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Riots in Dublin Ireland

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  On 16/07/2024 at 07:07, Francie, said:

Theres a video circulating that clearly shows a garda setting fire to his car,then a few moments later another garda with extinguisher putting it out,wtf are they at,sociopaths,they try an blame it on the people


yeah seen that video well dodgy fuckers

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Good on them

Yes,they've blocked a site for months stopping the progress of moving male only  migrants into the area ,the cops and buses arrived at 4 a.m this morning trying to sneak them in ,word got out and the

Coolock has erupted ,the people have had enough ...hundreds on the street,...never seen so many cops all in one place ....

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  On 16/07/2024 at 06:42, Francie, said:

It's quite evil an sinister how an ex ruc man is head of the irish garda,who is able to bring in his ruc agents into the garda,they an there irish/sellout cronies are beating the life out of the irish but are protecting these foreigners with all there might,the Marxist plan is working.


Leave old Drew alone mate, he is a fine Ulster man and one of gods chosen people ! Lol lol 

Joking aside,I was reading an article this morning about how that historically Marxist organisation Sinn Fein are struggling in the polls, are people sussing them out I wonder ? 

My opinion is that if it don’t involve spewing hatred for the Brits then there is very little else of substance about them, they are certainly pro immigration……unless you’re British of course. 

I think this is a hard one for the Irish government, they have all done what the EU tell them and signed up for the migrant pact because they know that without EU money the gaff as people know it today (full employment, good living standards by and large, good wages, in general a decent amount of wealth) would be finished……so they have nowhere to turn in that regard imho

But the people still value themselves and their communities so it’s all going to cause massive unrest……interesting times ahead mate. 

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Never voted for sinn fein in my life,dont think there getting on very well in the south.

I think it's a fib without euro money were f****d,that's a complete lie if I say so myself,the eu has shut down many irish industry's,we just need the right crowd in gov to establish them again.

Fishing industry

Coal oil an has

Theres big buisness here to with the low corporation tax.

Ireland would do well without the eu imo

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  On 22/07/2024 at 09:17, WILF said:

Leave old Drew alone mate, he is a fine Ulster man and one of gods chosen people ! Lol lol 

Joking aside,I was reading an article this morning about how that historically Marxist organisation Sinn Fein are struggling in the polls, are people sussing them out I wonder ? 

My opinion is that if it don’t involve spewing hatred for the Brits then there is very little else of substance about them, they are certainly pro immigration……unless you’re British of course. 

I think this is a hard one for the Irish government, they have all done what the EU tell them and signed up for the migrant pact because they know that without EU money the gaff as people know it today (full employment, good living standards by and large, good wages, in general a decent amount of wealth) would be finished……so they have nowhere to turn in that regard imho

But the people still value themselves and their communities so it’s all going to cause massive unrest……interesting times ahead mate. 


Interesting article yesterday on how people in Africa get a perfectly legal Schengen visas, fly to the Republic of Ireland, destroy their passports and documents before landing and hand themselves in at immigration claiming asylum.

They then cross the open border into the North, get on a Belfast / Stranraer ferry , drive down from Scotland into England and claim asylum here.

As there’s no return’s agreement between the UK and Ireland or the EU, they can’t be refused …. Jobs a good’un ! 


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  On 22/07/2024 at 09:31, Francie, said:

Never voted for sinn fein in my life,dont think there getting on very well in the south.

I think it's a fib without euro money were f****d,that's a complete lie if I say so myself,the eu has shut down many irish industry's,we just need the right crowd in gov to establish them again.

Fishing industry

Coal oil an has

Theres big buisness here to with the low corporation tax.

Ireland would do well without the eu imo


I don’t know mate, it may be those company’s are here because it’s full entry to the eu market in an English speaking country with the 3rd lowest corporation tax in the eu ?

Also, the steady climate makes it cheaper to run their servers is something I read somewhere, don’t know is how true that is ? 

But none of everything the republic has exists without EU money, I think that is an actual fact……zero growth for 40 years before the common agreements with the UK after independence and not exactly booming before full EU integration…..now, it’s pretty smart with fairly decent facilities in the bigger towns.

However, it will cease to be a decent place to live if the darkies get a foothold…..these rural towns won’t know what the f**k hit them and there’s as many people understand that as don’t so we are heading towards an impasse I reckon. 

I don’t actually think being a  bit poorer in the grand scheme of things is a bad thing, I know the uk could do with it rather than have a society where everyone is treading on the back of the next blokes head to get to the next pound so they can survive one more day……but are people willing to make that sacrifice ?

I don’t know?


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  On 22/07/2024 at 09:34, chartpolski said:

Interesting article yesterday on how people in Africa get a perfectly legal Schengen visas, fly to the Republic of Ireland, destroy their passports and documents before landing and hand themselves in at immigration claiming asylum.

They then cross the open border into the North, get on a Belfast / Stranraer ferry , drive down from Scotland into England and claim asylum here.

As there’s no return’s agreement between the UK and Ireland or the EU, they can’t be refused …. Jobs a good’un ! 



Maybe they do, immigrants will always head towards the place it’s easiest to get on and that means big city’s where than can disappear and rake in some readies. 
But if they come from the other direction they don’t need to go to all the trouble of a flight, they just get on a boat and “bingo!” You’re in ! ……all expenses paid. 

Bottom line is, if Europe is getting flooded with the 3rd world it’s because European governments are allowing it and they don’t care where they come from. 

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There’s a surreal correlation between outrage and apathy in this country.

People are outraged at the amount of legal and illegal immigration and the state of the NHS. 
Yet yesterday. Starmer was on Tv announcing that he is giving £84 million , over and above the “aid budget” to Africa, while his Health Secretary was on Tv saying they couldn’t afford to give the nurses a pay rise !

The reaction ? Apathy ! Why aren’t people screaming that the £84 million should go towards more nurses and not to some corrupt African despot to buy a fleet of Mercs or private jets ?


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On the subject of “being poorer” my oldest daughter just recently bought her first house, beautiful little 3 bed place with all the bells and whistles in a very, very nice part on the outskirts of Belfast……she f***ing hates it !

On the face she has everything the world tells you that you are meant to have, she earns nearly 60k a year and her partner similar, they both work from home……she came home last week and said “Dad, this is shite !…..I’m just shovelling all my money to some other prick, can’t get a doctor, can’t get my bins emptied, bills for this, bills for that……..I want to sell the place and build a tiny home here”

Ok I said, do that !……so that’s what she is going to do and keep her money for herself ! 

Not poorer as such, but realising all the bells and whistles are just ways to rinse you.

live smaller or exist bigger…..living is better I reckon and it wouldn’t do any country much harm to get back to a bit of that. 

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  On 22/07/2024 at 10:05, chartpolski said:

There’s a surreal correlation between outrage and apathy in this country.

People are outraged at the amount of legal and illegal immigration and the state of the NHS. 
Yet yesterday. Starmer was on Tv announcing that he is giving £84 million , over and above the “aid budget” to Africa, while his Health Secretary was on Tv saying they couldn’t afford to give the nurses a pay rise !

The reaction ? Apathy ! Why aren’t people screaming that the £84 million should go towards more nurses and not to some corrupt African despot to buy a fleet of Mercs or private jets ?



That’s what they voted for mate, or didn’t vote in enough numbers for something else….either way, same result. 

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  On 22/07/2024 at 10:08, WILF said:

On the subject of “being poorer” my oldest daughter just recently bought her first house, beautiful little 3 bed place with all the bells and whistles in a very, very nice part on the outskirts of Belfast……she f***ing hates it !

On the face she has everything the world tells you that you are meant to have, she earns nearly 60k a year and her partner similar, they both work from home……she came home last week and said “Dad, this is shite !…..I’m just shovelling all my money to some other prick, can’t get a doctor, can’t get my bins emptied, bills for this, bills for that……..I want to sell the place and build a tiny home here”

Ok I said, do that !……so that’s what she is going to do and keep her money for herself ! 

Not poorer as such, but realising all the bells and whistles are just ways to rinse you.

live smaller or exist bigger…..living is better I reckon and it wouldn’t do any country much harm to get back to a bit of that. 


Fair play to her wilf seems like she's got her head screwed on, to many trying to keep up with the Jones, new build house 2 fresh cars on the driveway but an empty fridge and sitting in the cold in the winter. 

How anyone thinks that's living is beyond me but there's plenty living that way.

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  On 22/07/2024 at 12:53, dogmandont said:

Fair play to her wilf seems like she's got her head screwed on, to many trying to keep up with the Jones, new build house 2 fresh cars on the driveway but an empty fridge and sitting in the cold in the winter. 

How anyone thinks that's living is beyond me but there's plenty living that way.


You still watching the box sets of only way is essex DMD? 

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