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The country has woken up.

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  On 09/08/2024 at 10:39, WILF said:

Here’s a thing, who would be prepared to live in a smaller, poorer Britain if it meant a socially much better country ?

We are not an empire anymore, getting rid of all these consumers would have an impact…..who’s seriously willing to do that ? 


5 day working week mrs in the house looking after the kids bit of mid week cockfighting and badger digging on the weekend, I'll have some of that lol

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5 day working week mrs in the house looking after the kids bit of mid week cockfighting and badger digging on the weekend, I'll have some of that lol

Can’t help yourself can you been a bit normal now resorting to full bell end mode starting a row on every thread must be a very sad life you lead, no mates a shit dog and your only company is google t

well put wilf and on the money i think it goes on long enough with enough damage they will have to listen  dole wallers yobbos chavs far right are doing more for the future of our children then t

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  On 09/08/2024 at 11:01, Bakerboy said:

5 day working week mrs in the house looking after the kids bit of mid week cockfighting and badger digging on the weekend, I'll have some of that lol


Absolutely mate, my point in a nutshell.

I have been watching some stuff lately about people who are just checking out, building themselves camper vans and living in them.

Its people of all ages and almost to a man they are saying they are sick of being exploited by mortgage companies, rent, utilities companies and countless other government and corporate officials all holding their hand out for a few quid…..so they are taking their ball and refusing to play anymore…..good for them I say.

They don’t have the “Instagram” life that everyone is told they need, no Audi on the drive and 50inch flat screen (on credit) in return for living in hell.

Poor by most measures but rich in every other regard.

Its a trickle at the moment but what if it turned into a flood ?…..what if the people who built it all said “nah, you can’t have us anymore” 

Would there suddenly be an influx of builders, teachers, scientists, entrepreneurs, social reformers from the 3rd world to replace us ?

How would the west work without westerners? 

So would we put up with less to have some semblance of a nice country fit to live in back again ?……..what I wonder are we willing to sacrifice ?

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  On 09/08/2024 at 11:01, Bakerboy said:

5 day working week mrs in the house looking after the kids bit of mid week cockfighting and badger digging on the weekend, I'll have some of that lol


I've got something similar at NWR. If I'm on days midweek when we do a Saturday night I don't start back whilst Wednesday, bliss.

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  On 09/08/2024 at 10:22, TOMO said:

Two Pakistani lads I used to work with would say that to each other and to other Pakistani lads that came in the bar...isn't it just a greeting that all Muslims use regardless of there language..?

That f***ing retard capper saying it though...f**k me...


Yeah, it is , I meant “shukran “ is Arabic, not Urdu.


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  On 09/08/2024 at 10:39, WILF said:

Here’s a thing, who would be prepared to live in a smaller, poorer Britain if it meant a socially much better country ?

We are not an empire anymore, getting rid of all these consumers would have an impact…..who’s seriously willing to do that ? 


Sign me up,I hate this modern world,back to the old days would be gran

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I do think we have got this :must have: lifestyle over here created by the government and banks giving cheap credit, before if you did nt have money you could nt have these expensive things. I’m in kos atm and we came across this nice beach bar with fancy sun beds, bird with big tits doing the dj, it was £10 a pint. I said to my mrs I wondered out of the 100 or so people here who actually had real wealth. Not fuking many I reckon.all about instagram photos. I think lots of buisiness people are leaving, I got a few mates moving away. I’m selling my place and not sure what to do, buy here or buy abroad and rent here. 

Edited by Qbgrey
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Let’s hope the authorities come down as hard on the fascist left/people of different history to the British people looters, sorry people with grievances protesting calmly in their own way!

Kicking doors in is only going to escalate this imo. They need to start fixing the root cause and then the local and national issues people are facing. First thing to do is round up illegals, every boatload and ship them off to a desolate island in the Hebredies for example and leave them there with the bare minimum until they give up their country of origin. The Ozzies did it and it worked for them.

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