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Would you bow to your boss ?

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I was a Maintenance Manager and the owner started kicking off f***ing and blinding at me. I warned him I would walk. He carried on I threw my tools in my truck and f****d off I was 62 at the time. If

Iv just been told if im not willing to do 7 till 7  hours next week don’t bother coming  in …..My Answer was get f****d iv just jacked 

Nobody tells the dai dog what to do.... especially with 100k in his sky rocket.  Maybe don't go mad on the hookers and cocaine....at least until you find another job 👍

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I’d of walked out, you can ask me to do something but you can’t tell me to do it. A few years ago I was working as a hgv mechanic and the gaffer told me he was changing my shifts in 48 hours, I said “ your not “ he said “ he was “ so I walked out and went self employed doing my own thing, for the first two years the gaffer would ring me every couple of months asking if I would go back, more money was offered every time he rang

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I was in that position many moons ago, I turned up late fer work due to a traffic accident, but the gaffer gave me a reet telling off, saying I should have set out fer work earlier, he said don't let it happen again, threating me with the boot ,so I carried on found another job, went into work and told the gaffer ,go f**k mop, that way i still provided wages coming in i had a wife n two kids

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4 hours ago, pesky1972 said:

Always found if you’re decent with people and willing to come and go a bit, giving lads a flier or two when they need it or when it’s quiet, and are always accommodating wherever possible if they have personal issues/appointments etc. that the decent ones will come through for you when you need them. There’s always one or two who want to abuse that trust and privilege, so I’d look to get rid asap. Decent lads don’t like the piss takers any more than the gaffer in that respect, as it just fcuks it up for everyone. Some managers think that all that’s needed is a rod and no carrot…, they’re the ones that can’t get the squad to work 12’s when the job runs behind. What goes around comes around I always think. 

That's the difference between a firms manager and a man manger who gets results 

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I used to work in a textile mill where conditions were literally victorian. Temperatures were regularly in the 90s, there were rats and mice everywhere and there was an earth toilet! There was a bloke who was a terrible creep to the owner. When we were slack and waiting for work he would...wait for it, wash the owners car! On another occasion the boss got his hands dirty, ( a rare event) and creepy Joe insisted the he wipe his hands on the back of his overalls ffs. Most of us ignored him, some sent him to Coventry. He used to excuse his behaviour by saying he had a wife and kids, as though the rest of us didn't have that responsibility which of course we did.

Ironically there was a spate of redundancies and creepy Joe was the first to go. He wasn't in  the union so the bossman picked easy, low hanging fruit. By not joining the union he thought he would be safe, but the opposite was true.


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15 minutes ago, Blackmag said:

That's the difference between a firms manager and a man manger who gets results 

Sadly the man managers, the ones who could incentivise men and gain their respect, are much thinner on the ground nowadays.

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26 minutes ago, Blackmag said:

That's the difference between a firms manager and a man manger who gets results 

Yes I've always been interested in how some leaders get the best out of people and some the worst. I think it's mostly down to the confidence, natural authority  competence  and decency of the boss. Rare commodities.

I've worked with bosses who were totally incompetent and overbearing who I was always at war with and others who you didn't mind going the extra mile for.

I've always got on better with bosses who came from the shop floor and worst with those with a business degree or personnel management qualification. Imo you can't teach leadership or decency, it has to be a natural,part of a man's character.

Edited by jukel123
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4 hours ago, Arry said:

Never realised that job was killing me, boy did he do me a favour in kicking off.

Your post struck a chord with me. I’ve been doing the same(ish) type of job for nearly 20 years. Guys I worked with years ago (mostly dead and a few retired) probably forgot more about the job than some of the fcuking idiots I work with now. I’m 52 and I know it’s my job to be a bit grumpy and moan about how things were always better in ‘ the good old days’ but recently I’ve realised that I’m actually fcuking miserable. Problem is I’m earning a lot more than I think I could if I moved on, and at my age it’s a bit of a daunting thought. Feels like a bit of a crossroads and I’m sort of in the process of weighing up the options of working less years to some sort of retirement in a job I hate, or look for something which gives me satisfaction where I’ll likely work much longer.  

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4 hours ago, Arry said:

I was a Maintenance Manager and the owner started kicking off f***ing and blinding at me. I warned him I would walk. He carried on I threw my tools in my truck and f****d off I was 62 at the time. If they start walking over you it will get worse and worse. Struggled for a while nobody want you at 62 but bought some tools mower, strimmer, chainsaw etc drove machines and farm work made nice little living and no stress.

Never realised that job was killing me, boy did he do me a favour in kicking off.

Cheers Arry

Nice one mate! One rule in life to standby.. never ever let anyone shit on you!

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Something I’ve learned recently lads you can be a good Friendly honest hard working man but bosses or companies you work for is they will take the piss if they can and you let them! Stand your ground don’t let them take the piss out of you lads because they will. My experience with this is I’m 10k down from October last year as I was paying myself a top up wage out of savings because I was letting people take the piss out of me thinking we were all buddy buddies swings in roundabouts bull shit till i cracked and it was effecting family life. Gotta make it clear it’s a business transaction your selling your time an skill set for money if there not buying your not giving and your not there to be friends with anyone it’s strictly business 

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5 hours ago, poxon said:

Something I’ve learned recently lads you can be a good Friendly honest hard working man but bosses or companies you work for is they will take the piss if they can and you let them! Stand your ground don’t let them take the piss out of you lads because they will. My experience with this is I’m 10k down from October last year as I was paying myself a top up wage out of savings because I was letting people take the piss out of me thinking we were all buddy buddies swings in roundabouts bull shit till i cracked and it was effecting family life. Gotta make it clear it’s a business transaction your selling your time an skill set for money if there not buying your not giving and your not there to be friends with anyone it’s strictly business 

Ain't that the truth mate and the saying that resonates with me is your only a number that rings true despite the bullshit I get told at work that I am a valued respected member of the workforce as I took on the role of an health and safety warden foolishly with no offer of a few quid more on my wages which I have since jacked in due to not get any support from management and realised it was only a box ticking PR stunt to cover their backs in the case of a serious accident that would have brought the HSE into play. I always think of the saying when dealing with some members of management don't piss up my back then tell me it's raining. 

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You're either a good manager , or you aren't.   Being a good man manager isn't something that you can learn . You either have it or you don't.  You can learn management techniques and buzz words , and have a fist full of management qualifications,  but , none of it is worth a wank if you don't understand people.


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Look lads, if it means keeping ya job, bringing a wage in every week, then you should be willing to grovel 🤣. Now I've not long been out my pit and I'm hungry, I can't decide whether to have bacon or sausages, so bugger it I will have both eh ,  ta ta fer now 

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14 hours ago, pesky1972 said:

Your post struck a chord with me. I’ve been doing the same(ish) type of job for nearly 20 years. Guys I worked with years ago (mostly dead and a few retired) probably forgot more about the job than some of the fcuking idiots I work with now. I’m 52 and I know it’s my job to be a bit grumpy and moan about how things were always better in ‘ the good old days’ but recently I’ve realised that I’m actually fcuking miserable. Problem is I’m earning a lot more than I think I could if I moved on, and at my age it’s a bit of a daunting thought. Feels like a bit of a crossroads and I’m sort of in the process of weighing up the options of working less years to some sort of retirement in a job I hate, or look for something which gives me satisfaction where I’ll likely work much longer.  

You could get piece of paper put all pluses one side of the page all the negatives the other see how they measure up. 

I gave up a job on the cards at 62 went self employed I didn't earn as much but I was my own boss again. Took on what jobs I wanted worked for who I wanted it was different every day. Happy to get up in the morning. Worked for a few grumpy old buggers but they new I would just leave their garden or what ever I was doing if they pushed it. Could have retired at 65 but did another year because customers wanted me too. In the end I just said no more well almost no Lol. There is one farmer I will still help out if asked but we became very good friends and its not like work when I'm there.

You never know what is around the corner so better happy if you can afford it. When I left that job about a week later it felt like the world had been lifted off my shoulders. 

Cheers Arry

Edited by Arry
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29 minutes ago, Arry said:

You could get piece of paper put all pluses one side of the page all the negatives the other see how they measure up. 

I gave up a job on the cards at 62 went self employed I didn't earn as much but I was my own boss again. Took on what jobs I wanted worked for who I wanted it was different every day. Happy to get up in the morning. Worked for a few grumpy old buggers but they new I would just leave their garden or what ever I was done if they pushed it. Could have retired at 65 but did another year because customers wanted me too. In the end I just said no more well almost no Lol. There is one farmer I will sill help out if asked but we became very good friends and its not like work when I'm there.

You never know what is around the corner so better happy if you can afford it. When I left that job about a week later it felt like the world had been lifted off my shoulders. 

Cheers Arry

I felt the world had been lifted off my shoulders when me and the Mrs got our pensions. First time in our lives we were free. Brilliant feeling still.

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