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The hawk tuah girl.

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I came across a reference to the above viral video in the funny jokes thread.Tbh I was shocked. How times change. I'm 75 next birthday. When I was a young fella you thought yourself lucky if you got a quick feel of a girl's breast. The schools taught ' chastity before marriage and fidelity after'. Young people were inexperienced  and naive in sexual matters. A girl was ruined if she had a sexual history and no self respecting man would marry her. Plus you had elder brothers and fathers of girls to deal with if you were out of order. Nowadays nothing is off the agenda and females are not disrespected for having many sexual partners. In the old days a girl was called a slut if she acted like a man. The hypocrisy was out of order no doubt.

On the one hand I'm glad females aren't treated like Muslim women and hidden away and made to feel dirty about sex. On the other hand I think k'nell!, steady on hawk tuah girl! This sexual emancipation takes a bit of processing, for me at any rate and some things are best not broadcasted!

Edited by jukel123
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Take your pick mate :  television used as a dumbing down tool with every tv show having gratuitous sex and violence in it .  the rise and access of free porn  cocaine   a genera

I completely agree with Stiffmeister in his post, however, I think there is a caveat……hands up who here has not done stupid stuff or stuff that their 40+ year old self would now regard as howling ?

Never watched Love Island. I've seen trailers for the show and get the message. Life's too short to watch that shit mate.lol

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Take your pick mate

television used as a dumbing down tool with every tv show having gratuitous sex and violence in it . 

the rise and access of free porn 


a general lack of morals 

parents Married to jobs to pay the credit cards , the new Audi on the drive of the persimmon home with no intention of knowing what their own kids are about . 

If you really want to see a race to the bottom , look at the “love island” heart race challenge with a chaser of naked attraction afterwards . 

vile , cheap nasty shows. A plague on our young adults 





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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

Take your pick mate

television used as a dumbing down tool with every tv show having gratuitous sex and violence in it . 

the rise and access of free porn 


a general lack of morals 

parents Married to jobs to pay the credit cards , the new Audi on the drive of the persimmon home with no intention of knowing what their own kids are about . 

If you really want to see a race to the bottom , look at the “love island” heart race challenge with a chaser of naked attraction afterwards . 

vile , cheap nasty shows. A plague on our young adults 





Never watched Love Island. I've seen trailers for the show and get the message. Life's too short to watch that shit mate.lol

Edited by jukel123
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My wife likes watching love island me.....I can't stand it!! So recently, i've caught up on some good novels i've wanted to read, read Trout & Salmon and The Field magazines from cover to cover, tied a fair few sea trout fishing flies and will be by the river waiting for dark by 9pm tonight hoping for a few sea trout....... It ends on the 31st of July....

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7 minutes ago, Aled said:

My wife likes watching love island me.....I can't stand it!! So recently, i've caught up on some good novels i've wanted to read, read Trout & Salmon and The Field magazines from cover to cover, tied a fair few sea trout fishing flies and will be by the river waiting for dark by 9pm tonight hoping for a few sea trout....... It ends on the 31st of July....

What river you fishing, mate?

Sea trout season ends Oct 17 on river taff, lower reaches, south wales.

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4 minutes ago, EDDIE B said:

I've heard that young one has lost her job over this. Bet she regrets it now.

Just read she's making a mint from it 

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5 minutes ago, EDDIE B said:

I've heard that young one has lost her job over this. Bet she regrets it now.

She’s got a contact with a clothing manufacturer and they are churning out base ball hats. They charge more if it’s got her signature on it.


She’ll be ok …. 


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I wouldn't fancy being her husband or partner. Kiss her on the lips and he'll be kissing a hundred cocks by proxy. 

Any future children she has are going to be teased rotten at school.

One daft moment playing up to a camera has defined her for life.

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18 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

I wouldn't fancy being her husband or partner. Kiss her on the lips and he'll be kissing a hundred cocks by proxy. 

Any future children she has are going to be teased rotten at school.

One daft moment playing up to a camera has defined her for life.

The older we get, the more we realise that young people are just plain stupid.

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I completely agree with Stiffmeister in his post, however, I think there is a caveat……hands up who here has not done stupid stuff or stuff that their 40+ year old self would now regard as howling ?

I have, plenty of times…..stuff so f***ing howling it would make most normal people say “f***ing hell !!!” 

But nobody gives you a manual for life, you can’t be a good judge of lived experiences unless you have been down in the depths a bit yourself and know what you are on about. 

Most people grow and learn and are made wise by all of it, some never do and never are….that’s life.

Nobody knows anything about this girl, she may have had loads of partners and she may have had none….to me, it looked like a couple of young birds on a warm night out, enjoying life and saying something a bit naughty…..so f***ing what ? Long May they reign ! 

Those “Love Island” type things are McDonalds for the mind….the example they present is shallow and preposterous but that’s where we, as parents, come in….teach your kids to see it for what it is. 
All big titted wannbes cosying up to some f***ing wog because that’s fashion….that’s all it is so tell it like it is and your kids will be informed and can then go away and think about it themselves.

But, as for your good old common or garden local young women enjoying a decent night out and having the confidence about her to have a laugh, never loose them, they are way better fun than blokes.

Everyone has a past, they don’t just leave the house for the first time and marry us daft c**ts, who wants a feeble little stamp collector that never had a night out in her life…..give me the bird who has a bit about her and knows a thing or two about life every time. 

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I used them shows as an example as the other night , I was sat on the floor chatting away with her on the couch f***ing through the channels in that hour when the kids are away to bed and your finding the energy to go yourself . 

me and her are both early 40s , we’ve had our share of capers but now rarely get over the doorstep on a Saturday night and that’s fine by us . 

Love island was on , so imagine a scene where there’s half a dozen blokes on a couch with heart rate monitors on , then birds , one by one ,dressed up as strippers come out and attempt to raise their heart rate to establish who they fancy the most , I said knock that off eh or your gonna end up getting destroyed on that couch . 
 Channel flick to naked attraction . I don’t know how to describe it but basically it’s like blind date , but all the geezer can see is their minge.  
yeah , some bird behind the screen with their f***ing rat out . 

we both just burst out laughing , and decided number three had the best tits . 

how moronic ? How f***ing shallow have we became , there ls f**k all educational on the telly , you tube and podcasts knock telly into next week now .




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Imo the lowlife  television soaps and reality shows have corrupted kids. They think what they see in terms of weird, dysfunctional relationships is acceptable.

The availability of porn has persuaded a good proportion to copy what they see.

Tough being a kid these days. I know a lot who are completely f****d up psychologically.

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Yea, we all done some daft shit growing up. Problem is, in today's world with mobile phones, with the ability to record every word you say, doing something stupid can ruin you. Be it your career, your reputation, or how people view you as a person. At one time, you could have ended up being the talk of the street. Nowadays, you could be the talk of the the planet.

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50 minutes ago, EDDIE B said:

Yea, we all done some daft shit growing up. Problem is, in today's world with mobile phones, with the ability to record every word you say, doing something stupid can ruin you. Be it your career, your reputation, or how people view you as a person. At one time, you could have ended up being the talk of the street. Nowadays, you could be the talk of the the planet.

All true mate, but that’s the great thing about being young, you don’t give a f**k !……would we have been any different phones or no phones ? I doubt it. 

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