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I had absolutely no intention of voting this time until I checked the list of Reform candidates and saw they are fielding one here, he will certainly get my vote, in a constituency that has only ever had 1 liberal mp and labour ever since I dont hold out any hope for this guy but at least he's giving it a shot and giving me someone to vote for

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I’d rather poke my eyes out with a cocktail stick REFORM all the way Labour & Conservatives are the same and it’s good to see Nigel Farage Giving both party’s grief, three weeks to go and I reckon

Voted Conservative all my life, never again,  all they've done is be a whipping boy for the WEF and rob us blind. Eighty seat majority and they still didn't overture the BS hunting ban, Reform this ti

I’ll be voting for the party with real right wing polices, Reform, not a party that is conservative in name only. Cheers.

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1 minute ago, Bakerboy said:

I had absolutely no intention of voting this time until I checked the list of Reform candidates and saw they are fielding one here, he will certainly get my vote, in a constituency that has only ever had 1 liberal mp and labour ever since I dont hold out any hope for this guy but at least he's giving it a shot and giving me someone to vote for

Seen a Reform candidate is standing in my constituency even though I will be out of the country I will now sort out to vote by a postal vote. It really is that simple every one who is pissed off how the country is like me vote Reform as a protest vote if nothing else. I would love it if Reform gets double figures of MPs in parliament it will be a bigger shock to the establishment since we voted to leave the European Union. 

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7 hours ago, chartpolski said:

I hope Farage wins at Clacton, but the attacks on him have started , Cameron and Heseltine have already had a pop, how long before the lies start like last time when Chris Bryant, Labour MP , used Parliamentary Privilege to lie about Farage being in the pay of the Russians ?


Heseltine is a traitorus theiving scumbag....he should be in prison for his "make" on the westland whirlwind thing and the Pergour damn and songea-makambako road project...........

(arms for aid)

Edited by ditchman
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16 hours ago, ditchman said:

Heseltine is a traitorus theiving scumbag....he should be in prison for his "make" on the westland whirlwind thing and the Pergour damn and songea-makambako road project...........

(arms for aid)

And hes got a shit hair do, not like yours. Style counts

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10 hours ago, ditchman said:

you wont believe the ammount of money i spend on my hair

Pubic grooming?
































Edited by low plains drifter
Horseplay Tomfoolery
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4 hours ago, Peter4190 said:

It needs to be banned hahahah

Nothing else in our British culture needs banning mate....hal hal will be safe though dont fret about that..

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