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Given the recent outages that stopped flights and banking.... and ever developing global unrest...

Does anyone do any prepping for emergencies? Have you increased what you do recently? And have your views on doomsday preppers changed over recent years, as in 20 years ago they were nutcases, but now if you met a man with a mini nuclear shelter and a thousand tins of beans would you now think 'smart move pal'


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I used to love saying with my Gran but she only had one cold tap in the house potties under every bed and a jug of water and bowl in the bed rooms. Toilet was right up a steep garden and was more like

I remember buying them as kid, used to love all those type of mags growing up. I would be down the fields with my webley Vulcan and sheaf knife trying to build dead fall traps and such things. 

I think most on here have the means to defend themselves and their supplies 

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25 minutes ago, smithie said:

I don't see the point in prepping unless you have the ability to defend what you gather up and keep it all for yourself.


I think most on here have the means to defend themselves and their supplies 

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I'm not what youd call a prepper,  but for years now I've made sure that we have enough grub to see us through a month or two if things go tits up , with extra for family and friends that never do any forward planning , but would turn up expecting to be helped.

And defense wouldn't be an issue.  

I started taking things a little more seriously after the financial crash in 2008.  The country came very close to the wheels really coming off.

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12 minutes ago, Bush Rummager said:

Yep.  Got 400 shit rolls in the loft.  Bring it on!!

That’s the funny thing; as soon as there’s a hint of shortages, the big rolls are the first to go.

Whats wrong with a dock leaf or a handful of grass !

Id be stocking up on beans not bog roll !

A dirty arse is preferable to a hungry belly !


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35 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

That’s the funny thing; as soon as there’s a hint of shortages, the big rolls are the first to go.

Whats wrong with a dock leaf or a handful of grass !

Id be stocking up on beans not bog roll !

A dirty arse is preferable to a hungry belly !


Just rinse it off over the bath with the shower mate! Eliminate the need for the shite eraser's!!

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45 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

That’s the funny thing; as soon as there’s a hint of shortages, the big rolls are the first to go.

Whats wrong with a dock leaf or a handful of grass !

Id be stocking up on beans not bog roll !

A dirty arse is preferable to a hungry belly !


1953, 9 years old, Friday nights was given newspapers n a pair of scissors, by my father, cut newspapers into decent size bum wipes, to hang in outside bog them.wu. days eeh eh 

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2 hours ago, gnipper said:

The only thing I'm considering is keeping some cash somewhere safe for when card payments and the banks are down.

Hey gnipps,  that's a good idea, start saving, and I will start cutting up sum newspapers , fer bum fodder, I will do thee a decent price 😜

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Theres always extra tins Beans, soup etc at the back of cupboard and I reckon a box of candles I can put my hand on if power goes down. But I won't be getting all paranoid and stocking up on tinfoil. Been through stuff like that in the sixties tell us to get under the kitchen table is theres nuclear attack.

Anyway me and my mate sorted every thing out 3 days ago after meeting in a arish field (stubble) me out coil to the soil and him looking for pigeons to decoy. After a hour and a half jawing it was all sorted I went back to metal detecting he went on to the next field "see ya mate" so no need to worry just crack on.

Cheers Arry

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I do.. honestly a lot of it's pretty easy. Extra case a water here , buy another box of bullet when there on sale, lots of battery packs , few small solar panels. Actually have alot of spare stuff I can just use for trading . 

Knowledge should be another thing though. Knowing how to go about say preserving food , poaching ect will end up being more valuable then 50% of the bullshit alot of people prep.

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