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Riots on your side now

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I have two communities of this race of people not that far from me alot of them came to Rotherham under Tony Blairs government were a group of then Rotherham Labour councillors went over to their own

Just watched the full video elsewhere our police have lost the streets and are afraid of certain sections of society, shameful, send in the army

Should of been smashing them up on the beaches ,patrol the roads out of the docks ,,get em coming out the back of trucks ,all to late now ,the parasite is in our country ,

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  On 19/07/2024 at 05:34, mackem said:



What the f**k has it to do with the bus company. Just shows no respect for the community and surround businesses. So bus company lost the bus , damage to the police vehicle,  road will need cleaning up. So that local council out too. Tax payers money again. For what some kids most probably getting taken from two scruffy fuckers that are out grafting shops on a daily basis using the kids too. At least if they go into care they may find a foster family that will show them really british values right from wrong & maybe turn out decent people then. We'd like for them all to f**k off back. But with this goverment & majority of yuppies out there. We've another 4 years to go yet guys. 

Edited by Bangersanmash
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  On 19/07/2024 at 17:42, waltjnr said:

Should of been smashing them up on the beaches ,patrol the roads out of the docks ,,get em coming out the back of trucks ,all to late now ,the parasite is in our country ,


It's not too late if we have the right goverment. A pure British English  government.. The country went titts up when we let other ethnic so called brits in goverment and high end jobs. You've got these at the top now & we're at the bottom. You don't see China , Russia,  Japan,  having diffrent ethics run there country's. Fools we are 

Edited by Bangersanmash
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  On 20/07/2024 at 20:31, Bakerboy said:

No worse than a lot of places in the uk


f***ing Dublin. Just seen a video clip from 17th f***ing loads of the b*****ds on walk way covered from head to toe women all in black hold flags. It's shocking won't be long before Ireland bring back the old days . Already setting some places on fire. We should be doing this too In the uk. 

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  On 24/07/2024 at 05:42, tank34 said:

So thay demanded kids back or will riot again  the social service have give kids back to keep the peace , all will do now is riot to get what thay want now country f****d 


we should do the same but we ain’t got the arse maybe hunting wouldn’t be banned 

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They will be getting a new leisure centre, upgraded housing and an army of social workers to do their shopping now…….but we can take comfort that 5 middle class white nerds are behind the door for 5 years so everything’s ok ! Lol lol 

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  On 24/07/2024 at 09:22, WILF said:

They will be getting a new leisure centre, upgraded housing and an army of social workers to do their shopping now…….but we can take comfort that 5 middle class white nerds are behind the door for 5 years so everything’s ok ! Lol lol 


That's the truth mate. It's obscene what Rotherham council spends on the Roma Slovaks community in Rotherham mostly cleaning up after them as they just throw most of their shite into the streets another sad thing is there kid's are being brought up with the same mentality and have caused no end of problems in the Schools they attend and some head teachers failing to tackle them due to the old chestnut of being called racist. 

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