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Some people in this world

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Was having a conversation with a guy on the barge from another boat while doing som fleet work.He got to talking about the new generation and how boys are getting super feminine and all that.Guy got really into how kids need good male role models on their lives or its just gonna get worse. Said I agreed and I try to take my nephews and nieces ( im the "uncle for so many dang kids it's not even funny lol )out fishing and what not  ,just trying to be a positive male influence whenever I can.

He turns to me and starts talking about how that's the fathers / families responsibility not mine..... Now I'm a lil confused, so i tell him , lotta these brats either don't have a dad in their lives much if at all due to divorce and the like or in the case of my nephew,dad works two jobs back to back and is coming home when there asleep. He's a great loving dad, just has to work his ass off to provide.Again he starts on about how it should be the family that takes care of it and how he couldn't imagine taking time to deal with someone else's kid.

At this point I'm just to looking at him like a retard and i ask him how the hell is he gonna sit here bitch and moan about this...but then say you'd never try to actually be apart of the solution? He ended up getting huffed up and walked off.... Swear some people in this world 


Edited by Wolfdog91
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1 minute ago, Wolfdog91 said:

Was having a conversation with a guy on the barge from another boat while doing som fleet work.He got to talking about the new generation and how boys are getting super feminine and all that.Guy got really into how kids need good male role models on their libyes or its just gonna get worse. Said I agreed and I try to take my nephews and nieces ( im the "uncle for so many dang kids it's not even funny lol )out fishing and what not  ,just trying to be a positive male influence whenever I can.

He turns to me and starts talking about how that's the fathers / families responsibility not mine..... Now I'm a lil confused, so i tell him , lotta these brats either don't have a dad in their lives much if at all due to divorce and the like or in the case of my nephew,dad works two jobs back to back and is coming home when there asleep. Again he starts on about how it should be the family that takes care of it and how he couldn't imagine taking time to deal with someone else's kid.

At this point I'm just to looking at him like a retard and i ask him how the hell is he gonna sit here bitch and moan about this...but then say you'd never try to actually be apart of the solution? He ended up getting huffed UK and walked off.... Swear some people in this world 


Very often kids get guidance from many other sources than there parents, the only reason I got into hunting and fishing was through a chap who worked for my dad, first took me out at 6 abd I swear I was hos shadow until my mid teens, spent as much time with him in the fields as I could...lost my 2nd dad when he passed.

Keep it up mate, you are only doing good things 

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27 minutes ago, Wolfdog91 said:

Was having a conversation with a guy on the barge from another boat while doing som fleet work.He got to talking about the new generation and how boys are getting super feminine and all that.Guy got really into how kids need good male role models on their lives or its just gonna get worse. Said I agreed and I try to take my nephews and nieces ( im the "uncle for so many dang kids it's not even funny lol )out fishing and what not  ,just trying to be a positive male influence whenever I can.

He turns to me and starts talking about how that's the fathers / families responsibility not mine..... Now I'm a lil confused, so i tell him , lotta these brats either don't have a dad in their lives much if at all due to divorce and the like or in the case of my nephew,dad works two jobs back to back and is coming home when there asleep. Again he starts on about how it should be the family that takes care of it and how he couldn't imagine taking time to deal with someone else's kid.

At this point I'm just to looking at him like a retard and i ask him how the hell is he gonna sit here bitch and moan about this...but then say you'd never try to actually be apart of the solution? He ended up getting huffed up and walked off.... Swear some people in this world 


A good male role model is a good influence in a young man’s life my father was a complete waste of my time and buggered off when I was about 5, my Grandad took up the baton and taught me a lot of good positive stuff good work ethic politeness how to treat people, we hunted and caught birds back in the day to sell in London, he even taught me how to drink lol, keep up the good work Wolfie the chap your talking to sounds a miserable waste of time.

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It's something I've found difficult finding decent role models for my boys living in a new to us area. Thankfully it's evolved and due to the wife mostly , they got a sound maths tutor , decent pe teacher and football coach as well as a couple of my mates although maybe not so good as role models lol. Just getting them other input outside of woke school teachers and brats they might hang about with. The wife had them working up the allotment last night and the reward was campfire sausages and marshmallows. 

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1 hour ago, Astanley said:

I tried to be a decent role model for my nephews when they were younger but got no gratitude from the parents ,,apparently teaching kids to shoplift is frowned on nowadays ,! PC gone mad 😠

Good to see you keeping scouse traditions alive

Edited by TOMO
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