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Prisons are full

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We still haven't bred the criminality out of the last lot, 250 years ago, lol.

Fact of the matter is, that old lady don’t matter any more…….nobody outside “the narrative” does. 

I think our reoffending rate is one of the worst in Europe. The Nordic country’s have a way better outcome and their system is totally different. Maybe it’s the system, maybe it’s cultural ?

Just now, Lenmcharristar said:

Just execute all the dealers youll wipe out the crime in a week

I’d say drugs are absolutely just part of every day life in my old area, as in it’s not even considered crime…..it’s like buying a pint of milk or drinking a can of Fanta…..it’s so common that it’s “normal” !!!

No mate, the thing they was all getting into before I left was home invasions, kidnapping and torture !! 
They was kicking front doors in at 7:30 in the morning, when the husband had left for work but the mum was getting the kids ready for school so they could rob gaffs.

Then they upped it to gangs breaking into houses in the middle of the night and torturing the family’s until they handed over all their worldy chattels.

Black street gangs were getting into a bit of kidnapping and ransom stuff.

Murder is just part and parcel too…..it’s just a tool of work if you can believe that, you’ll get killed for a phone ! 
Drugs are literally the least of our problems and they are really bad !

Theres whole blocks of flats where I used to live where almost every resident wouldn’t have been out of place on the Jeremy Kyle show…..their whole existence is just one hideous day of scummy stuff to the next…..totally f***ing normal for them ! 

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1 hour ago, jukel123 said:

The UK jails more people than is necessary. Many countries have better systems. Non dangerous prisoners should serve  shorter sentences. There needs to be weekend prisons and proper training  whilst inside so prisoners can get  jobs and accommodation when they come out. Addicts need proper treatment and the prison service need to stop the supply of drugs in the nick.

In the UK lots of people are in jail for petty reasons. And some evil, dangerous people are not imprisoned for long enough. A life sentence can mean as little as twelve years. There should be no early release for serious offenders whatsoever.

 Vote for me. It is only I who has the solution to the nation's problems. My wisdom has no bounds.

Completely agree, but all that costs a shit load of money. I'm not sure if taxpayers would agree to tax hikes to cover these costs?

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Ireland an Britain are to hard of "soft" crime an to soft on "hard" crimes,murder rape etc should be life,no parole or die but they barely get life unless a particular case.

Whereas hunting, thinking,speech are all becoming red hot crimes.

A joke is what it is,the globalists want anarchy so they can impose further draconian laws to silence us or else.

What a shit show we are.

Young vulnerable children going missing constantly in state care never to be seen again,an barely an effort made to find them but they've a f***ing cheek to crack down on us for traditional stuff like hunting or fake hurt feeling laws like "hate" laws,an were yellow hures for letting these paedo enablers take over us an rule.

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4 minutes ago, Francie, said:

Ireland an Britain are to hard of "soft" crime an to soft on "hard" crimes,murder rape etc should be life,no parole or die but they barely get life unless a particular case.

Whereas hunting, thinking,speech are all becoming red hot crimes.

A joke is what it is,the globalists want anarchy so they can impose further draconian laws to silence us or else.

What a shit show we are.

Young vulnerable children going missing constantly in state care never to be seen again,an barely an effort made to find them but they've a f***ing cheek to crack down on us for traditional stuff like hunting or fake hurt feeling laws like "hate" laws,an were yellow hures for letting these paedo enablers take over us an rule.

So you'll be a fan of Labours new policy then mate? Offering a reduction on sentences for softer crimes?!

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Just now, Pewit said:

So you'll be a fan of Labours new policy then mate? Offering a reduction on sentences for softer crimes?!

Depending what the "crime" is,if no one is hurt or lost of possessions or property then I wouldn't really call it a crime.

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1 minute ago, Francie, said:

Depending what the "crime" is,if no one is hurt or lost of possessions or property then I wouldn't really call it a crime.

That's my short answer lol I'm sure youl come back with a list for me to sieve through lol

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7 minutes ago, Francie, said:

That's my short answer lol I'm sure youl come back with a list for me to sieve through lol

They have stated this doesn't include rape, terrorism, sexual attacks, violence charges, etc. 

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1 minute ago, Pewit said:

They have stated this doesn't include rape, terrorism, sexual attacks, violence charges, etc. 

Yeah but there meaning of crime will be different to mine,are they letting any hunting offenders of the hook?

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3 minutes ago, Francie, said:

Yeah but there meaning of crime will be different to mine,are they letting any hunting offenders of the hook?

I have no idea mate but you must be pleased to know that they are giving people more lenient sentence for less serious crimes. 👍

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