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what a fookin year .

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  Lost me wife after 40 years marriage , so thats done me, now old Buck got a cancerous lump behind his elbow on his chest. took him to vets Monday , had a biopsy done. Thursday  vet phoned said don't know if it malignant . said only way to give him a Op (£ 300-400) , but she did say it lot to put him through at his age as he 12 in august and might be to much for his heart to take. so said leave the Op , she said he could go for another year, or be dead in 6 weeks, so got to see if it grows any more, and starts to hurt him, if so i take him in to pts . ok i knows he old, and vet said didnt think he make 14 like old bryn did. But i am fookin low, he really ticked the boxes for me as lamp dog gave 100% every night freezer full , few foxes brill. it really his temp. very good with people , kids, good with other dogs, be very hard to get a dog again with such a nice temp, thats the real sad thing  when he does go. just put this up, as feel low.  Ray

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Lost me wife after 40 years marriage , so thats done me, now old Buck got a cancerous lump behind his elbow on his chest. took him to vets Monday , had a biopsy done. Thursday  vet phoned said don't k

Theirs an old saying mate if it weren't for bad luck we would have no luck at all and it seems you have had a belly full of bad luck lately Ray. I really hope things change for you mate and I wish you

Hello Ray Long time no see ( or speak) Really sorry to hear about your missus, that’s a tough one bud and I feel for you. I remember Buck when he was a pup, having his first runs up her

Sorry to hear Ray, hopefully buck carries on regardless of some lumps and bumps. Get yourself in the sunshine and hopefully in a bit of company , you got much on tomorrow? Anywhere local you can sit outside with buck and get a decent bit of grub?

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9 minutes ago, Borr said:

Sorry to hear Ray, hopefully buck carries on regardless of some lumps and bumps. Get yourself in the sunshine and hopefully in a bit of company , you got much on tomorrow? Anywhere local you can sit outside with buck and get a decent bit of grub?

thanks mate, got me son coming over with his wife and 2 kids, ive not seen her or grandkids since my wife died, me lad been few times, he be read sad when i tell him about old Buck.But we all sit out side in my back garden in the sunshine, and brin Buck out from his kennel, little woody be there as well. you right Buck could carry on for maybe another year or more, as lot dogs get lumps on them, and he had fair share of bangs and bumps lamping 8 years.

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15 minutes ago, bird said:

thanks mate, got me son coming over with his wife and 2 kids, ive not seen her or grandkids since my wife died, me lad been few times, he be read sad when i tell him about old Buck.But we all sit out side in my back garden in the sunshine, and brin Buck out from his kennel, little woody be there as well. you right Buck could carry on for maybe another year or more, as lot dogs get lumps on them, and he had fair share of bangs and bumps lamping 8 years.

Sounds good, kids are a good distraction, enjoy👍🏻

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He could go on for another while ray,he never know,,hope your ok buddy,hope you have a good day tomorrow.

Will you be getting another pup in when it's the bigmans time to go?

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Sorry about Buck, Ray. I think just spend as much time as you can with your dog, everyone knows how much you care for him and that he has had a better life than most dogs. When my best dog got sick I had to leave her in the vets as she couldn't even keep water down but I just wanted to take her home and spend her last days with her but wasn't to be. 

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Yeh I bet you be glad to see the back of 2024 mate...can't believe he's 12 already just shows how time flys by...anyway best wishes mate

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On 22/06/2024 at 19:30, bird said:

  Lost me wife after 40 years marriage , so thats done me, now old Buck got a cancerous lump behind his elbow on his chest. took him to vets Monday , had a biopsy done. Thursday  vet phoned said don't know if it malignant . said only way to give him a Op (£ 300-400) , but she did say it lot to put him through at his age as he 12 in august and might be to much for his heart to take. so said leave the Op , she said he could go for another year, or be dead in 6 weeks, so got to see if it grows any more, and starts to hurt him, if so i take him in to pts . ok i knows he old, and vet said didnt think he make 14 like old bryn did. But i am fookin low, he really ticked the boxes for me as lamp dog gave 100% every night freezer full , few foxes brill. it really his temp. very good with people , kids, good with other dogs, be very hard to get a dog again with such a nice temp, thats the real sad thing  when he does go. just put this up, as feel low.  Ray

Sorry to here about all your bad luck you've had mate he's had a good life with you probably the best 👌 let's hope it's not bad and he can see his days out next to you atb mate 👍 

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Hey up Ray,sounds like your currently going through a tough time matey,very sorry to hear about your wife & now the issue that has arose with Buck,keep on keeping on Ray,enjoy time with family buddy & on a side note Ray old Don of mine has a cancerous lump on his chest,it first surfaced when he was around 10 year's old,although the tumour has recently grown somewhat he's still here & he was 15 gone March. Buck is a tough old dog too & I'd not be surprised if he's still plodding on in a few year's time too..look after thyself & remember nothing lasts forever,not even bad luck/tough times..better day's are ahead Ray of that I can guarantee. All the very best to you & old Buck.

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