that money. 

I am glad I did not vote Labour.


I get attendance allowance, I never asked for it, my doctor said I was entitled to it, she actually filled in the forms, I have to go.into hospital on the 16th of this month, I believe you have to inform the DWP of this, anf they will stop my allowance, also.ive heard rumours, instead of cash, attendance allowance will be in vouchers

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1 hour ago, jukel123 said:

Johnston accused Starmer of not prosecuting Saville. Johnston's head of policy resigned  as she was disgusted at the accusation. The speaker bollocked Johnston and Johnston apologised . A review found Starmer in the clear of the accusation. The video is from way back.

I'm not defending Starmer. Just clarifying the video.

He just stole £ 600 quid a year from me and my Mrs . He will do so every year until we die.

The first act of a Labour government was to cut the old age pension. Already the second lowest pension in Europe.

He confiscated that payment from everybody in fact. Younger people will never see that money. 

I am glad I did not vote Labour.


So your agreeing we should hang Johnston and starmer?

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1 hour ago, iworkwhippets said:

I get attendance allowance, I never asked for it, my doctor said I was entitled to it, she actually filled in the forms, I have to go.into hospital on the 16th of this month, I believe you have to inform the DWP of this, anf they will stop my allowance, also.ive heard rumours, instead of cash, attendance allowance will be in vouchers

I would stay stum mate. If they query it, plead ignorance. They will surely believe you.

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25 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

If you google it, you only lose attendance allowance if your stay in hospital is more than 28 days.

Thanks mate, but a big thank you forl caring, I have been googling, and yes you are right,  I don't want nowt that isn't rightly mine, and some people have had to pay an amount back as they didn't inform.the DWP.change of circumstances , once again thank you, I've enough on.my.plate at the moment 

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