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12 minutes ago, Bangersanmash said:

f**k off reversing what you said because one of fellas that you respect said it's right to. You bellend. You've never washed them. Honest to god f**k witt. You've gone on saying you let dig lick them that's why it's got a tongue 🤣🤣🤣. Now your trying to reverse what you said because chart an old time fellow hunter has said the same. Am I really hearing this. Sorry for the old chart but been about abit a lot of knowledge. You see people like mc won't take other knowledge on board he thinks he knows it all. 

lol you cant be serious lol 

its common sense for a ten year old to wash feet lol and dogs lick them aswell lol 

lol i was taking the piss from the time you went out put pics up didnt run out or slip bottled running bsmbi took ya dog home and wrote an essay on washing feet lol lol

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Getting there

That time of year again putting the miles into them ready to get going. Cheers 

nice mate 

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16 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

lol you cant be serious lol 

its common sense for a ten year old to wash feet lol and dogs lick them aswell lol 

lol i was taking the piss from the time you went out put pics up didnt run out or slip bottled running bsmbi took ya dog home and wrote an essay on washing feet lol lol

We gain the strength of the temptation we resist.

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1 hour ago, Bangersanmash said:

Thank you Brian you can't educate plums like this lad. He thinks he's one of the best coursing men known to man. Lol. I've had better rubbing rags ffs. Anyone comes on here he's wanting to race them. He's a proper turnip. An these that are messaging with him is the same person that Greb that's a fact too. It's most probably him. Because he got some chew from lads abit ago about piping down with the coursing bullshit. He never stops going on about it. And many dogs will pull up in the day on cover if they've been on the lamp. My pal had a decent bred dog and a told him stop taking it out on the lamp when it was young. We went up east Yorkshire way where there's plenty of cover an the dog kept pulling up. Tried telling me he didn't take it out on lamp after I told him. But somebody told me he still was. f****d the dog up. Soon as the dog gets to cover on the lamp an misses the quarry. And the owner switches the lamp off. The dog will come back. An old coursing man told me this when a bought a well bred dog off him. Told me the things to do and don't do. An if he found out a wasn't looking after the dog right he'd have it back. That's how proud men were back then of their dogs. Not like now any f****r can get a decent bred dog. You only have to look at this plum. Spends more time on here day an night to be doing owt with the dogs. 


58 minutes ago, Bangersanmash said:

Nowt to do with the dogs f***ing nails you plum. And you shouldn't be having to cut your dogs nails if your doing much road work ready for the season. That says it all to me having to take your dogs nails back because they've just been running round a field all summer. Knocking into one another f***ing injured dogs. Saluki bred dogs are thick as f**k when off the lead with each other. No reverse. Okay if you've just got the one off the lead. But I've seen dogs f****d from letting them run around with one another. They end up losing there heads going daft then your going home with a dog that's held up. As for the nails it's f**k all to do with the nails being long or short that gets the infection. We're not talking about a dog knocking its toe up. I'm talking about muck down the bed that causes infection a soreness to the dogs. A like I say I've seen plenty of dogs with sore feet on here in the past when I've put images up all red as f**k. Many causing lads don't come on here no more. A hand full if that. Back 15 years ago there was a good number. But then RW set up that Facebook page with MP. Some good lads came over to that page. I'm not doing much now. But a tell you this Mc if a wanted a dog that could put quarry to bed. A would just go down road and see MP doesn't live far from me. 

 All dogs feet are different some no matter how much road work you put in will never come down much , some dogs nails just grow like weeds with a good diet , I bet if you took your couch surfer outside on the road right now you can hear it nails on the road . 


so your saying you can only let a saluki bred dog off lead one at a time ?? 


does cutting the nails back proper short not reduce the size of nail bed ? 


im sure mp would give you a dog one of his ones that didn't make the grade or one of his retired ones you'd be able to give it what it needs a good pet home 


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Bangers, my young pal mC is on a wind up and you’ve swallowed it hook , line and sinker!

He must be on a wind up, after all who in their right mind thinks man hasn’t landed on the moon, airplanes in Australia fly upside down, and most outrageously of all, that coursing breds  are faster than non-ped whippets !

He keeps coming out with the most outlandish statements just to see who will take the bait, and sadly you’ve fell for it ! LOL !

He puts a smile on my face daily with his witticisms !


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6 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

Bangers, my young pal mC is on a wind up and you’ve swallowed it hook , line and sinker!

He must be on a wind up, after all who in their right mind thinks man hasn’t landed on the moon, airplanes in Australia fly upside down, and most outrageously of all, that coursing breds  are faster than non-ped whippets !

He keeps coming out with the most outlandish statements just to see who will take the bait, and sadly you’ve fell for it ! LOL !

He puts a smile on my face daily with his witticisms !


i laugh to my self every time i think about the picture with my toy car upside down lol

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1 hour ago, scotty12 said:


 All dogs feet are different some no matter how much road work you put in will never come down much , some dogs nails just grow like weeds with a good diet , I bet if you took your couch surfer outside on the road right now you can hear it nails on the road . 


so your saying you can only let a saluki bred dog off lead one at a time ?? 


does cutting the nails back proper short not reduce the size of nail bed ? 


im sure mp would give you a dog one of his ones that didn't make the grade or one of his retired ones you'd be able to give it what it needs a good pet home 



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1 hour ago, scotty12 said:


 All dogs feet are different some no matter how much road work you put in will never come down much , some dogs nails just grow like weeds with a good diet , I bet if you took your couch surfer outside on the road right now you can hear it nails on the road . 


so your saying you can only let a saluki bred dog off lead one at a time ?? 


does cutting the nails back proper short not reduce the size of nail bed ? 


im sure mp would give you a dog one of his ones that didn't make the grade or one of his retired ones you'd be able to give it what it needs a good pet home 


Just one question  mate, to get most dogs nail that's short, by cutting  in to the nail bed would very cruel, and you would have knocked the fooker out.when I worked at racing kennels for 6 months,  I learned alot of the trainer  regards sighthound  in general.and one thing was watching him do his dogs nails, he had 50 dogs.but he only cut bit of each nail, OK he do lot to keep on top of it, and yes they run on sand, not open fields hitting god knows what day/night. But he was said don't hurt them and let you clip bit off. Hurt then you big battle on your hands more so with strong 70lb male greyhound and he was born  would and Buck  will stand  for me no prob,  you never hold Buck if didn't want to stand for you deff.

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