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1 hour ago, Daniel cain said:

I honestly believe that the legislation of cannabis in this country will not be  a good thing...and Ive smoked it for over 30 yrs myself...we need to tackle the issues of the way people are living/housed/job opportunities etc...f**k off helping every tom,dick and abdul...look after our own,its sad to see how some of us natives actually live😔our f***ing dogs live better than most 👍


35 minutes ago, tatsblisters said:

I can only go on the problem family who lived across from me mate who were street level dealers of weed and caused all sorts of problems aswell as the police there every fekin day and one occasion armed police on the road and what made it worse for me the fekin police used to park outside mine. I often used to see decent folk I know going to the house to buy weed though I think if it was legal they wouldn't be knocking on the door of this family. The landlord sold the house and they have moved on thank feck.

This, in my opinion, is where the problems become multi faceted lads……not only have we created a system where work isn’t mathematically possible for many but we have also lowered the bar of our society to something akin to 3rd world degradation……behaving like f***ing animals is just normal because that is what has been encouraged while our traditional British way of life has been derided and destroyed at every opportunity.

I see these videos of various things where multi racial groups of whites, blacks, pakis are all meeting up for some event or the other and jumping about like monkeys, talking in some utterly unintelligible pigeon English patois and I can’t help but think of the images over the years of the shanty towns of Soweto or Cape Town or Islamabad or some other 3rd world shithole……we have literally become that thing and infected a whole generation of white European kids with that disease.

Is it any wonder they behave like animals ? …….being an animal is “the bar” 

Add to that the hope of something better being taken away, literally hobbling the natural racial instinct of the white European to build something better for himself and by default his community & society then it’s a cluster f**k…..if you hold a generations head under water then they will drown.

All completely f***ing deliberate and a betrayal of a scale never before seen.

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Totally agree with the above post, but let’s face facts, for at least 3 decades the young have been told that they should be ashamed to have any national or historical pride, that it was a bad thing,

Makes me laugh....breakfast club etc...if you cant afford to take the time to feed your children....then dont have any....its that simple...folks can afford the lastest phone,cosmetic treatments, moto

Grass cuttings and privet trimmings ……?  We used to worry about polio, diphtheria, rickets, etc. I guess priorities change, eh ? Cheers.

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