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Trump assassination attempt.

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Bidens already been on and wished Michelle Obama a speedy recovery 

The man is f***ing ledge ! Fist pumping the air after getting shot at.    let me get my shoes !! Yes  MAGA

But the point is (imho), he didn’t. This is the logical culmination when accusations and name calling and curtailment of rights to speech, where saying something 10 years ago on the internet can

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5 hours ago, chartpolski said:

I consider it all part of my protege’s education, not an argument, more of a learning curve ! LOL !


Your dad would slap you for saying that (so would mine lol) and well within their rights :laugh: 

I’m gan walk the dickhead and possibly cry whilst doing said walk….. I hate people :blink: 

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Wtf were women doing supposedly protecting trump,secret service women,useless,diversity to blame again,in the end it was the Democrats an there supporters they've been inciting harm to Donald Trump for yesrs


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18 hours ago, WILF said:

But the point is (imho), he didn’t.

This is the logical culmination when accusations and name calling and curtailment of rights to speech, where saying something 10 years ago on the internet can ruin your life, where pretending that men can be women and being burned at the social stake if you disagree, where believing just having an opinion means you hate something or someone…..this is where it ends up. 

Ban books, ban speech, ban individual thought, ruin (and I mean ruin) or even put in jail those who transgress from the approved narrative…..and finally, if they won’t shut up, you kill them (or at least attempt to) 

This is who these people are, this is where it leads, this is where it has always lead as some people have been pointing out for years.

We don’t have the first amendment so in the states you have even more freedom than us, it is why nut jobs like Tom Metzger were able to exist and no matter what anyone thinks of people like him, they should exist and be able to talk out loud because then people can make their own choice and it provides natural checks and balances in society.

Im surprised it hasn’t happened in Europe yet frankly.

We are living in dark, sinister times and it wasn’t the Tom Metzgers of the world that put us here….it was the Blair’s, Cameron’s, Starmer’s, Abbots, Bidens, Harris’s, Von De Leyon, Pollosi’s, Macrons etc etc did this……

It was left wing university professors and quangos made up of academic screamers with a penchant for social engineering, it was police chiefs who would rather destroy some carpenter with 3 kids and a mortgage for saying something wrong than tackle ghetto crime or sort out the councillors wasting peoples money in dodgy deals that sees them do ok thank you. 

In this scenario Trump is Everyman……if you don’t say the approved things,if you say what you see, if you dare to question something that feels wrong they want to kill you in the name of “tolerance” 

Good post again mate. It also got me thinking about the time I was on strike and the IRA blew that hotel up in Brighton and was absolutely gutted they didn't get Thatcher due to the devastation her and her government had and were causing in working class communities in my part of the world and listening to people praising the IRA that looking back was just stupidity as her and her government had been voted in by the country democratically despite her being despised by the people of my area no politician left or right should never loose their life in murderous attacks. 

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22 hours ago, mackem said:

It was perfect,he is a don in name and character,the icing on the cake would have been if instead of saying wait till I get my shoes he had said Nike’s……I would have whooped.


Please no whooping

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10 hours ago, pesky1972 said:

Were the USA millimetres away from all out civil war? 

Please half these motherfuckers over here won't do shit.  

This sums it up pretty well imo


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16 hours ago, chartpolski said:

I’ve always been of the opinion that if anyone murders someone, they are definitely crazed, hence my objection to the  “ not guilty by reason of insanity “ defence.


Really, are there no acceptions to this?

For arguments sake, if a father took the ultimate revenge on his daughter's killer who committed the most vile acts against her and then murdered her....is he to be considered crazed? Surely that's justice in its purest form.

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26 minutes ago, Backandbeyond said:

Really, are there no acceptions to this?

For arguments sake, if a father took the ultimate revenge on his daughter's killer who committed the most vile acts against her and then murdered her....is he to be considered crazed? Surely that's justice in its purest form.

Depends how you look at it.

If I was in that situation, I’d be crazed with grief, anger and the need for vengeance; so, yes, I’d consider myself as “crazed”.


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15 hours ago, mel b said:


f**k me drunk , I almost tried to reason with you then.

That would be the legal , and the morally correct thing to do , but f**k me it wouldn't half be a waste of time 😄👍

how’s that legal you’d be jailed you plum

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