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That worked out alright.

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My old dog   was born with a wise  old head on young shoulders   so suddenly  having an air headed, hair trigger  bitch on the scene came as a bit of a shock. She's definitely  a new soul and definately  a "Wilful Little Cow" .

Anyway having seemingly passed through the naughty teenage stage l decided to see if  WLC would stay focused long enough to manage on a stalk. 

It wasn't  supposed to be too serious ,just a quiet creep about to see how she would behave  in a real time situation but mentally my fingers were so crossed they were knotted . 

Well we snuffled about for a couple of hours.  The Evil One stayed at heel  pretty well. 

At least every time l looked round  she was still where she was   supposed to be .

Though I wouldn't  have been surprised if in between my glances she'd buggered off to eat horse poo  or something!

Another good thing was that despite my mildly  lackadaisical attitude we stumbled on a roe buck ! 

As usual l managed to shoot something at the just about furthest and lowest lying  point of my permission  so the lug back to the yard was a warm affair . A small price to pay for a bit of success .




Edited by comanche
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