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Southport stabbing

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34 minutes ago, WILF said:

Law and order only has legitimacy if it’s applied evenly, fairly and without favour…..that isn’t the case at the moment.

The police have made themselves an overtly political organisation and they ain’t on our side.

So, yes, those people who have had enough do speak for lots of people. 

The next step is lynching, not my thing.

It's sad that the government cannot build hostels and process immigrants efficiently as they do elsewhere. As usual there's no planning, complete government incompetence.

Tory Robert Jenrick said recently that brits feel as though immigrants have more than they do. That's what what should be fixed. People have f**k all, sometimes after a lifetime of hard graft.

Scapegoating immigrants is not the answer. Improving peoples living standards is what's required. But no party is really interested in that.

Edited by jukel123
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Been bubbling under for years now all you need is a copper to go over the top and this will be the start of unrest like never seen before. Everyone saw this coming, when you have the older genera

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Joking aside these shithole towns used to be proud industrial towns ,each with a unique identity. They had social cohesion and inner pride. Now they are all wastelands with the same  ingrained problem

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6 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

The next step is lynching, not my thing.

It's sad that the government cannot build hostels and process immigrants efficiently as they do elsewhere. As usual there's no planning, complete government incompetence.

Tory Robert Jenrick said recently that brits feel as though immigrants have more than they do. That's what what should be fixed. People have f**k all, sometimes after a lifetime of hard graft.

Scapegoating immigrants is not the answer. Improving peoples living standards is what's required. But no party is really interested in that.

the more here the worse the services 

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9 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

The next step is lynching, not my thing.

It's sad that the government cannot build hostels and process immigrants efficiently as they do elsewhere. As usual there's no planning, complete government incompetence.

Tory Robert Jenrick said recently that brits feel as though immigrants have more than they do. That's what what should be fixed. People have f**k all, sometimes after a lifetime of hard graft.

Scapegoating immigrants is not the answer. Improving peoples living standards is what's required. But no party is really interested in that.

Scapegoating immigrants 😂

We don't want them here. It's not even mass immigration now.....it's extreme levels of immigration. It's got to stop 

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1 hour ago, DIDO.1 said:

Fckin hell DC....one minute your against migrants and now you have done a few sums you paddling off down the river Severn to pick a load up.... didn't take you long 😂👌

He'd be sinking the boats ,not welcoming them ! 

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27 minutes ago, Greyman said:

Speak for yourself not others mate I hope they keep going every night for months those hotels making massive profits by inflicting shite on the neighbours deserve everything that comes there way and I hope people remember afterwards what these treacherous cnts did and boycott them into bankruptcy 

Well said mate they deserve everything coming there way feck them 

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1 hour ago, chartpolski said:

I hope there are no women or children in there. People shouting “torch it, torch it” !

we aren’t third world savages……


no we drop bombs from drones on similar mate we call that for world peace ?

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5 hours ago, chartpolski said:

“Facial Recognition “ is one of those subjects that I can’t come down definitively for or against.

A data base of known terrorist suspects and Facial Recognition being deployed at airports and seaports ? Yes, sounds good.

A data base of every citizen and Facial Recognition being deployed on every street corner like CCTV, no, sounds bad.

Plus, a saying I often use; “give someone power, and they will abuse it; give someone absolute power, and they will absolutely abuse it”.

This is the reason I refused to download the Track & Trace app; I didn’t want someone saying “what’s Charts doing in a field 200 miles away from home, in the middle off the night ?”

Lamping, by the way, nothing else , before people jump to conclusions ! LOL !


It wont be used for good imo,sure mi5 are "watching" hundreds of people,just like the CIA,an do nothing until they commit a crime,facial recognition will be used to subdue us nothing else.


5 hours ago, Pewit said:

If that's their real intent, do you think a few riots will deter them or change their mind?

No definatley not,that's what they want more unrest,gives them excuses to further there plot,the politicians are puppets an being told what to do from behind the scenes or else.


5 hours ago, chartpolski said:

Are you saying government agents provocateurs are starting these riots Francie ?


Dont know about these riots,but it's one of there tactics mate,everyone knows that,if they can do it in other countries like start a resistance to topple a leader then this will be easy enough for them,we all know governments are not to be trusted


5 hours ago, mackay said:

I'd have laughed at that not so long ago mate. There really is no rational reason for allowing the amount of people into this country and seeing the chaos that has now started.  The only conclusion you can come to is the fact that it is orchestrated and entirely intentional for reasons that we will find out when it's too late to do anything about it. I sometimes wonder if the ragheads being brought in are in reality getting as much of a using as us to fulfill the intended agenda. Civil war as opposed to revolution.

Us the cops,the muzzies an even the politicians are expendable when it comes to there global plans,were are shit on there shoe

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23 minutes ago, DIDO.1 said:

Scapegoating immigrants 😂

We don't want them here. It's not even mass immigration now.....it's extreme levels of immigration. It's got to stop 

I don't support burning the hotel in Rotherham. You?

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20 minutes ago, DIDO.1 said:

Scapegoating immigrants 😂

We don't want them here. It's not even mass immigration now.....it's extreme levels of immigration. It's got to stop 

We don't want em here,  eh, the buggers are already here, it's to late i tells ya, once ensconced out comes there todgers and mount out as moves, more of the buggers 

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Let’s be honest here, the immigrants are not to “blame” for what’s going on; they are the “cause” of it, but not to blame.

They are doing what anyone would do and taking advantage of a soft government and VERY  good conditions and benefits ! 
They are NOT refugees, and should not be given sanctuary, they are economic migrants who have travelled through various safe countries to try and settle in a country where they can exploit the system. 
To see true refugees, fleeing war, starvation, danger, look to the refugee camps in the likes of Turkey, Syria, Jordan , Lebanon.

Look at the conditions they are living in and compare it to the 4 star hotels the economic migrants enjoy here !

No, these people are not to blame, but they should not be here, and the ones that do make it shouldn’t be treated like prodigal sons. They should be kept in detention centres and the only processing that should be done is to decide what country to send them back to.


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Just now, iworkwhippets said:

We don't want em here,  eh, the buggers are already here, it's to late i tells ya, once ensconced out comes there todgers and mount out as moves, more of the buggers 

They aren't like you and I, brains up top, there brains are in the todgers lol

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2 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

Let’s be honest here, the immigrants are not to “blame” for what’s going on; they are the “cause” of it, but not to blame.

They are doing what anyone would do and taking advantage of a soft government and VERY  good conditions and benefits ! 
They are NOT refugees, and should not be given sanctuary, they are economic migrants who have travelled through various safe countries to try and settle in a country where they can exploit the system. 
To see true refugees, fleeing war, starvation, danger, look to the refugee camps in the likes of Turkey, Syria, Jordan , Lebanon.

Look at the conditions they are living in and compare it to the 4 star hotels the economic migrants enjoy here !

No, these people are not to blame, but they should not be here, and the ones that do make it shouldn’t be treated like prodigal sons. They should be kept in detention centres and the only processing that should be done is to decide what country to send them back to.


Sometimes it's cheers, next min it's cheets, I dunno wether I'm coming or going   lol

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40 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

The next step is lynching, not my thing.

It's sad that the government cannot build hostels and process immigrants efficiently as they do elsewhere. As usual there's no planning, complete government incompetence.

Tory Robert Jenrick said recently that brits feel as though immigrants have more than they do. That's what what should be fixed. People have f**k all, sometimes after a lifetime of hard graft.

Scapegoating immigrants is not the answer. Improving peoples living standards is what's required. But no party is really interested in that.

The bottom line is mate, places like Bradford, Birmingham, London etc should not exist in a European country……no amount of levelling up fixes that, it’s an unnatural state for an indigenous people. 

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